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For Entrepreneurs – Google for Entrepreneurs. Nexus Venture Partners. The vc in me.... Mayfield Fund - Investing in Relationships. The Man Who Makes the Future: Wired Icon Marc Andreessen. Smithsonian Oral and Video Histories: Marc Andreessen. My history of (mostly failed) side projects and startups. This HN thread by the founder of Github on side projects got me thinking.

My history of (mostly failed) side projects and startups

You could make a strong argument that my most successful projects--NamesDatabase (my last startup) and DuckDuckGo (my current startup)--essentially started as side projects and, perhaps more interestingly, evolved from other failed side projects and startups. I thought it would be illustrative to enumerate my projects. I'm limiting the list to projects that I started (as opposed to consulting/affiliate gigs) and ones that I spent a significant amount of time on (as opposed to just a few weeks/weekends). BBS (1993-1995). Ran a BBS out of my bedroom. Update: more great comments on HN. Gabriel Weinberg. GGV Capital Expansion Stage Venture Capital Across the US and China.

Build something useful. All Y Combinator Companies Funded Since 2005 - Y Combinator Universe. Last Updated Y Combinator Companies This is the most comprehensive and well-researched list anywhere on the Internet of companies funded by Y Combinator.

All Y Combinator Companies Funded Since 2005 - Y Combinator Universe

As of early 2014, this list includes details of an investment portfolio consisting of more than 500 companies, in over 40 markets, totaling 9 million dollars invested across 18 semi-annual rounds since 2005. This page gets updated almost daily. Accuracy of Information Start-ups frequently change. Filter By Market Filter By Status YCW14 (Winter 2014) View YCW14 on its own page. YCS13 (Summer 2013) View YCS13 on its own page. YCW13 (Winter 2013) View YCW13 on its own page. YCS12 (Summer 2012) View YCS12 on its own page. YCW12 (Winter 2012) View YCW12 on its own page. Google Ventures — Companies.


With 50M Videos Indexed, Showyou Relaunches Its iPhone App With A New Back End And Easier Sharing. When the Showyou app first launched last spring, it was a bit of a revelation. The iPad app made discovering and watching videos on the iPad a breeze. And oh, are there plenty of videos to check out. With major partnerships at a number of the major video sites — like YouTube and Vimeo — it’s indexed more than 50 million online videos to choose from. But while Showyou is best known for its iPad app, it’s come out with a totally revamped app for the iPhone that it hopes will help people find and share interesting videos on the go. The use case for the iPad and iPhone are clearly different, and that’s reflected in the engagement numbers: Showyou users on the iPad watch about seven or eight videos a session, which can average up to 35 or 40 minutes a piece. With that in mind, the Showyou team sought to create an iPhone experience that would increase engagement and would make it even easier to discover and share videos with friends and followers on social networks.


Startups. Y Combinator. 10 Lessons from Great Leaders in Tech. Technology may seem like an indomitable force, always marching forward and ever progressing. But frequently, what appears simple and seamless is actually the end result of years of toil, trial and error. These 10 tech business leaders have all helped the machine continue to churn, some just starting their careers and others continuing to affect the world long after their own engines have ground to a stop. Here's a look at what makes them great, and lessons entrepreneurs can learn from their success. Chairman and CEO, Xerox One surefire way to get an intimate understanding of a company is to start at the bottom. That's what Ursula Burns did when she interned with photocopying behemoth Xerox in 1980, and she's worked there ever since. Lesson: Starting from the bottom -- or managing your company as if you did -- can improve your view of how each department works.

Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Calling Vinton Cerf a savvy networker might be a massive understatement. Why Corporations Should Act Like Startups. Bing Fund. Midas List - Jim Breyer.