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301 - Argumentative Essay Topics. Att skriva en argumenterande text på engelska. En argumenterande text går ut på att du ska övertyga dina läsare om att din åsikt är den rätta eller att du ska försöka få dina läsare att handla på ett visst sätt.

Att skriva en argumenterande text på engelska

Jag har valt att göra denna genomgång på svenska då flera av er uttryckt att ni (engelska år 8) tycker det blir alldeles för svårt annars. I förväg vill jag att ni har läst igenom detta inlägg och sett filmen. Lektionstid kommer vi arbeta med detta på engelska. Jag kommer att hjälpa er med ord och med exempel på hur det blir på engelska. Vi kommer först att skriva tillsammans i klassen och sedan när ni kan det skriver ni enskilt. Det finns en del som man måste tänka på för att texten ska bli bra: 1. 3. Exempel på fler bindeord hittar du här: Bindeord Du behöver också ha med ord som uttrycker dina egna och andras åsikter och känslor tex: I wish - jag önskar I feel - jag känner I dream of- jag drömmer om I hate - jag hatar I dislike - jag ogillar - Är rubriken intresseväckande?

/ Sara. Poems. Today is our last lesson!


We are going to work with poetry! You can choose between two different ways of writing a poem: 1. Haiku 2. Sensory Emotion poem Read the instructions and then choose which one you would like to write! The Haiku below is inspired by Erin Lane. A Haiku is a Japanese poem that does not rhyme. Example: The Ocean Beautiful ocean Roaring waves crash down on me Floating in the foam The Beach Sand scatters the beach Waves crash on the sandy shore Blue water shimmers First, think of a topic about nature. _______________________________________________5 syllables _______________________________________________ 7 syllables _______________________________________________ 5 syllables Pick a headline and write your Haiku on the computer. Sensory Emotion Poem Title (Emotion) (Line 1) (Emotion) is (color) (Line 2) What does the emotion taste like? (Line 3) What does the emotion smell like?

(Line 4) What does the emotion feel like? Emotional Poem. You have read a chapter of the book: " The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Emotional Poem

Today we are going to read the text together and help each other writing an emotional poem.

Personal Narrative

Story Sparkers! Writing task On the whiteboard you will see four different pictures.

Story Sparkers!

Choose one of the pictures and write a story. I want you to write at least 1 A4 page. Before you start writing - think of what we did last time. Remember how to write a personal narrative? In the beginning of the text the reader needs to find out WHO is with you, WHERE are you and WHEN is it. For example: Yesterday I saw my little brother walking on the road. Take a look at the pictures and choose one to write about. Picture nr 1 : 1. " Can crying actually make you feel better? " " The other children hurt Jackie's feelings so Picture nr 2 " The criminal yelled: " When I get out of jail, I 'll .... " " I am innocent! " Picture nr 3 1. "On the way home from school, our car started acting strangely" "Dad was a very bad driver and one day... " Picture nr 4 "When my parents realize I'm gone, they will...

" " My little brother was so upset that he... " / Sara.

Creative Writing Prompts

SVOMPT - word order in English. SVOMPT rule is one of the most important rules in English.

SVOMPT - word order in English

If students learn to follow this rule, their English will improve dramatically, and they will be understood. Once a student knows some words and follows the SVOMPT rule, we can say that he/she can speak English. I love Darren Crown’s explanation of the origin of the SVOMPT word order. In his humorous book “Angličtina na rovinu” he writes that English was first used by a primitive tribe whose members did not want to use their brain too much and thus they created a word order which is always the same – Subject, Verb, Object, adverbs of Manner, adverbs of Place and adverbs of Time. So let´s stop looking for some complicated explanations and let´s think like the primitive barbarians and stick with the SVOMPT word order. SVOMPT – games and quizzes At the moment you feel you understand the grammar it is time to put your knowledge into practice.

If you want to play the quiz on the full screen, click on the button below.

A letter to myself

Linking words Flashcards. Feedback. On Friday, you will get an essay from someone in another class.


You are going to give feedback. To be able to do that, please watch the film. Then take a look at the phrases below the film. Those phrases can help you giving the feedback. 1. Watch the film 2. (LGR 11, Kunskapskrav för A år 9: För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar) Two Stars and a Wish STARSVariation and vocabulary Your language is varied. Clarity and coherence Your text has good flow. Adaption Your writing is well adapted to your theme.

Grammar and spelling Good sentence structure and descriptions.