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Voedseljutters | Noesjka Klomberg. Welkom op - makkelijk online biologische boodschappen bestellen. Recept: wortelpulp muffins « De Groene Meisjes. Ja, je ziet het goed. Healthy stuff. En hoe! Deze muffins hebben we gemaakt van wortelpulp. Wortel…wat? Pulp, dat overgebleven is na het maken van wortelsap met onze Versapers, de slowjuicer. Na het maken van elk sapje blijft er pulp over en het zou natuurlijk zonde zijn om daar niks mee te doen. Wat je nodig hebt voor ongeveer 10 (kleine) muffins: 1 3/4 cup havervlokken (wij gebruikten hier glutenvrije havervlokken en hierdoor is het hele recept meteen ook glutenvrij) 1 cup wortelpulp 2 theelepels bakpoeder 1 theelepel kaneel 1/4 theelepel zout 1 cup plantaardige melk, bijvoorbeeld rijstmelk 1/4 cup agavesiroop 1/4 cup rozijnen *Wat betreft de cup maten: we kunnen iedereen adviseren om een setje cups te kopen.

Wat je moet doen: 1. 3. 6. Goed om te weten: havermeel blijft een klein beetje ‘sticky.’ Enjoy! StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment. My New Roots. Natural Health, Natural Remedies, Natural Cures, Natural News, Natural Medicine. | The Official Site.


Supplement. Lifestyles. Natural health news. McDougall Program & Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center. Adressenlijst therapeuten. RUSSELLBLAYLOCKMD.COM. Welcome to Dr.Rosedale's Website. Curcumin is a potent tool in the war against prostate cancer and dementia. (NaturalNews) Curcumin, the active anti-inflammatory compound found in the Indian spice tumeric, has gained an impressive reputation in the fight against many deadly forms of cancer. New evidence released in the journal Cancer Research finds that the natural phenol can slow prostate tumor growth by blocking receptors used to propagate cell tissue growth.

Additional research published in the journal PLoS One explains the precise mechanism exerted by curcumin molecules to target the amyloid fibrils associated with the unnatural progression of protein-like plaque tangles that are characteristic in Alzheimer's disease patients. Adding curry spice to your healthy diet or supplementing daily with a standardized curcumin capsule will help win your individual war against cancerous proliferation and Alzheimer's dementia. Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of the disease, with more than 250,000 diagnoses in the US each year. The lead study author, Dr. Sources for this article include: The 10 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you need to recognize. Medicine Hunter | Medicine Hunter.