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Graduated in medicine. I like everything natural

Adequate sleep helps weight loss. Adequate sleep is an important part of a weight loss plan and should be added to the recommended mix of diet and exercise, states a commentary in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

Adequate sleep helps weight loss

Although calorie restriction and increased physical activity are recommended for weight loss, there is significant evidence that inadequate sleep is contributing to obesity. Lack of sleep increases the stimulus to consume more food and increases appetite-regulating hormones. "The solution [to weight loss] is not as simple as 'eat less, move more, sleep more,'" write Drs. Jean-Phillippe Chaput, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario and Angelo Tremblay, Laval University, Québec, Quebec. "However, an accumulating body of evidence suggests that sleeping habits should not be overlooked when prescribing a weight-reduction program to a patient with obesity. The Canadian Obesity Network has included adequate sleep in its new set of obesity management tools for physicians.

Video Collections. Fruit_piramid-SMALL.png (imagine PNG , 800x446 pixeli) Plante medicinale. Plantele medicinale sunt specii vegetale, cultivate sau spontane, care prin compoziția lor chimică au proprietăți farmaceutice și sunt folosite în terapeutica umană și veterinară.

Plante medicinale

Valoarea terapeutică a plantelor medicinale[modificare | modificare sursă] Valorea terapeutică a plantelor medicinale are la bază relația dintre structura chimică a substanțelor active, numite și principii active, și acțiunea lor farmacodinamică pe care o exercită asupra elementelor reactive ale organismului. Faptul că majoritatea plantelor medicinale au o compoziție chimică complexă începând de la 2-3 compuși până la 30-40 substanțe chimice identificate în unele plante, cum ar fi speciile genurilor Digitalis, Vinca Claviceps, Papaver etc., explică și proprietățile farmacodinamice multiple ale uneia și aceeiași plante.

Principalele plante medicinale[modificare | modificare sursă]

B o t a n i c a

Methow Valley Herbs: Plant Healer. Pain, The Great Motivator The sensation of pain is a great motivator for people to seek help.

Methow Valley Herbs: Plant Healer

Whether you practice herbalism for your friends and family or are a clinician, pain is one of the most common complaints we hear. Most of us were raised to take over-the-counter (OTC) medicine when we experienced pain. These pills are usually cheap, easy to acquire and take, and are often effective in the short term. The obvious problems associated with OTCs are habitual use due to recurring pain (since they never address the real problem), which gives rise to a myriad of undesirable side effects ranging from digestive problems to death1. It is common in western culture to view pain as an inconvenience. Sometimes this is entirely unsuccessful. Many times people have sought me out because they want a more holistic approach to their pain and are open to more drastic changes in their lives. This article is going to examine how we look at pain using traditional humoral and energetic markers. Dryness. Search. Search & Browse. How to Dehydrate Vegetables, Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden.

Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden How to Dry Vegetables Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables: Dehydrating vegetables (whether fresh from the garden, the farmer's market, or even just from the grocery store at in-season prices) for use in the off-season is one of the healthiest ways of preserving vegetables.

How to Dehydrate Vegetables, Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden

Dehydrating vegetables preserves them with a nutritional content that far surpasses that of canned vegetables. Additionally, the process of dehydrating vegetables is often more cost-effective than freezing, as you don't use electricity in the long-term storage of your items. The process of dehydrating vegetables can be broken into a couple of simple steps: preparation, including pre-treating the vegetables (if necessary) drying or dehydrating the vegetables storing the finished dehydrated vegetables Below, you'll find a list of common vegetable types that dry well, along with easy to follow instructions.

Dehydrating or Drying Vegetables: ARTICHOKES 1. See also: 1. See also: 1. 1. Holistic Wellness ~ A Blend of Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well-Being. University Department of Animal Science. Eartheasy Blog - StumbleUpon. It took over 20 years of gardening to realize that I didn’t have to work so hard to achieve a fruitful harvest.

Eartheasy Blog - StumbleUpon

As the limitless energy of my youth gradually gave way to the physical realities of mid-life, the slow accretion of experience eventually led to an awareness that less work can result in greater crop yields. Inspired in part by Masanobu Fukuoka’s book, One Straw Revolution, my family experimented with gardening methods which could increase yields with less effort. Fukuoka spent over three decades perfecting his so-called “do-nothing” technique: commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizer, tillage, and perhaps most significantly, wasteful effort. Here are the strategies we used which enabled us to greatly increase our garden yield, while requiring less time and less work. 1. With ‘no-till’ gardening, weeding is largely eliminated. 2. Cluj - - Motoare electrice - Motoare electrice trifazate - Motoare Seria K.


Your source for everything Herbs! Helleborus_peppermint_ice.jpg (imagine JPEG , 434x600 pixeli) - Scalată (93%) C u r i o z i t a t i. M e d i c i n e. D i e t e. Remedii. Home of the Mozilla Project — Arta. How-To. Papetarie-birotica. Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Recipes. Crafts.