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Egg carton caterpillar that turns into a butterfly - PLAYTIVITIES. This egg carton caterpillar craft is a little bit different from the other ones you see.

Egg carton caterpillar that turns into a butterfly - PLAYTIVITIES

With this caterpillar craft I wanted to use an opportunity to talk about Caterpillar Metamorphosis. Mofosis what? Ep. 118: Olympics With Malcolm Gladwell by The Bill Simmons Podcast. Plagiarism Checker - Free Online Software For Plagiarism Detection. Lunarbaboon - Comics. Science News Cycle. Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2!

Science News Cycle

- Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! Sky Magic Live at Mt.Fuji : Drone Ballet Show. Perfect Impulse. Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online. Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) firmly positioned himself as the finest Soviet director of the post-War period.

Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online

But his influence extended well beyond the Soviet Union. Music world in shock as Prince dies suddenly aged 57. The music world has been stunned by the shock news of Prince’s sudden death aged 57 at his home recording studio.

Music world in shock as Prince dies suddenly aged 57

His early work struggled to capture the “Prince sound”, but this was an instant classic, that spanky bassline oozing sex. “Controversy” was his first hit It cuts short a prolific music career that started with him as a teenager somehow talking his way into a record contract with Warners where, as an unknown, he was unprecedentedly given total control. By “1999” he was already starting to explore psychedelics and the double album showed he was keen to plug into a white audience via pop-rock influences, very clear on hit single “Little Red Corvette”

How to Get Published. ISS Reference - Ham Radio. International Space Station Reference Ham Radio When astronauts, cosmonauts and mission specialists from many nations fly on the international space station, they will have amateur, or ham, radio as a constant companion.

ISS Reference - Ham Radio

Since its first flight in 1983, ham radio has flown on more than two-dozen space shuttle missions. Dozens of astronauts have used the Space Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment, or SAREX, to talk to thousands of kids in school and to their families on Earth while they were in orbit. The Inertia Project. How to wake up early: the 8 pros and 2 cons of the morningThe Time Zillionaire Blog. What’s your time of the day to do deep work?

How to wake up early: the 8 pros and 2 cons of the morningThe Time Zillionaire Blog

When you’ve got that laser focus to get in the zone and get lots of things done? I love mornings. But ever since I wrote my post about using the morning to invest in yourself, I got a few questions and requests to expand on the topic of why and how to wake up early. As a morning advocate, my routine is far from perfect: my days start with a short journaling session, a 20 minute meditation, then a workout at the gym, and some reading time. But by the time I am actually doing creative work it’s some time around 8:30-9am, and my morning advantage is gone.

Still, having time in the morning allows me to stay healthy, learn new skills, use positive habits to have a great start of the day, and hone my laser focus for the next many hours. My laser focus. Can anyone become a morning person? Short answer: yes.Long answer: yes. Handwriting font creator. 5 Years of Daily Journals. This blog post is in-response to my answer on Quora – Why is it a good habit to maintain a daily journal?

5 Years of Daily Journals

Last week, I answered a question on quora which ended up helping about 6,000+ people – I am very thankful for that. This post is to answer follow-up questions regarding journal’s structure to help more people develop the habit of keeping a daily journal. Genre Savvy. Angela Moore: This doesn't make any sense.

Genre Savvy

Shawn Hunter: It does if you've seen as many horror movies as I have. Into The Abyss. Dubsmash. Inside the Pitt Rivers Museum. Uni of Manchester IT director resigns after sacking 68 people. The University of Manchester's director of IT, Gerry Pennell, has resigned after three years in the role – with no explanation as to why.

Uni of Manchester IT director resigns after sacking 68 people

Former employees say that 56-year-old Pennell leaves the British uni with a severely understaffed IT services department: 68 jobs were axed in 2015, with the last of those having finally departed last Friday, The Register was informed. Podcast Rai.TV - Musica - Podcast. Mapire - Historical Maps of the Habsburg Empire. 15 DIYs That Will Organize Your Life. Google Tips – Google. Damjan Cvetkov-Dimitrov.

Forbes Welcome. General relativity at 100. The Sound of Wings - Quora. How to Teach Yourself Programming. Blonde on a Budget. Man interviews himself 38 years later and makes it into an amazing movie / Boing Boing. Determining Video Duration with Script Word Count. Nikola Tesla - The Greatest Mind Of All Time. Nikola Tesla’s contributions to science and technology include the invention of radio, television, radio-astronomy, remote control and robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the wireless transmission of electricity.

Nikola Tesla - The Greatest Mind Of All Time

Many of Nikola Tesla’s inventions were and in some cases are still considered too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of the time and you will see these discussed in greater detail in the videos below. Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the top ten most fascinating people in history. The Voyages Issue: Six Photographers on Their Dream Journeys. The train station in Lagos, on the southwestern coast of Nigeria, before the trip north to Kano. Photographs by Glenna Gordon “Ever since the railway line connecting Lagos, in Nigeria’s south, with Kano, in the north, reopened in December 2012, I’ve wanted to make this journey. The north and the south are essentially two different entities — Lagos is a hub of growth; Kano is an ancient trading city just south of the Sahara that struggles with incursions from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. This is among the longest train lines in Nigeria, covering roughly 700 miles from lush wetlands to sweeping desert and brush.

First 5 California. Zablogreb: Propuh or The Great Cultural Chasm Between Us. “Someone is likely to mention the baffling absence of draft in the United States: Americans keep all of their windows open, and they don’t care if they are exposed to draft, although it is well known that being exposed to sever airflow might cause brain inflammation. In my country, we are suspicious of free-flowing air.” Female Scientists Respond Brilliantly To Biochemist Calling Women Distractions [UPDATE]

After asserting that female scientists should be segregated from their male peers because they distract them, fall in love with them and cry, British biochemist Tim Hunt issued a half-hearted apology Wednesday -- and women in science are letting him have it. Hunt, 72, a Nobel Prize winner and fellow with the United Kingdom's prestigious Royal Society science body, came under fire this week for advocating for single-sex labs in a speech at the World Conference of Science Journalists in South Korea,

16 on-point responses from female scientists to Nobel winner's sexist comments. LONDON — How do you respond to sexist comments if you're a female scientist who has been told that you should be in a single-sex lab because male scientists might fall in love with you? Nobel scientist Tim Hunt: female scientists cause trouble for men in labs. Women Scientists Are Tweeting "Sexy" Photos Of Themselves At Work To Shut Down Sexism. A blog about women who do amazing things. RA: A Relational Algebra Interpreter.

Download PostgreSQL. Detailed installation guides. Any UNIX-Like Platform General Linux Debian/Ubuntu Linux Debian based installs have a somewhat unique design that allows multiple database clusters to be managed independently. This allows running both multiple database instances as well as multiple versions more easily than other packaging schemes. RedHat/Fedora/CentOS FreeBSD MacOS Solaris. Download MySQL Community Server. 2 Installing and Upgrading MySQL. Command Line Shell For SQLite. Small. Fast. Download Page. Kernow 1.8. The SAXON XSLT and XQuery Processor. The #1 online source for .NET/XML and Web Service Topics. The W3C Markup Validation Service. Downloads. Validation & DTDs.

Table of Content: General overview Well what is validation and what is a DTD ? DTD is the acronym for Document Type Definition. This is a description of the content for a family of XML files. This is part of the XML 1.0 specification, and allows one to describe and verify that a given document instance conforms to the set of rules detailing its structure and content. Validation is the process of checking a document against a DTD (more generally against a set of construction rules).

The validation process and building DTDs are the two most difficult parts of the XML life cycle. The definition The W3C XML Recommendation (Tim Bray's annotated version of Rev1):