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45 Design Blogs on Facebook. Inside IDEO Part 3. Design Movie - Inventing Toys. Future by Design - William Gazecki Director. Desk - Music and Sound Design. Intricate beauty by design: Marian Bantjes on TED. Design The secrets of TED’s (award-winning!) Design It is, indeed, a monumental day here at TED Towers. We’re winners! Or, as June Cohen, executive producer of TED Media, described this morning’s news of our winning the 2013 National Design Award for corporate and institutional achievement: “We’re thrilled!” Bill Gates, designer? Good design has the power to improve lives. Logo Design, Web Design and More. Design Done Differently | So what *is* a designer? – Helloform.

I originally posted the definition below as a comment to my post on the designer as investor. In the last few years I’ve been trying to convey how I see design with a lowercase “d” [1]. I believe the paragraphs below are a good attempt at defining the designer we need today, and the only one we’ll accept tomorrow. This is 2010. The designer you want isn’t the guy that just knows photoshop and delivers .psd files (or the html-illuminated designer that delivers html+css). Design is more than meets the eye.The designer you need today is different. I will add this too: the designer of today – and, I’ll say it, the future – doesn’t need a design degree (most don’t, as design degrees are for the most part stuck in the past). If the paragraphs above describes you, get in touch. . [1]: It would be disingenuous of me to say I’m the only one thinking along these lines. A Guide to Choosing Colors for Your Brand. One of the key elements of building a strong brand is color selection.

Every color has a different feel and various associations. By choosing a color or a combination of colors for your brand identity, you will take on those associations. Colors will evoke certain emotions and feelings towards your brand so it is vital to choose a color that will represent your identity effectively. Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone. Why Color Matters If you own a color in your industry, this color will symbolize your product. Where to start? There is a great new tool which can help out with color selection called Cymbolism. To help you select the right color for your brand I’ve aggregated the results from Cymbolism, and also provided examples of logos that use each color: I’ve also included some multi-colored examples at the end.

Tools: Tron Skatecycle On the Streets of NYC! My Tron Ride. ( experimentadesign ) Domino Clock. Very Task Ergonomics. World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. S Coolest Design Destinations- Page 6 - Articles - Travel + Leisure.