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Analytics » Social analytics. What a Tweet Can Tell You. Imagine a tiny little sun, just bursting with heat and light, but trapped inside a hard metal cover with a few holes to let beams of energy stream out from inside. Now imagine there were millions of those little suns, maybe the size of basketballs or tennis balls, all rolling down an assembly line one after another, each with a unique pattern of holes and beams of light streaming out into the world. That's what Twitter is. Inside every unborn tweet you can find infinite potential - someone will be in a place, with social context and they will say something, anything, and give that potential a form. They will say something and it will be instantly available to anyone in the world who's subscribed.

Each tweet has more than 30 fields of metadata under the hood; the value populating each of those fields makes up the unique patterns of holes in the metal cover that lets the light out from inside. "One could spend months mining Twitter using @DataSift," said Paul M. Topsy - Real-time search for the social web.

With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions Drag right from the Home screen to show Search and get Siri Suggestions. Get Siri Suggestions Siri Suggestions include apps and contacts that you might be interested in. You can use Siri Suggestions with iPhone 5 and later, iPad Pro, iPad (4th generation) and later, iPad mini (2nd generation) and later, and iPod touch (6th generation). Change search settings Go to Settings > General > Spotlight Search. From here, you can turn Siri Suggestions on or off and choose which apps to include in your searches. If you don’t want Siri or Spotlight to suggest nearby locations, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

Last Modified: StatusVia - Post a Facebook status from ALL THE THINGS! TwitSprout Blog. [nytlabs] Project Cascade. Comment utiliser Yahoo Pipes pour être (presque) omniscient sur #Twitter ? Ce billet est un complément à celui de Camille qui explique sur Caddereputation comment soigner son infobesité sur Twitter grâce à Yahoo Pipes. Je vous invite d’ailleurs à le lire pour bien comprendre le mien car je ne reviendrai pas sur les étapes qu’il a décrit. Je vais quant à moi vous expliquer comment muscler votre veille. Camille montre comment constituer des listes Twitter de façon alternative. C’est un billet précieux car il permet de créer un flux RSS pour une liste, ce que ne permet pas Twitter. TwitterList2RSS, une application qui offrait ce service, a mis la clé sous la porte et il n’existe pas encore de substitut (à ma connaissance). Camille a également expliqué comment filtrer ces listes tant par des mots-clés mais également par la nature des tweets (exemple : contenir des liens).

Des applications permettent de le faire mais il faut jongler entre plusieurs pour obtenir un résultat équivalent et certaines, comme vu plus haut, ne brillent pas par leur longévité. Twitter Data Conundrum: Sentiment Analysis Part 3. It probably goes without saying that complete and accurate data make for better analysis. While good data is relatively easy for a brand to obtain from its owned media, assuring the integrity of data from earned, yet-to-be-earned and just plain “in-the-wild” text documents has a higher degree of difficulty. Twitter data was specifically cited as problematic by several presenters at the Sentiment Analysis Symposium.

After the event, I asked some questions of those who are “in the know” about Twitter data to get some clarity on the issue. Along with the global considerations of sentiment analysis discussed in the last post in this series, tweets are written in a “language” that is not English with structure that may confound discovery and analysis techniques.

It was commented at the symposium that the Twitter firehose — a source that, in theory, provides a real-time stream with 100% of all tweets — only yields about 85% of tweets. Gnip is the Social Media API. Bettween | Easily Track and Share Twitter Conversations. Follower Wonk: Cool stuff with Twitter bios, stats, and such.