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Directory | Local Twitter trends. Twe2 - Get your Twitter Alerts via SMS worldwide for Free. Your Twitter Karma. SpreadTweet - Twitter disguised as an Excel spreadsheet. So, you work at a big corporate, huh? And you're not allowed to use Twitter... Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool that looked just like Excel? Welcome to Spreadtweet. It's Twitter, disguised as a spreadsheet. Sorry, Spreadtweet is currently not working due to the Twitter OAuth API. <p class="work"><table id="messageTable"><tr><td> This application requires the following be installed: <ol><li><a href=" AIR&#8482; Runtime</a></li><li><a href="sampleApplication.air">Sample Application</a></li></ol> Please click on each link in the order above to complete the installation process.

You'll need The Adobe AIR runtime for this. I need to give you money for this. Is this legal? I dunno. Loads of stuff. You need a bigger screenshot? How To Build A Facebook Application. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Gareth Rushgrove Published on January 22, 2008 Facebook, as you’ve probably noticed, is everywhere. Getting Started FBML is basically the HTML you know and love, so we’ll include a heading and a stylesheet.

In order to install Facebook applications, or indeed to write your own, you need a Facebook account. The Facebook Platform Facebook have done a pretty good job of documenting the fundamental components of their platform over on their developer site. API – The API defines the various methods through which you can interact with Facebook. We’ll be stepping through the development of a simple application which will demonstrate usage of FBML and the API. As well as the core documentation, Facebook also makes available a set of useful tools and resources for developers. A typical page on Facebook is quite complicated, with lots of different elements on the page. Example Application: Birthdays Book Building The Application <? <? .:: Welcome to TweetMinster – the place where real life and poli. a smarter way to update Facebook from Twitter. Tweetmeme Button « WordPress Plugin. Twtcard :: a simple greeting card twitter app.

Your Twitter status, in photos — Portwiture. Twitter Grader | Get Your Twitter Ranking. - a Twitter location application. Selective Twitter Status on Facebook.

Please Retweet Me. Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs. Twimailer. The ReTweetability Index. Matt - Multi Account Twitter Tweeter - Brought to you by Carsoni. Pinksy Stats &amp; Rankings (pinksy) | 25+ Celebrity Twitter Users. Mr. Tweet -&gt; Your Personal Networking Assistant for Twitter! Twitseek. 4 Useful Twitter Tools You Shouldn’t Twitter Without. A new Twitter tool pops up everyday.

However, not all of them are necessary and don’t always provide a useful purpose. Here’s a short list of Twitter tools that you could use to better enhance your Twitter experience. Summize Summize is one of the greatest realtime Twitter search engines. Summize’s site is optimized to let you know when there’s a new update for your search results, which beats refreshing a page all the time.

Summize also sports a conversation tracking feature similar to the Quotably service for following Twitter conversations. I find that it updates a lot faster than Tweetscan even via it’s RSS feeds for keywords that you’re tracking. TweetBurner TweetBurner is not only a great link shortener, but a great link tracker too. This is a great tool for statistical purposes and a good way to find which of your links are going viral.

Twhirl Twhirl is the ultimate Twitter client using Adobe AIR’s platform.