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Tassonomia del Bloom per il web

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New Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Poster for Teachers. November 29, 2016 After posting about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Verbs we received a number of emails from teachers inquiring about iPad apps aligned with this taxonomy.

New Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Poster for Teachers

The Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Cheat sheet we posted awhile ago does feature a collection of educational apps for both iOS and Android (and the web), however, we went ahead and created this visual incorporating some of what we think are the best apps and tools aligned with each of the thinking levels of Bloom's digital taxonomy. Of course our selection is subjective and based entirely on our previous reviews of these apps and we are very much aware that there are several other great web tools and apps that can fit in this pyramid but due to practical limitations we only featured representative samples in each category. This poster is available for free download in PDF format from this link. Applicazioni Web e Mobile e Tassonomia di Bloom... Bloom's taxonomy Pyramid (SW) Una Nuova rappresentazione grafica della Tasson... La “nuova vita” della Tassonomia di Bloom. Clicca per ingrandire.

La “nuova vita” della Tassonomia di Bloom

Con il termine tassonomia (dalle parole greche taxis = ordine e nomos = regola) si intende sia la pratica classificatoria effettuata secondo una serie gerarchica, sia la scienza che si occupa dei modi di classificazione. La classificazione tassonomica è la descrizione e la collocazione in ordine di importanza o di precedenza di entità appartenenti ad un sistema oggetto di analisi.