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Prenez des décisions plus intelligentes et plus éclairées. | Online Voting Platform FAQ's - Follow My Vote. What is a blockchain? A blockchain can be referred to as a transactional database or public ledger that is created and maintained by a network of computers/servers. The various computers and/or servers that power the network take turns verifying sets of transactions and adding them to the database, which are referred to as blocks. These “blocks” of transactions are mathematically linked to one another in a way that would resemble a chain, hence the name blockchain.

Once stored in the database, these transactions are permanent and irreversible. What are the key benefits of using your online voting platform? The key benefits of our online voting platform are inherent in its design, as it embodies all of the characteristics that a legitimate voting system requires: security, accuracy, transparency, anonymity, freedom, and fairness. How are elections hosted within your online voting system kept secure? How does your online voting system ensure elections results are accurate? — Bringing Democracy to Elections. Research Team - en/DemosVoting. | Think better together. Code to vote. Self Defined Self Management: How We're Figuring It Out. When I got my first job, it never occurred to me that there was more than one way to work. You went to an office, followed directions from a boss for 8-ish hours, and then went home. That’s not quite how Buffer does things. During the time I’ve been lucky enough to be on board, we’ve experimented seemingly every day with new elements of work that once seemed immutable: titles and no titles, managers and no managers, office and no office. We don’t work on a fixed schedule or from a fixed location.

The move to self management So when we stumbled upon the book Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux, we were intrigued. We made a lot of changes, including dropping all titles, stopping all official coaching and mentorship, and letting each teammate choose the goals and projects they wanted to work on (and what they wanted to pay themselves). It was a unique time to be at Buffer, to say the least. Fast forward to present day, and things feel a bit different. How do we work today? Is The DAO going to be DOA? — Steemit. The DAO is the latest Decentralized, Autonomous Organization to make major waves as they raised over $100 million worth of ETH tokens (12% of all ETH). The question remains, is it a good idea to invest in The DAO and have they learned anything from those who have gone before?

In this article I will talk about the experience gained from BitShares, not to promote BitShares as superior, but to highlight the hard lessons that can be learned from BitShares’ failures and how they might apply to The DAO. Background Let me take a moment to share my credentials on the subject of DAOs. The first two words of DAO, Decentralized Autonomous, entered the crypto-currency lexicon after a discussion between my father and I back in 2013. The last word of DAC was changed from Company (or Corporation) to Organization in order to avoid unnecessary legal entanglements, but the concept remains the same. The latest incarnation of BitShares gave members joint control over a $6 million dollar reserve fund. Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider. A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making.

Reprint: R0711C Many executives are surprised when previously successful leadership approaches fail in new situations, but different contexts call for different kinds of responses. Before addressing a situation, leaders need to recognize which... In January 1993, a gunman murdered seven people in a fast-food restaurant in Palatine, a suburb of Chicago. In his dual roles as an administrative executive and spokesperson for the police department, Deputy Chief Walter Gasior suddenly had to cope with several different situations at once.

He had to deal with the grieving families and a frightened community, help direct the operations of an extremely busy police department, and take questions from the media, which inundated the town with reporters and film crews. A version of this article appeared in the November 2007 issue of Harvard Business Review. InterTwinkles: Twinkling all over the InterWebs. The advice process – definition and usage tips. One of the immediately interesting ideas I picked up from Reinventing Organizations (and since have discovered in other places, like Joy at Work) is the “Advice Process”. This is a decision model that works very well to replace both the top-down decision model and the consensus-based decision model, both of which have serious flaws in practice and theory both. So far, we’ve been using the Advice Process at GrantTree for about 3 months now (since August 2014, in case you’re reading this much later), and it’s worked well (with some hiccups around decisions about pay – more on this further down).

We’ve learned a few things about how to use it or fail to use it properly, and I thought I’d share these thoughts, three months in. First, though, a bit of background… How do you end up with the Advice Process? The advice process is a natural progression from the other two obvious decision models in startups. Some people are happy with that. Enter the advice process. The Advice Process Trusting people.