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Mr. Tweet -> Your Personal Networking Assistant!

Mr. Tweet -> Your Personal Networking Assistant!
'Экстри́мия, также eXtremia (от англ. extreme - противоположный, обладающий высокой степенью, чрезмерный, особенный) - свободная энциклопедия экстремальных ночных игр, создаваемая игроками и для игроков. Логотип eXtremia Цель проекта - собрать и обобщить сведения о новой экстремальной субкультуре, собрать накопленный опыт и идеи, разнообразить и улучшить качество проводимых игр, а также обеспечить информационную поддержку интересным проектам, не получившим широкую известность. Создатели Экстримии не ставят целью рекламу, сравнение или критику существующих проектов и игр и не связаны с их руководством. Мы представляем интересы игроков и придерживаемся политики максимальной объективности, прекрасно понимая, что идеал недостижим. Кому будет интересен данный проект

Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter Have you asked yourself this? Well you're in luck - ManageFlitter has the answer! Click "Connect to Twitter" below to connect your account. We'll process data on your followers and within a few seconds you'll see the screen below - a list of all the people who have unfollowed you. 4 Useful Twitter Tools You Shouldn’t Twitter Without A new Twitter tool pops up everyday. However, not all of them are necessary and don’t always provide a useful purpose. Here’s a short list of Twitter tools that you could use to better enhance your Twitter experience.

Links Instagram Official Website Support Center. Instagram is notifying users on its support center about any bugs they’ve been alerted about andin which they are working on, as well as any recent changes on instagram App, news around releases etc. All The info will appears here: Five Ways to Use Social Media to Reach People Who Don't Use Are you the only person at work who likes to read blogs? Is it your job to sell things to people who would probably throw you out of their offices if you said the word "twitter?" Are you trying to reach audiences who've never visited a social networking website because they've heard those sites are used by no one but virus peddlers, sex fiends and 14 year old losers? Sometimes it feels like social media is just not relevant to the people you're trying to reach.

How To Build A Facebook Application The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Gareth Rushgrove Published on January 22, 2008 Facebook, as you’ve probably noticed, is everywhere. SpreadTweet - Twitter disguised as an Excel spreadsheet So, you work at a big corporate, huh? And you're not allowed to use Twitter... Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool that looked just like Excel? Welcome to Spreadtweet. It's Twitter, disguised as a spreadsheet. Social Media Marketing + Brandmanagement "Must-Have": FriendFeed, a cross-network activity aggregator built by ex-Googlers and more fun to use than the phrase "cross-network activity aggregator" might imply, launched a powerful new search tool today. Want to discover particularly interesting conversations or people in your networks? Want to pick out just the noisiest conversations online about your brand? Want to find some really crazy stuff that's only discoverable through FriendFeed?

Phweet - Public Alpha Have you ever wished you could just Talk to your Twitter friend?Have you ever wanted to spontaneously set up a Conference Call with your Twitter friends?Have you ever felt irritated that you have to turn on a separate client to accept a Call? Phweet lets you accept calls with one click from your Twitter page or Twitter clients. Phweet is a simple service where you don’t need to download or share anything more to talk. The call is contained within a PhweetUrl; a smart link that calls you.

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