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Blended Learning Basics - Playlist Video. Flipped Classroom. E se rovesciassimo la classe? Le tecnologie dovrebbero servire a semplificarci la vita, e spesso lo fanno. Dipende da come le usiamo. Pensiamo alla scuola e immaginiamo una classe normale di un istituto normale con alunni anch’essi nella norma. E’ molto probabile che la maggior parte dei docenti di questa classe utilizzi ancora metodi tradizionali di insegnamento, prediliga la lezione frontale accompagnata dalle classiche modalità di verifica come l’interrogazione o il compito in classe e assegni tutti i giorni compiti per casa agli studenti. Nonostante la presenza sempre più diffusa di strumenti tecnologici nelle scuole – magari anche nella nostra – oggigiorno si incontrano ancora pochi docenti disposti a sperimentare nuovi percorsi didattici per adeguare i loro metodi di insegnamento alla convivenza con Internet, LIM, Tablet e PC, ma soprattutto alle rinnovate esigenze dei cosiddetti nativi digitali, abituati ad avere tutto a portata di click, compreso il sapere.

“Ma prof, allora Google che ci sta a fare?” Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Getting Everybody On Board. Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. So you're a parent, a student, or an administrator, and you just found out that a teacher in your school has flipped their class.

What impact does that have on you? How should you respond? How can you support it? Where can you go for more information? Parents Your child's experience in a flipped classroom is probably different than your educational experience has been. Flipping will increase student-teacher interaction. One of the beauties of the flipped classroom is that it gives the teacher more individual time with each student. Flipping will bring added value to homework. How many times have your children come home with homework they were unable to understand? Your child will be able to pause and rewind the teacher. All kids learn at different speeds, and frankly, teachers talk too fast. Students Your teacher has flipped your class. Seven Web-based Tools for Delivering Flipped Lessons. Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom. Kristin: I can say that the things I've been doing the last two years have really made a difference, because my kids have scored the highest in the State on the standardized tests.

So what we're doing here is working, and it's helping them be successful. Julie: We define Blended Learning as the combination of digital content and activity with face-to-face content and activity. It sounds easy to Blend, but it really, it looks very different in every classroom. So if a teacher is using something that works really well in a face-to-face situation, they should continue to do that because it works well. If they can find something else that works better, is more efficient or more effective that's digital, then that would be implemented.

Kristin: What I have online could be completely different than what the biology teacher has online, or what the physical education teacher has online. Mickey: Okay, go ahead get the laptops. There are three activities. Student: C. Mickey: C. Class: Yay! Here is How to Set Up A Flipped Classroom. Two Incredibly Useful Videos on Flipped Learning.

September 6, 2014 Flipped learning is a learning trend that is gaining in momentum within the education community. Whether this is a new trend or not does not matter here what matters is the fact that web technologies and digital media is increasing the potential of flipped learning beyond measures. Flipped classroom or flipped learning is a methodology, an approach to learning in which technology is employed to reverse the traditional role of classroom time. If in the past, classroom time is spent at lecturing to students , now in a flipped model, this time is utilized to encourage individualized learning and provide one-on-one help to students.There are actually several pluses for using a flipped approach in your teaching: 1- The Flipped Classroom Model 2- Flipped Learning.