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Recept; Playdoh, trolldeg, slime, papier mache massa samt färgad sand, ris och pasta. Här kommer recept på olika blandningar att arbeta med, att bearbeta och forma eller hälla och ösa med.

Recept; Playdoh, trolldeg, slime, papier mache massa samt färgad sand, ris och pasta

När ämnen blandas och/eller utsätts för värme sker ibland en kemisk reaktion. Det innebär att molekylerna sätts samman på nya sätt i nya strukturer och storlekar vilket avgör det nya ämnets egenskaper. Elasticitet och viskositet, huruvida ett ämne är tjockt eller lättflytande, påverkas. Det kan sluta på spännande vis. Exempelvis i ett ämne som till viss del är fast och till viss del flytande eller som en gelé som bildas då vatten och stärkelse hettas upp.

PLAYDOH 4 dl vetemjöl 2 dl salt 2 msk citronsyra 2 msk olja 5 dl vatten ( ev lite karamellfärg eller glitter) Blanda de torra ingredienserna + olja. TROLLDEG 1 dl vatten 2 dl mjöl 1 dl salt 1 msk olja (ev. karamellfärg) Arbeta ihop ingredienserna till en smidig deg. SLIME2,5 msk potatismjöl 3 dl vatten Några droppar olja Vispa ut mjölet i det kalla vattnet. Blanda en knapp deciliter Maizenamjöl med lite ljummet vatten. Easy Density Experiment For Kids. Welcome to our Halloween density experiment.

Easy Density Experiment For Kids

What do you think? What you need Treacle Golden Syrup Water Food colouring Vegetable Oil Small items to test for floating. Creating Colorful Icicles. We had so much fun creating these amazing colorful icicles over the weekend.

Creating Colorful Icicles

It took a bit of effort/patience to get them to form, but the results were totally worth it! The weather dipped really cold making it perfect for building icicles. We started by freezing colorful ice blocks the night before, and building a little colorful castle on a cookie sheet. We used a ladder and a broom handle as our structure, nothing fancy. We made a very small hole in the bottom of the pop bottle and threaded string through it. We continued to add colored water to the pop bottle about every 10 mins. It was fun to change up the colors of the water every so often and see the colorful layers form. I love all the layers and depth of color! A friend made a fun time lapsed video of the process. Click on the red links to find more great Kids Winter Ideas and follow my Winter Pinterest Board for more inspiring winter ideas from around the web.

I joined in on the Winter Wonderland Blog Hop today. Science Experiment: "Sparkly Explosion!" My daughter has been requesting science experiments that explode, sparkle, and use fire!

Science Experiment: "Sparkly Explosion!"

I love child-led learning because it helps cultivate a love for education and skills to learn independently in the future. It is also a form of assessment because you can see exactly how your child is processing information you have already taught. This little gem is completely my daughter's creation, but we all loved it. I hope you have as much fun with it as we did! And don't worry--I have several more fiery experiments and demonstrations to put up soon! Simple Supplies for a "Sparkly Explosion:" vasebaking sodavinegarfood coloring (we used neon red)blue glitter (this is very important, though you can use any color)other supplies--see step 4. pan to contain the mess The Easy How-To: Three Ghost Friends: Oozy, Foamy, Overflowy Ghost. 4K+ My kids discovered a recipe for Elephant Toothpaste on Steve Spangler Science website and wanted to do it right away.

Three Ghost Friends: Oozy, Foamy, Overflowy Ghost

I thought it would be fun to turn this cool science experiment into a fun ghost activity that your kids will love this Halloween. We did this for the WOW factor, but if you are interested in the science behind the experiment make sure you check out his site.Supply List: 1 Clear large plastic container that is ghost-shaped. (I used a mayonnaise container.) 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide solution (many of the science websites call for a 20-volume hydrogen peroxide liquid that is a 6% solution and is available at beauty supply stores. 2 teaspoons of dry active yeast 4 Tablespoons of warm water Liquid Dish Soap (We used Dawn) Food coloring (if you want a colored ghost -- Hey I know a good eBook for that!)

Small cup for mixing yeast and water (we used a yogurt container.) Black Sharpie Marker Safety goggles Funnel Measuring spoons Mixing container that is pourable Procedure: Science Experiments for Preschoolers.