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Vagrant: What, Why, and How. This article will help walk you through using Vagrant to manage your virtual machine instances, and explain how you can take advantage of Puppet to provision various resources, like PHP and PostgreSQL.

Vagrant: What, Why, and How

Introduction Developers have a huge selection of ways to build their web development environment. Developers have a huge selection of ways to build their web development environment. You can use "local" options, such as installing pre-built "all-in-one" server stacks, such as Zend Server, XAMPP, MAMP, WAMP, etc., or you can install the components yourself from source, or via package management systems like Homebrew, Apt, and Yum.


Android. BÉPO. Prediction API: Machine Learning from Google. Introduction One of the exciting APIs among the 50+ APIs offered by Google is the Prediction API.

Prediction API: Machine Learning from Google

It provides pattern matching and machine learning capabilities like recommendations or categorization. The notion is similar to the machine learning capabilities that we can see in other solutions (e.g. in Apache Mahout): we can train the system with a set of training data and then the applications based on Prediction API can recommend ("predict") what products the user might like or they can categories spams, etc. In this post we go through an example how to categorize SMS messages - whether they are spams or valuable texts ("hams"). Using Prediction API In order to be able to use Prediction API, the service needs to be enabled via Google API console. To upload the training data first we need to create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage. "ham" "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Google Prediction API offers a handful of commands that can be invoked via REST interface. 02. 10. def get(self): 15.



What Refactoring is, and what it isn’t - According to Kent Beck and Martin Fowler. Sometimes a programmer will come to me and explain that they don’t like the design of something and that “we’re gonna need to do a whole bunch of refactoring” to make it right. Oh Oh. This doesn’t sound good. And it doesn’t sound like refactoring either…. CHECK OUT THE NEW REFACTORING REFCARD! --DZone curator interruption Refactoring, as originally defined by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck, is A change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior… It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs.


Tmk9268. Java. SQL. Learn.GitHub - Branching and Merging - Vimperator. Create and work on topic and long running branches, merge between them and delete them. As we touched on in the first lesson, the way that Git handles branching and merging is pretty unique. First of all, it’s incredibly fast, both to create new branches and to switch between them. Git has a single working directory that it replaces with the contents of the branch you’re working on, so you don’t have to have separate directories for each branch. 25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer - Vimperator. I’ve been using git for about 18 months now and thought I knew it pretty well.

25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer - Vimperator

Then we had Scott Chacon from GitHub over to do some training at LVS, a supplier/developer of betting/gaming software (where contracted until 2013) and I learnt a ton in the first day. As someone who’s always felt fairly comfortable in Git, I thought sharing some of the nuggets I learnt with the community might help someone to find an answer without needing to do lots of research. 1.

First Steps After Install After installing Git, the first thing you should do is configure your name and email, as every commit will have these details: $ git config --global "Some One" $ git config --global "" 2. Everything stored in git is in a file. From there branches and tags are simply files containing (basically) a SHA-1 hash which points to the commit.

You may have heard references to the HEAD.


Unicode & fonts. Introduction to Tear Gas Exposure by Stephen Sidlo on Prezi - Vimperator. Programmers and non-programmers : The camel has two humps. Vim. Light Table. Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011) Web. Linux. Stack Overflow. HUBOT. Business group chat, file sharing, group decision making: Campfire.

Current Campfire customers can sign in here.

Business group chat, file sharing, group decision making: Campfire

Hello, We launched Campfire back in 2006 so teams could easily collaborate online in real-time. Since then, over 1,000,000,000 (yes, billion) messages have been sent with Campfire. However, since we merged Campfire into Basecamp with the launch of Basecamp 3, we haven’t given the standalone version of Campfire much attention. As part of refocusing our efforts on a slimmer product line, we’ve decided to no longer offer Campfire to new customers.

Existing customers will be able to continue using Campfire as they always have. For those new customers who are interested in Campfire, we highly recommend checking out Basecamp 3.