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TV viewers new trends

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L'avenir de la TV est-il payant et sur le web ? Google, Amazon, Apple, Sony... Géants de l'internet ou de l'électronique grand public, ils veulent tous leur part du marché grandissant de la vidéo sur internet, version payante. Au centre du phénomène de convergence, la consommation de contenus audiovisuels profite d'un faisceau d'évolutions qui vont toutes dans le même sens : celui de la délinéarisation.

L'effervescence autour de la vidéo à la demande (VoD) montre à quel point la télé est en train de changer. De changer, pas de disparaître. Depuis le mois d'août, l'actualité s'emballe autour de la VoD. Pourquoi la VoD est-elle tant à la mode ? La consommation de contenus à l'acte n'est pas nouvelle, elle a sa préhistoire avec le pay per view. -les box ADSL : les box des fournisseurs d'accès internet, fournies avec les abonnements triple play, ont permis à 9,3 millions de Français (chiffres au premier trimestre 2010, source Arcep) d'être éligibles à un service de TV par ADSL, qui fournit des options de VoD directement sur la TV.

TECHNOLOGY: The Way We Watch Television « CheatMasters' Blog. It’s pretty well been confirmed that Microsoft will be bringing the Hulu streaming service to XBox Live. Hulu carries a plethora of television shows, movies, trailers, music videos and more. It remains to be seen whether or not Hulu will be a new feature added for free to XBox Live or, if like Netflix, it will be provided at an additional cost. You can be sure we’ll get all the official information at E3 during the Microsoft press conference.

It wasn’t too long ago that we popped video tapes into our VCR’s to watch a movie or record a show. Now we have a variety of choices for how we watch movies and television from DVR to blu-ray. In the late 90′s when DVD was introduced many people felt it was a passing fad. Starters unlike VHS tapes, DVD discs didn’t succumb to wear and tear. Tape breaking and damaging the VCR was a key selling point for the newcomer. The release of the XBox 360 and PlayStation 3 brought two new video formats to the attention of the world: HD-DVD and Blu-ray. La fin de la télévision traditionnelle - Rapports stratégiques. Twitter and TV: How Social Media Is Helping Old Media.

The ways in which we watch TV are changing right before our eyes. Adjust your set. Television is changing as quickly as the channels. It's on cell phones. It's on digital music players. It's on almost anything with a screen. Shows can be seen at their regular time or when you want. Some "TV" programs aren't even on cable or network or satellite; they're being created just for Internet viewing. Here's how quickly TV got out of the box: Rewind to 2004. Fast forward to 2005. Now portable video devices are everywhere. Between the July and January network meetings with television critics, reporters went from asking about "Desperate Housewives" to questions about "streaming" and "downloads. " "I don't think anybody really knows where we're headed," CBS entertainment president Nina Tassler said.

No one is saying the big TV in the living room is a thing of the past. But the fragmentation of the market that cable started decades ago is accelerating. More options, more money Mobility is only part of the revolution. Can't be home for the shows you love? Susan D. Do We Watch the Web the Same Way We Watch TV? Not Really. Jon Gibs, Vice President for Insights, Online and Cross Media While we are not yet spending 90% of our time watching "glowing rectangles" as The Onion joked last year, Americans are consuming more and more video across all three screens (TV, Web, Mobile) according to our recent A2/M2 Three Screen Report. But do we watch TV online the same way we watch on our living room TV? Looking at Nielsen's online panel data of U.S. visitors to online TV sites (,,,, or in the last 30 days, we actually found more differences than similarities when it came to viewing behavior, demographics, and even ad effectiveness.

Demographically, those watching online TV Network video are closer to DVR users by gender breaks, but closer to the general online population relative to age. The broader usage patterns suggest that online video is, for the most part, a replacement of DVR use, or used by those who do not have immediate access to TV. When We Watch Advertising Impact. Has Lost REALLY Changed The Way We Watch Television? If you watched any of the two hours of fan wankery that was the Lost recap show Sunday night, you might have noticed at least one assertion crop up a few times: That Lost has changed television. And lying tangent to that assertion, wrapped up in all those tender fan farewells (and other commentaries), was the notion that Lost also changed The Way We Watch Television. That, like nothing before it, Lost has rallied us out of our little nerd hideouts to the Internet (or wherever) to theorize, commiserate, fawn or flame.

That somehow, before Lost, we didn't realize the rhetorical power of the medium and were only passive TV watchers. So on this, the day we used to crowd around our laptops to visit The Fuselage or Live Journal or, I don't know,, I say, "Oh, come on. Let's give ourselves more credit here. " Disclaimer: I like Lost. Lost has been a friend to a lot of us nerds for the last six years -- an unparalleled amount of nerds, perhaps excluding the audience of The X-Files.

La télévision est-elle l’avenir de l’internet ? En partie. Vous connaissez la télévision ? Mais si enfin, ce gros boitier moche qui trône au beau milieu de votre salon, celui-là même qui n’a quasiment pas évolué en 20 ans (si ce n’est quelques centimètres d’épaisseur en moins). Et bien figurez-vous qu’après des décennies de bons et loyaux services, la télévision s’apprête enfin à connaitre sa révolution. Non je ne veux pas parler de la haute définition (il s’agit “juste” de quelques pixels en plus) mais plutôt de la révolution des services accessibles au travers de cette télévision.

Des services que l’on retrouvent ailleurs (ordinateurs, mobiles…) mais qui prennent un sens différent dans le contexte de l’écran de télévision. Télévision + Internet = $ Souvenez-vous, il y a plus de 3 ans j’avais rédigé un article sur les intérêts croisés de la télévision et de l’internet : Internet = l’avenir de la télévision (et inversement). Bref, plus que jamais les uns convoitent les audiences des autres, ou plus exactement les parts d’audience. §.

Three Screen Report: Media Consumption and Multi-tasking Continue to Increase Across TV, Internet, and Mobile. Updated 12/18/09 to reflect full time period. Americans are increasing their overall media consumption, and media multi-tasking is part of the equation, according to new data from The Nielsen Company’s most recent Three Screen Report. During 2nd Quarter 2009, the number of people watching mobile video increased 70% from last year and people who watch video online increased their viewing by 46% compared to a year ago. In addition, the average American TV consumption remains at an all-time high (141 hours per month) compared to the same time frame last year.

"Although we have seen the computer and mobile phone screens taking on a significant role, their emergence has not been at the cost of TV viewership," said Jim O'Hara, President, Media Product Leadership, The Nielsen Company. The Simultaneous TV and Internet Experience Nielsen's Convergence Research Panel, launched in 2008, provides single source electronic measurement of TV and Internet usage in the same homes.