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Gridjit: A Social Portal. Facebook y los Vínculos Sociales. Clay Shirky's Internet Writings. Welcome. The Art and Science of Retweeting for Twitteraholics. This is a guest post by AJ Vaynerchuk. He blogs about social media, marketing, and SEO, and spends a lot of his time on Twitter. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter while you’re at it. Many bloggers use Twitter as a platform to promote their own blog.

That’s an easy concept, no need to waste our time there. Instead, lets focus on something that is under-utilized by most bloggers: promoting other blogger’s content by “retweeting.” The art of “retweeting” is best described as taking a twitter message someone else has posted, and rebroadcasting that same message to your followers. How to Properly Retweet Before we get into the greatness of retweeting, it would probably be a good idea for you to understand how to properly retweet. The common syntax starts off with the use of a label. Next comes the crediting. Lastly, you should add the link along with a quick note about the link and why it is relevant. RT: @originalPoster The 5 Best Blog Tips – great tips Actually no. Twitterific - the top Mac client. T N T — The Network Thinker: Twitter. Pizarra: Red social de la educación : Portada. Econosociofisica -   var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? " : " docume.

Your life, on the line - Governance » “Google humano” Edición escaneada en PDF de La Gran Guía de los Blogs 2008 en Bitacoras. European Commision | SELF. Facebook, OpenSocial y la Gran Pesadilla Social. This article will take approx 4 minutes to read. Ante todo, quisiera agradecerle a Aaron la oportunidad de escribir regularmente en Technosailor. ¿A qué se debe el éxito de Facebook? ¿Qué es la Gran Pesadilla Social? ¿Qué efectos tendrá Google OpenSocial en el terreno de los networks sociales? Facebook debe su éxito, en gran parte, al hecho de ser una buena idea, excelentemente ejecutada. Facebook es algo así como una Mac: tiene todo lo que necesitas, en un sistema cerrado. Para el usuario promedio, Facebook ofrece casi todo lo que pueda necesitar, a través de un interfaz sencillo y liviano. Pero ¿qué pasa si queremos ir un poco más allá? ¿Para qué nos sirve el mapa social?

Digamos que quieres abrir una cuenta en LinkedIn. Esta es, precisamente, la Gran Pesadilla Social: el costo de integrarnos a un nuevo network social aumenta con cada network – mientras más información hayamos creado, mayor el esfuerzo para trasladarla a otros networks. El Mapa Social Google Open Social. Feevy home. El futból y los atentados del 11M protagonistas de los bulos y rumores que campan por la red. Angel Cortès - La Bomba, aunque en este caso informativa, exploto el pasado sábado 17 en un foro de los más visitados por la afición al deporte rey en España, el fútbol. Un mensaje firmado por un tal "Alicantino" afirmaba que el "Lleida había comprado al Cartagena" a través de su portero "Diezma". Para dar mayor credibilidad al mensaje, explicaba que el asunto había sido ya destapado por la COPE, adonde había acudido el jugador contando los pelos y señales de la operación, "aportando, además, números de teléfono como prueba y una comida que se realizó en Valencia, donde el estuvo presente junto a un representante del club y un intermediario de jugadores".

El mensaje acababa diciendo que la oferta del Lleida era de 40.000 € y que al descubrirse el pastel, "podría no disputarse el partido... ya que el tema esta en los juzgados". Todo Falso La verdad es que el mensaje era totalmente falso. Bomba en Madrid Alarma Social Más sobre el 11M. Fotos y videos de Mariangela Petrizzo. Cooperación 2.0 - Comunicaciones. Eadminwiki » Quién es quién. Internet y Participación Ciudadana (eParticipación, e-Participación, eParticipa) Aprendices » home. [Social Design for the Web] Special report : science career issues and alternative jobs for scientists : Naturejobs. A crop of websites is making networking among scientists easier than ever. Virginia Gewin logs in. Compared with crafting computational expertise or sharpening gene-splicing skills, networking is one talent many scientists are slow to hone.

Luckily, a crop of new websites is encouraging even the most reclusive researchers to rendezvous with colleagues without leaving the lab. The success of social-networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn shows the power of the Internet not only to cultivate, but to capitalize on, friendships. Social scientists To meet the constant demand for career advice, some scientific associations have harnessed existing sites to provide a networking option. A growing number of websites, including Nature Network (a product of the Nature Publishing Group, the parent company of Nature) and Chemical Forums are coming online to meet more specific needs. Scientists with common interests can connect across long distances and disparate scientific cultures. En Línea. Friends:Social Networking Sites for Engaged Library Services. Elgg Social Networking. Elgg is an open-source social web application licensed under GPL version 2, and runs on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) or WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) platform.

It offers a networking platform combining elements of blogging, e-portfolios, news feed aggregation, file sharing, and social networking. Elgg has its own plug-in architecture, and can use plug-ins to provide a calendar and a wiki. It supports a number of open standards including RSS, LDAP for authentication, FOAF, and XML-RPC for integration with most third-party blogging clients. It can be integrated with MediaWiki, Moodle, Drupal, and WebCT. Elgg provides each user with a personal weblog, file repository (with podcasting capabilities), an online profile, and an RSS reader. Using Elgg is the easiest way to create your own fully customized, hosted social network for your business, organization, or group of friends.

If you are looking to create your social networking site by tomorrow, then this book is for you. You Are What You Share › Dawud Miracle @ I get asked all the time why a business owner should be blogging or engaged in social media. The answer I give almost always revolves around creating relationships. If you’ve been reading a while, you know one of my favorite statements is people don’t do business with businesses, they do business with people. So relationships become key to business success. Before the internet, before social media, much of the business world seemed to focus on producing and selling. Today, however, and especially with the explosion of social media, the business world is changing. As business owners, this means we need to rethink how we go about doing business. I found this great little video on YouTube that illustrates just that.

One of the quotes from the video that I found so interesting was this: Communities don’t just want to make money, they want to socialize and gain recognition for the work they do. Would you agree? Take a look at the video. So, are you what you produce or are you what you share? Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Friends:Social Networking Sites for Engaged Library Services: <strong> Facebook : The New Study Hall For The Wired Generation?</strong> Internet: Facebook crece un 270% en un año. Steve Jackson | Six Degrees of Separation. A week later, I logged on and, when I saw the numbers had jumped from 3,000 to 30,000, thought my eyes were playing tricks. The following day was our first six figure day – 141,000 new members joined up.

The next 16 days were a complete rollercoaster ride. Sixteen six-figure days in a row! This was completely unprecedented! Day 13 was a real Red Letter Day. It was around this time I realised Six Degrees was more than just research for my new book. Inevitably, there had to be a slowdown. It was never my intention to prove or disprove the Six Degrees theory – after all, I’m a writer not a scientist. Have I managed to contact every single person on Facebook?

All the best, Steve. Video: Social Networking in Plain English | Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English. Networks get things done. Whether it's sending a letter or lighting your home. Networks make it happen. To get from Chicago to Santa Fe, we need to see the network of roads that will get us there. We see that Chicago is connected to St Louis, which is connected to Dallas, which is connected to Santa Fe. Of course, people networks can help us with finding jobs, meeting new friends, and finding partners. The problem with social networks in the real world is that most of the connections between people are hidden. This problem is being solved by a type of web site called a social networking site. Here's how it works. When you find someone, you click a button that says, "Add as Friend". What's really cool, is that you can see who your friends know, and who your friends' friends know. This solves a real world problem because your network has hidden opportunities.

SPREE community. Linked.