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Jordan Maxwell The Inner World Of The Occult Full Length 2002. The Universe in a Nutshell: Michio Kaku on the Physics of Everything. By Maria Popova The history of physics is the history of modern civilization. How did humanity go from a tribe governed by superstition to a species on the hunt for the Higgs Boson and the deepest secrets of the cosmos? In The Universe in a Nutshell, theoretical physicist and prolific author Michio Kaku — who has previously helped us unravel the mysteries of time — explores why “the history of physics is the history of modern civilization.” From the Big Bang to E=mc2 to the latest bleeding-edge advances in string theory and quantum mechanics, Kaku offers a concise and accessible history of physics, while shining a light on the discipline’s promise to bring us closer to the secrets of existence.

Almost everything you see in your living room, almost everything you see at a modern hospital, at some point or other, can be traced to a physicist. In contextualizing the role of physics in the development of modern civilization, Kaku quotes legendary science fiction author and futurist Arthur C. What is Consciousness? We become consciousness when there is an awareness of movement, balance and clarity in the relationships between all these directions, giving rise to the experience of presence and an awareness of the core Self, which is whole. Life is experienced as a field of awareness and our relationships become interactions with consciousness within those fields. Modern quantum physicists are now demonstrating the truth of this ancient wisdom as they delve ever deeper into the mystery of how life is created. The relationship of the creative expression of our essence in co-creation with the Divine can be most fully be experienced through play, community, love, presence and an awareness of all Life.

We can begin to understand how we synthesize structures of meaning or patterns, both old and new, through the experiences of different learning environments that open us up to the feeling of belonging and of connection, of being home. Send Your Light - In Unity With All The Other Yous. Drunvalo Melchizedek A Must Watch About our Very near Future ET's Consciousness 2012 etc converted. Space. Aura - Learn to see your Aura image with your own eyes.

What is the Aura ? Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains INFORMATION about the object.Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly.

Nikola Tesla — Chris Cureton, Brand Consultant & Designer. The Awakening | For Enlightening Minds. The Indigo and Crystal children that come to the planet are known as "starchildren". Often this is because their souls are more at home in the stars, and they have not incarnated on Earth before. They come at this time as a "special assignment" team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional "New Earth". But while these beings appear like ordinary human beings, they do in fact have access to a greater range of human potential. They are more open to who they are, closer to a recognition of their divine origins and essence.

Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. The Crystal children, on the other hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. With these gifts and abilities, Crystal beings are immensely powerful and creative. The Future Crystal child will be known as a "Rainbow Crystal" being. The Human Angel For Human Angels there is work to do. An Evolutionary Leap.

Akashic Records

Michael Schneider - Constructing The Universe. Ancient Knowledge_ Consciousness_ Sacred Geometry_ Cymatics_ Illusion of Reality. Clean/Cleanse/Charging Your Crystal. HOW TO CLEAN, CLEANSE, CHARGE, ACTIVATEAND PROGRAM YOUR CRYSTAL - By Karen Ryan Preparing Your Crystal For HealingTo prepare your crystal for healing, first clean the crystal physically of any mud, oils, sand or other debris. Then using a cleansing technique, be sure any negative energies are removed from the crystal so that you do not transfer residual energies onto yourself or your client.

For maximum healing effects, charging crystals will ensure the crystal is ready electromagnetically and is saturated with ultraviolet light which energizes each crystal. To "wake-up" your crystal, you may need to activate it into its role and mission.. And finally, program your crystal to direct the energy for a specific outcome or for support during a healing session.

Cleaning Crystals If you purchased a crystal with mud on it, chances are it still has part of the growth matrix on it. The matrix is the part of the earth that the crystal grows in, full of mineral nutrients. Your Information Source for Chakras. How to Manifest Your Desires With the Power of Thought. Flickr Commons: Image provided by Davide Restivo Manifesting your desires is not as easy as focusing your awareness toward something and your desires will magically appear without doing any work. To learn how to effectively manifest your thoughts into reality, you need to understand what thought is and learn how the thought manifestation process works. You also need to take appropriate actions to support your desires. What is thought? Thought is a subtle conscious energy that is more powerful than even the strongest nuclear weapon. One of the most important aspects of thought is that it has the potential of thinking within and upon itself.

Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigm about how focused thought plays an essential role in manifesting desires. In order for energy to manifest into matter, there must first exist something to draw energy into focus. Linear time and thought manifestation In our dimension, there is the illusion of linear time. The importance of specific thoughts. 10 Golden Lessons from Albert Einstein. Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving - Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was an amazing physicist.

He figured out so many universal principles and equations that he was way ahead of his fellow scientists at any point of time. But he is also remembered for another thing; a quality which made people call him a genius: his words. Prof. Einstein was a philosopher who clearly understood the laws of success and explained them like the way he did with his equations. Here is a list of 10 things out of the numerously wonderful things he had said; 10 golden lessons that you can put to use in your everyday life. 1. Most people don’t try new things because of their fear of failure. 2. 30 years from now, you won’t possibly remember what chapters you had in your science book; you’d only remember what you learn on your way.

The 13 Chakra System | OneHealsOne. What Is A Chakra - Chakras are energy centres in our bodies. They are the openings for 'life energy' to flow in and out of our aura. Their function is to nourish and vitalise our physical body and aid awareness to the development of our consciousness. Each one contains data referring to our past, present and future thoughts, feelings and emotions. Every chakra in our body vibrates at a different speed producing multiple colours in our aura. How do we activate the chakras? We can activate our chakras through the breath, through yoga postures, meditation and prayers, through sound and colour, through singing, through visualisation, and through certain kinds of music. Aura We often hear expressions like “she has a nice aura”, or “he has good energy”.

Gateways to consciousnessPsychologist Carl Jung called the chakras the "gateways of consciousness". How To Use This Site - The site has been designed to be user-friendly providing free information for each of the 13 chakras. Seeing Auras. Seeing Auras Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be born with the talent to be able to see auras. The technique to learn how to see auras only takes one minute to learn. However, it may take years to see auras well enough physically to glean all the information they can offer. Aura reading, as with most things psychic, is a lesson in patience. You may see auras right away, or within a few days of practice. You may not. You may see them initially, and then have a period of time where you don't seem to see anything. As with any psychic work, DON'T STRAIN YOURSELF! To See Auras:Get a partner or stand in front of a mirror.

You can also practice seeing the various colors, however, by looking at after-images. Most people have little problem seeing the whitish area around people. If you are in school, try seeing the aura around your teachers and classmates. Auras tend to have a base color, which determines the person's overall personality. OrangeOrange is the color of the sun. More Déjà Vu Theories" The Hologram Theory Dutch psychiatrist Hermon Sno proposed the idea that memories are like holograms, meaning that you can recreate the entire three-dimensional image from any fragment of the whole. The smaller the fragment, however, the fuzzier the ultimate picture. Déjà vu, he says, happens when some detail in the environment we are currently in (a sight, sound, smell, et cetera) is similar to some remnant of a memory of our past and our brain recreates an entire scene from that fragment. Other researchers also agree that some small piece of familiarity may be the seed that creates the déjà vu feeling.

For example, you might go for a ride with a friend in an old 1964 Plymouth and have a strong déjà vu experience without actually remembering (or even being aware of the fact) that your grandfather had the same type of car and you're actually remembering riding in that car as a small child. Dual Processing (or Delayed Vision) "Memories" From Other Sources.

Starseed-Lynx. Indigos and Starseeds have been incarnating on the planet for a very long time and you might be one, your parent or grandparent or even your great, great grandparent may have been an Indigo or a Starseed. Below, we will look at the differences between Indigos and Starseeds, the difference between an Indigo 1, an Indigo 2 and an Indigo 3, why we are here, why not all awakened beings are Indigos or Starseeds and much more. Not all Indigos and Starseeds have the same experiences but if you answer yes to the majority of the bullets below, you may want to explore more deeply into who you really might be. You might be an Indigo or Starseed if...... So, what exactly are Indigos and Starseeds and why are we different? To understand the answer, we must look at the bigger picture, the Galactic view. Agreements are made between earth humans and the Indigo or Starseed prior to birth, most often prior to the birth of the parents.

All other humans on earth. The opposite in fact. DNA. Able to be born on earth. Opening The Third Eye - Please read all of the following if you wish to perform this ‘opening the third eye’ exercise. You need to understand what you will be doing. It is important to follow the instructions as this is very advanced: Opening the Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra; the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the “pineal” gland. The pineal gland id dormant in most people,as is the true 3rd eye.

In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. The pineal gland is like a grape in size; like a raisin in most people where it remains dormant. Opening the third eye/pineal gland: This is done with a specific tone and chant. The mantra to be used is “Thoh,” pronounced “TOE.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. This is a very powerful exercise and as with all powerful practices, your body will go through discomfort in order to adapt. Authors Details: Web Site. Florida Community - Mother Earth News.

SuperStar LightWorkers