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Casualties. Pourquoi le nucléaire n'a pas d'avenir? Nouveau code de la presse : Interdiction de toute ingérence du ministère de l’intérieur dans les domaines de la presse et de l’édition. La Haute instance pour la réalisation des objectifs de la Révolution a poursuivi, jeudi, l’examen du projet du Code de la presse, de l’impression et de la diffusion.

Nouveau code de la presse : Interdiction de toute ingérence du ministère de l’intérieur dans les domaines de la presse et de l’édition

Il interdit toute ingérence du ministère de l’Intérieur dans les domaines de la presse et de l’édition qui relèvent désormais du pouvoir judiciaire. Les intervenants ont salué la suppression du régime d’autorisation pour les domaines de l’édition des livres, des ouvrages et des périodiques, remplacé par la déclaration. Ils ont également évoqué la protection de la confidentialité des sources journalistiques et la suppression de certaines dispositions répressives dont celles relatives à la diffamation.

Les peines corporelles ne concernent plus que certains crimes dangereux, à l’instar de l’incitation, par le biais des discours, des déclarations et des écrits, au crime, à la violence, au pillage, au viol, au terrorisme et à la haine entre les religions. Lire aussi. Plus d’un million de morts sont inscrits sur listes électorales. France: Copyright Is More Important Than Human Rights. It's no secret that Nicolas Sarkozy is a strong supporter of more draconian copyright laws, and has also been talking about the need to clamp down on free expression online.

France: Copyright Is More Important Than Human Rights

Even so, it's still a bit shocking to see him outright declare that copyright is more important than human rights online: The Foreign Ministry said that France does not wish to sign a UN declaration favorable to the defense of human rights on the Internet until there is no consensus on the fact that freedom expression and communication does not take precedence over other rights, including intellectual property. That's from a Google translation of the French which is a little awkward. Using a different translator, it translates the "until there is no consensus" to be "as long as there will be no consensus. " French speakers, feel free to confirm. As Glyn Moody writes in the link above, this very much goes counter to France's actual interests.

The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says. By Louis Bergeron Justin Warren and Mark Shwartz The researchers' plan calls for wind and solar power to contribute 90 percent of needed energy.

The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says

If someone told you there was a way you could save 2.5 million to 3 million lives a year and simultaneously halt global warming, reduce air and water pollution and develop secure, reliable energy sources – nearly all with existing technology and at costs comparable with what we spend on energy today – why wouldn't you do it? According to a new study coauthored by Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson, we could accomplish all that by converting the world to clean, renewable energy sources and forgoing fossil fuels. "Based on our findings, there are no technological or economic barriers to converting the entire world to clean, renewable energy sources," said Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering. The world they envision would run largely on electricity. Commercial processes would be powered by electricity and hydrogen.

L.A. Profile: Libyan rebel commander Abdel Hakim Belhaj. 4 July 2012Last updated at 10:32 ET Abdel Hakim Belhadj is a rising star in the Libyan leadership and standing for election, but his past ties to jihadi groups have sparked controversy - along with his claims of being tortured at the behest of US and British intelligence agencies under the programme known as rendition.

Profile: Libyan rebel commander Abdel Hakim Belhaj

In August 2011 he stood victorious inside Col Muammar Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound after fighters from his Tripoli Brigade broke through the defences of the ousted leader's fortress. But the victory was a long time coming for the staunch anti-Gaddafi fighter, who spent seven years in the city's notorious Abu Selim prison, where he says he was regularly tortured. He says he and his wife, Fatima Bouchar, were handed to the Gaddafi regime by the CIA after being arrested in Thailand and transported via UK-controlled Diego Garcia. Now he is taking legal action against former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw over claims that Mr Straw signed papers authorising the move. World Economic and Social Survey. ISBN 978-92-1-109167-0 Sales No.

World Economic and Social Survey

E.13.II.C.1 The world is faced with challenges in all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. For instance, more than 1 billion people are still living in extreme poverty, income inequality within and among many countries has been rising and, at the same time, unsustainable consumption levels and production patterns have resulted in huge economic and social costs and may endanger life on the planet. The World Economic and Social Survey 2013 contributes to the deliberations on addressing sustainable development challenges with a focus on three important cross-sectoral issues identified for action and follow-up at the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: sustainable cities, food security and energy transformation.

Sustainable development strategies need to be inclusive and take special care of the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable. New Cheney Memoir Reveals He's Going To Live Full, Satisfied Life Without Ever Feeling Remorse And There's Nothing We Can Do About It. Plusieurs centaines de milliers de manifestants en Israël pour réclamer des changements sociaux.