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The Philosophy of Philip K. Dick. ‘Arnie the Aristotelian’ The philosophical issues of PKD’s ‘We can remember it for you wholesale’ and the movie adaptation ‘Total Recall’ “It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove!” (Quote by Denzel Washington in the film ‘Training Day’) This is a very powerful statement made by Denzel Washington, which I feel to be the essence of both PKD’s short story ‘We can remember it for you wholesale’ and the movie adaptation ‘Total Recall’ (directed by Paul Verhoeven).

As the main character within both stories has to deal with a very difficult dilemma; for the benefit of this essay I will mostly refer to Quaid, the main character in ‘Total Recall’ (played by Arnie), which I will use interchangeably to refer the main character from both the short story and film. Quaid believes that he is Quaid; he thinks that he has a wife, who he has been married to for a number of years.

“You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you.” Excerpt from Dick's 1977 Letter to Julian Jaynes. "What I did not expect, however, was to find myself under the jurisdiction of an ancient god who commanded me first this was and then that, extricating me from a highly stressful situation I had found myself in. No theory of my own (and for three years I have studied and labored to come up with a theory) or by anyone else could account for the exquisitely beautiful voice, the inner voice, which I heard off and on for eleven months.

At first I told my wife that "The Elohim" were talking to me. Later, during one of my many hypnogogic dialogs between me and this articulating entity (it also communicated, in dreams, in written form), it infomed me that "Jesus" was a name for Zeus-Zagreus. However, in most dreams early on it appeared in the form of the Sibyl of Apollo, but with a third eye in lateral lens-form, by which she could see and hence know everything. I never have doubted that it was a god, the gods, or God.

R. Crumb's Illustration of Philip K. Dick's Spiritual "Exegesis" Published in 1986 in Weirdo #17, R. Crumb illustrated sci-fi legend Philip K. Dick's now famous religious experience, a hallucinatory spiritual "exegesis" in which he believed he encountered a God-like presence. If you are new to R. Crumb, we suggest you check out one of his fantastic anthologies. If you're new to Philip K. Via brainpickings. Terminologie - Carl Gustav JUNG. Hermenaut: Philip K. Dick. This article was first published in Hermenaut #15 (Summer 1999). Hermenaut was published and edited from 1991-2000 by HiLobrow cofounder Joshua Glenn.

Click here to read more from Hermenaut and Philip Kindred Dick and his twin sister Jane were born in Chicago — six weeks prematurely, on December 16, 1928 — to Edgar Dick, a livestock inspector for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and his wife Dorothy. Jane died a few weeks later. As an adolescent, not only was Dick asthmatic and overweight, he suffered from eczema and heart palpitations.

In his late teens, Dick worked for a radio, TV, and hi-fi sales/repair entrepreneur in Berkeley, from whom he acquired a high regard for do-it-yourself craftsmanship and a life of obstinate independence. In 1950 Dick was married again, to an undergrad named Kleo, who supported him for eight years while he began writing for science fiction and fantasy pulps. This was hack writing, published with a minimum of editing; it didn’t pay well. "Si ce monde vous déplaît... et autres écrits", de Philip K. Dick. DICK (Philip K.), Si ce monde vous déplaît… et autres écrits, anthologie établie et préfacée par Michel Valensi, traduit de l’américain par Christophe Wall-Romana, Paris, L’Eclat, [1972, 1976-1978, 1985, 1995, 1998] 2004, 248 p.

Philip K. Dick est Dieu, c’est le plus grand, le plus beau, le plus fort, et celui qui prétend le contraire, hop : lance-flammes. Cette vérité essentielle étant rappelée, je peux maintenant vous entretenir de ce curieux volume publié aux éditions de L’Éclat. Ce qui en soi est déjà passablement curieux, mais plutôt appréciable en ce qui me concerne : on voit bien ici que Philip K. Lawrence Sutin, entres autres, s’est acharné à poser que, non, Dick n’était pas fou. C’est ce que nous aurons l’occasion de constater au fil de ces quatre textes, tout à tour passionnants et agaçants, d’une intelligence rare et vaguement niais, extrêmement riches et caféducommercesques. Le ParaDick : Philip K. Dick en français. David Cronenberg on the "Cronenbergian" David Cronenberg has already done "home previews" for his hotly anticipated upcoming feature, Maps to the Stars. The new film stars Julianne Moore, Robert Pattinson, and John Cusack, and was partially filmed in Hollywood, well outside Cronenberg’s usual Toronto turf.

It feels decidedly odd to ask the director how “Cronenbergian” the film is—it's like asking Philip K. Dick to rate one of his novels for “phildickian” content—but some of Cronenberg’s films in recent years (A History of Violence, Eastern Promises, and A Dangerous Method) haven’t been especially Cronenbergian by fan estimates. “I don’t even really know what that means,” the director responds. “For me, A Dangerous Method was totally my film. Case in point: Fast Company. “I used to race cars, and to people who know me as a motorcyclist and a car racer, that movie is very much me,” he says.

(He wasn’t, he says. “I think The Matrix was a problem, honestly,” Cronenberg offers. Maps to the Stars and other upcoming projects. Introduction « The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick.m4v. Unaltered "Notes and Links towards a PKD+Religion Blog" from 2009. My purpose : PKD is of great literary interest, and his literary use of religiousideas is of literary interest, but I will approach from religious studies angle--although I hope to provide original RST data+theory I plan to try to make ituseful for literary studies people as well. I am interested in PKD's religiousexperiences in themselves and his religious consciousness, and plan tospend more time looking at them as religious ideas rather than literary ones.I will look at the uses he makes of religion in the novels but focus on theproblem of understanding how these literary uses of religion reveal infoabout the author's own religious life.

Hoping to explain why he took suchan interest in religious ideas. Philip Dick does not lead his critics an easy life, since he does not so much play the part of a guide through his phantasmagoric worlds as give the impression of one lost in their labyrinth. Religion in PKD Novels/Stories (non-phildickian religions in phildickian situations) Jason P. Encounters with Philip K. Dick | Scribd. Galactic Pot-Healer in Exegesis. GALACTIC POT-HEALER shows the very real possibility of encroaching madness. The archetypes are out of control. Water—the ocean itself—which is to say the unconscious, is hostile & rises to engulf. The book is desperate & frightened, & coming apart, dream-like, cut off more & more from reality. Flight, disorganization: the way has almost run out. Those elements dealt with in earlier novels—ominous elements—now escape my control & take over.

What Brunner* said, "That one got out of control" is correct & has vast psychological significance. & yet I did not become psychotic. Very simply the meta-abstraction was the birth of higher reason in me. The Dialectic that I experienced in 3-74 was between the irrational & the rational, in me, in world, in God. VALIS, is, then, the return from madness or near-madness, an account of a prior inner struggle & not a symptom of that struggle still going on. Philip K. Dick et le cinéma - Jérémy Zucchi, réalisation de films et esthétique du cinéma. Le blog que vous cherchez n'est plus accessible depuis cette adresse. Vous pouvez le consulter à l'adresse suivante : Liste des articles du blog : Mort programmée de mon blog Voilà, il faut bien mettre un terme à certaines choses.

Lars von Trier nazi ? La pensée réduite à 140 caractères Nous avons tous été fiers d’assister au formidable pouvoir de rassemblement et de diffusion de l’information par Internet lors du Printemps Arabe (qui n’est pas… Paycheck (John Woo, 2003), money, get back ! Je me suis rendu compte que malgré de nombreux articles publiés sur mon blog sur les adaptations de l'écrivain de science-fiction Philip K. Comment adapter Le Maître du haut-château ? Un film coréen a quelques points communs avec Le Maître du haut-château de Philip K. La descente dans le terrier de alice aux pays des merveilles, film scene balancoire, passé virtuel josef rusnack, film scene de balancoire. Recherche détaillée. ADDS_DONNA/Science_Fiction_files/xtras_1_Lem_Microworlds.pdf.

2 Literary Criticism. Links below don’t belong? CONTACT US! Return to: Literary Criticism Collection Home | ipl2 Home Critical Sites | Biographical Sites | Other SitesStill Need More? Criticism about The Non-science Fiction Novels Of Philip K. "The transcription of a talk by Bruce Gillespie about some of Phil's overlooked fiction. " Contains: Commentary Author: Bruce Gillespie From: brg No. 1, October 1990 Keywords: Philip K. "Many people have seen Dick as a unique figure in science fiction. Author: Steve Mizrach From: The Palm Tree Garden of Philip K.

Philip K. "...we can see that Philip K. Contains: Criticism Author: Roger D. Keywords: Science Fiction, Artificial Intelligence, Materialism, Dualism, Functionalism, Central State Identity Theory Philip K. "The occurrences in Philip Dick's novels are impossible. From: SF Commentary 9 (February 1970), pp. 1125 The Real Ideas of Philip K. Contains: Commentary, Works List Author: Michael Moorcock From: Vector No. 39, April, 1966, pp. 7-14 Contains: Bibliography, Criticism. Essays « Philip K. Dick Fan Site. Philip K. Dick and the Umbrella of Light – Originally published in 1975 by author Angus Taylor, this 33-page essay was one of the first extended critical examinations of PKD’s work and is available here for the first time since it’s publication. Thanks to Angus for sharing this insightful interpretation of Phil Dick’s work. (PDF file is 777K). Patrick Clark has been kind enough to contribute these three articles to

Be sure to check out his excellent PKD web zine <a href=” OTAKU</a>. Phildickian – A Definition – A brief discussion of the origin and meaning of this very modern adjective.The Secret Of The Soft-drink Stand Explained At Last! The Tangled History of The Unteleported Man Compiled by Patrick Clark Afterword to Valis by Kim Stanley Robinson. Philip K. Four Levels of Reality in Philip K. Is The Eye In Sky The Author’s? Philip K. The Non-Science Fiction Novels Of Philip K. Who Are The Toymakers? "Philip K. Dick Electric Shepherd" Philip K. Dick Fan Site. Did Philip K. Dick Disclose the Real Matrix in 1977? | Free At Last. (1) Philip K. Dick. Philip K. Dick scans the darkness in Disneyland’s shadow. During the last years of his life, Philip K.

Dick lived in, of all places, Orange County, a Southern California setting that made the life-battered sci-fi writer something of a stranger in a strange land (to borrow from Robert Heinlein). This is the fifth of a six-part series looking at those final years. The series is written by Scott Timberg, the L.A. freelance journalist who runs the West Coast culture blog the Misread City. He’s also a longtime (albeit sometimes closeted) fan of science fiction. Though Philip K. Dick was not, on the surface, a writer of place – he was driven more by sweeping ideas than by locations or even local cultures – his time in Southern California had a profound impact on his work, in sometimes complicated ways.

Dick wrote — in a 1973 letter to Polish science-fiction writer Stanislaw Lem — “there is no culture here in California, only trash. He sometimes found it hard to locate a sense of place in the famously decentralized Southland. . – Scott Timberg. Stanislaw lem Philip Dick. Palmer_eldritch. Books. An Obscure Interview With PKD. Caption courtesy of Dangerous Minds: Philip K. Dick, Germs-manager Nicole Panter, author KW Jeter, and artist Gary Panter, at Philip K. Dick’s Santa Ana condo. The photo was taken from Nicole Panter's flickr account. My Facebook friend Henry Baum hepped me to this interview from Slash Magazine 1980. Check out that photo! (I may have posted it here before, who knows?). I like the idea that the characters in Dick's books are owners rather than renters.

Special thanks to Henry Baum! Wow, when I was looking for a picture of the shirt, I found this article about PKD, looks long... Interviews. Blogs. What's New? - KippleZone. December 2013 The White Dragon Cut v 4.0, torrent now available -- HERE! Modified the Main page's header to include the unicorn stereoscope image from the White Dragon Cut.Added a new Blade Runner fan-fiction story link to the KippleZone Facebook page. November 2013 September 2013 June 2013 April 2013 March 2013 Added a copy of the letter Sara Campbell sent to CINEFANTASTIQUE magazine, Volume 9, Number 1 -- 1979, to the CITYSPEAK Revisited website, HERE. February 2013 December 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 Added link to the Westwood's Blade Runner game section -- an 'endings' guide.Morgan Paull, the actor who played the memorable role of Dave Holden in the 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner, died July 17, 2012, at his home in Ashland, Ore.

June 2012 May 2012 Seven years ago this month, KippleZone was created! April 2012 March 2012 Construction on this brand new website has begun! February 2012 Off-world News updated with more Blade Runner related news! January 2012 December 2011. The Case for a Phildickian Religious Movement – Part III « The Palm Tree Garden. In Part I of our series , we began discussing a Philip K. Dick approach to modern spirituality, concluding at the very least a thematic relevance. In Part II , we looked at a few of the core ideas behind PKD’s own spiritual investigations and examined the Tractates Cryptica Scriptura, an insightful primary text that could work as a starting point for some of these core ideas.

In this installation, we’ll consider some possible methodologies, whereby modern practitioners might participate in a Dickian spiritual life. Right off the bat, based on what we know about Dick and his approaches to philosophy and spirituality, we can conclude that there are no easy answers to the question of just what a practice of Phildickian philosophy (which I’m going to refer to as “Valism”, after VALIS) would look like. As far as we know, PKD had no interest in starting a religion, or a religious movement. I. Sacramental Practice Philip K. Going to Christian church, in Valism, is a good thing. II. Philip k. dick link explosion. Blogs. Philip K Dick. Phillip K. Dick. Philip K. Dick Bibliography.

Philip K Dick. Strange Horizons Articles: More Real Than Real: Philip K. Dick's Visionary Posthumanism , by Alex Lyras. PKD Invents 21st Century. Essays. Philip K. Dick and the Pleasures of Unquotable Prose. Reality's Hidden 'Minority Report' - The Political Gnosis of Philip K. Dick. Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference, by Erik Davis. How Phil K Dick took over the world. Black Iron Prison - Page 1. A Scanner Darkly:  Philip K. Dick's thematic obsessions | Books | Wrapped Up In Books. Philip K. Dick, Sci-Fi Philosopher, Part 1. Essays. Philip K. Dick: Speaking with the Dead. Philip K. Dick was a friend of mine - Books. Philip K Dick - Master of Pulps. Essays. PKDCorrespondenceModified.pdf (application/pdf Object) Archive of letters from Philip K. Dick to Linda Levy, a "Dark Haired Girl"

Philip K. Dick.