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TV calibration. English. Camera. Home Assistance. Programming. Kodi. Apps. Online servicess. Samsung. 3D HDTV. Am I Done? : Communicator Automation API in Action - Outlook Add-In. I've been working on the an Add in for Outlook, using VSTO and the Communicator Automation API, which allows you to view all of your contacts while it Outlook.

Am I Done? : Communicator Automation API in Action - Outlook Add-In

Outlook already gives you presence and functionality to communicate with the people for the currently selected email, but if you want to communicate with some one that isn't included on the original email, you'd have to switch to Communicator. The idea behind this Add-In is that a lot of people spend the majority of their day (like it or not) in Outlook, so why do should you have to switch to another program to get presence and communicate with them? The application with source code will be made available soon at Screen Shot: How to use Google Calendar in Outlook - Download Squad. While there are several methods for syncing Google Calendar with Outlook or a Windows Mobile device, they tend to involve adding new software to the mix.

How to use Google Calendar in Outlook - Download Squad

Download Squad reader Dan sent us a nice tip for anyone who's not looking to synchronize calendars, but simply wants to use Google Calendar within Outlook. All you have to do is right-click on the calendar tab in Outlook, click on Properties, and then go to the Home Page Tab. Check the button that says "Show home page by default for this folder," and then enter That's it. Now when you click the calendar tab in Outlook you'll see Google Calendar, and you can update it through Outlook or through any web browser when you're on the go. However, this method won't let you synchronize your calendar with a PDA--all it really does it replace Outlook's Calendar with a web page.


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