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Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. - PubMed - NCBI. Antivax 101: Tactics and Tropes of the Antivaccine Movement « Alternative Medicine « Health. This is the first of a series of posts adapting a presentation made at The Ontario Public Health Convention in April, 2011.

Antivax 101: Tactics and Tropes of the Antivaccine Movement « Alternative Medicine « Health

The presentation, “Fighting in the Trenches: Countering Anti-Vaccine Sentiment with Social Media” was a panel discussion from Skeptic North contributors Scott Gavura and Kimberly Hébert: One of the best parts of the infectious disease outbreak movie Contagion was the decision to include an antivaccinationist, conspiracy-minded, alternative health advocate, played by Jude Law. Law gave a character-perfect performance of someone intent on deliberately and selfishly thwarting public health advice, putting lives at risk as a consequence. Sadly, the writers didn’t have to look far for real world examples: It’s hard to forget Mike “Health Ranger” Adams’s paranoid music video produced in 2009, at the height of H1N1, when he decided to put every antivaccine argument into one performance.

The Tactics The Tropes. Thehill. Aux origines des arguments (fallacieux) des anti-vaccins. Temps de lecture: 8 min En Europe, les avancées sanitaires majeures du XXe siècle, au premier rang desquelles la vaccination, ont conduit au recul des maladies infectieuses «historiques» (telles que la poliomyélite ou la diphtérie), voire à leur éradication (variole).

Aux origines des arguments (fallacieux) des anti-vaccins

Pourtant, en France, et plus largement dans les pays occidentaux, les questions des infections à prévention vaccinale, de la perception du risque lié aux vaccins et aux maladies, ainsi que l’impact des controverses sur la couverture vaccinale sont récemment devenus des enjeux cruciaux de santé publique. La théorie du Basilic de Roko ou peur de l’intelligence artificielle. Roko's basilisk/Original post. This is LessWrong user Roko's original post proposing the idea now known as "Roko's basilisk".

Roko's basilisk/Original post

It is placed here for reference. User:David Gerard asserts that this posting is fair use under US law for educational purposes. Retrieved from . Hello Viewpoint readers! There is a much more fidelitous copy of the original Roko post at , and don't forget to read our Roko's basilisk article! Intelligence artificielle : du pari de Pascal au basilique de Roko « Baudouin Dafflon. DBY #13 - Les enfers artificiels. Pourquoi et comment j’ai créé un canular sur Wikipédia.

© Wikipédia.

Pourquoi et comment j’ai créé un canular sur Wikipédia

The future of fake news: don't believe everything you read, see or hear. In an age of Photoshop, filters and social media, many of us are used to seeing manipulated pictures – subjects become slimmer and smoother or, in the case of Snapchat, transformed into puppies.

The future of fake news: don't believe everything you read, see or hear

However, there’s a new breed of video and audio manipulation tools, made possible by advances in artificial intelligence and computer graphics, that will allow for the creation of realistic looking footage of public figures appearing to say, well, anything. Trump declaring his proclivity for water sports. Hillary Clinton describing the stolen children she keeps locked in her wine cellar. Why fake news matters. Why fake news matters Notes on major media blowing away in the wind.

Why fake news matters

Why fake news matters. 5 ways to teach kids about Fake News. Following up from the honor of being selected in Huffington Posts Top 12 Global Education Blogs of 2014/2015 I have been chosen again in this amazing group and for 2016/2017 will be contributing to Huffington Post’s Education blog once a month.

5 ways to teach kids about Fake News

This month we look to answer the following highly controversial question “How to we teach young people the rigorous critical thinking and research skills to distinguish news from propaganda? How do we ensure the next generation is one which communicates civically, values honesty, and recognizes reality?” – here is my response: Written together with Marialice Curran (@mbfxc), Founder and CEO of the DigCit Institute. Read more about the amazing work Marialice does around the world at The Honest Truth about Fake News. Did you hear that Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump for president?

The Honest Truth about Fake News

Or that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS? Crazy, right? And … 100 percent false. Can You Tell Fake News From Real? Study Finds Students Have 'Dismaying' Inability. Fake news sites designed to trick you. How false news can spread. The (almost) complete history of 'fake news' Media playback is unsupported on your device In record time, the phrase morphed from a description of a social media phenomenon into a journalistic cliche and an angry political slur.

The (almost) complete history of 'fake news'

Andrew Wakefield - the fraud investigation. With revelations spread over more than seven years, between late 2003 and early 2011 Brian Deer pursued a landmark public interest investigation for The Sunday Times of London, the United Kingdom's Channel 4 Television network and BMJ, the British Medical Journal, into allegations linking the three-in-one measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) with claims of a terrifying new syndrome of bowel and brain damage in children.

Andrew Wakefield - the fraud investigation

These allegations led to a decade-long health crisis in the UK, and sparked epidemics of fear, guilt and infectious disease, which would be exported to the United States and other developed countries, spawning every kind of concern over vaccinations. Almost incredibly, the trigger for what became a worldwide controversy over vaccine safety was a single scientific research paper published in a medical journal - the Lancet - in February 1998. As the doctor campaigned, UK vaccination rates slumped: below the level needed to keep measles at bay. Anti-Vaccine Body Count. The United States Anti-Vaccination Movement is composed of a variety of individuals ranging from former doctors who should know better, to semi-celebrities who have no medical training, to anti-government conspiracy theorists who distrust anything that the government says.

They all hold onto the mistaken belief that autism is caused by receiving childhood vaccines. Most anti-vaccination believers claim that the compound Thimerosal led to an increase in autism cases. The devastating impact of vaccine deniers, in one measles chart. If you want to quantify the alarming impact of the anti-vaccine movement, the chart above is a good place to start. It plots the cumulative number of new measles cases by month, for each year from 2001 to 2014.

There were 644 new measles cases in 27 states last year, according to the CDC. That's the biggest annual number we've seen in nearly a quarter-century. The vast majority of people who contracted the disease were unvaccinated, including the dozens of cases related to an outbreak at Disneyland in Orange County, California, which is basically Ground Zero in our current epidemic of anti-vaccine hysteria. A 2014 AP-GfK survey found that only 51 percent of Americans were confident that vaccines are safe and effective, which is similar to the proportion who believe that houses can be haunted by ghosts. La guerre des vaccins : entre peurs et persuasion. [Niveau : facile] (~2200 mots / ~12 mins) Les vaccins sauvent des vies, mais quelle est la meilleure façon de le communiquer aux parents inquiets pour leurs enfants ? Le volume d’avril 2017 de la revue scientifique américaine Science comporte un dossier sur les vaccins, non pas sous l’angle de l’infectiologie, mais sous celui du scepticisme, à savoir à l’aune de l’antivaccinisme [1].

On y lit d’ailleurs abondement Paul Offit, sceptique bien connu. Les différents articles de ce dossier sont accessibles librement, mais sont bien entendus rédigés en anglais. C’est sur cette dernière partie, par Kai Kupferschmidt, que nous allons revenir ici en la synthétisant pour le public non anglophone et en y ajoutant quelques informations marginales. La question de l’appel à l’émotion. Ca clashe avec les antivaxx - AstronoVlog. Health and wellbeing - Doctissimo.