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Socialmedia. Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre (EDUCAUSE Review) © 2008 Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine. The text of this article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License ( EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 6 (November/December 2008) Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine A story has a beginning, a middle, and a cleanly wrapped-up ending. Whether told around a campfire, read from a book, or played on a DVD, a story goes from point A to B and then C. It follows a trajectory, a Freytag Pyramid—perhaps the line of a human life or the stages of the hero's journey.

Definitions and Histories What is Web 2.0 storytelling? The first feature, microcontent, suggests that authors create small chunks of content, with each chunk conveying a primary idea or concept.3 These pieces are smaller than websites in terms of information architecture and are meant to be reused in multiple ways and places. Story can refer to either fiction or nonfiction, depending on the context. Principles and Practices. Boek-Lifehacking-web.pdf (application/pdf-object) The Logos of Web 2.0.

The Logos of Web 2.0 There is no official standard for what makes something “Web 2.0”, but there certainly are a few tell-tale signs. These new sites usually feature modern web technologies like Ajax and often have something to do with building online communities. But even more characteristic among these brands is their appearance.

Web 2.0 sites nearly always feel open and friendly and often use small chunks of large type. The colors are bright and cheery — lots of blue, orange, and what we jokingly call the Official Color of Web 2.0: lime green. You can see some of these striking commonalities in Ludwig Gatzke’s compilation of nearly 400 Web 2.0 logos. The Softies A clear trend in new identities is the use of soft, rounded sans serifs dominated by VAG Rounded (AKA Rundschrift), but also including Helvetica Rounded, Arial Rounded, Bryant, and FF Cocon. Oct. 2008 Update — New and underused fonts in this category: Foco, Tondo, FF Netto, Estilo Text, and FF Unit Rounded.

The Futurists. Can Not So-So Live Up To Its Own Name? - Web 2.0 in Belgium. Atten.TV. Main Page - Social Patterns. Reader - Eirik shared items. What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09 | *By the garbled reportage, I’d be guessing some of those kiwis were having trouble with my accent.

Here are the verbatim remarks. Bruce Sterling, Wellington, Feb 2009 So, thanks for having me cross half the planet to be here. So, just before I left Italy, I was reading an art book. About 1902, because we futurists do that. And it had this comment in it by Walter Pater that reminded me of your problems. Walter Pater was a critic and an artist of Art Nouveau. I know that sounds ironic or even sarcastic, but it isn’t. So Walter Pater was a critic, like me, so of course he’s complaining. And that’s your problem, too, here in New Zealand. And that’s absolutely the way of the world… nothing any critic can do about it. Creative people don’t want to “do it right.” I want you to know that I respect Web 2.0. It also had things in it that pretended to be ideas, but were not ideas at all: they were attitudes.

It’s Web 1.0 that is dead. Web 2.0 is Wikipedia, while web 1.0 is Britannica Online. WEB_2-0.pdf (application/pdf-object) Le Web à la puissance 2 : le Web 2.0 cinq ans plus tard | Intern. On ne présente plus vraiment Tim O’Reilly et John Battelle. Tim O’Reilly, des éditions O’Reilly, est devenu l’un des gourous incontournables du web. Initiateur – et promoteur – de la notion de Web 2.0 (voir notre traduction), il demeure l’un des plus fins observateurs du changement technologique. John Battelle, journaliste, auteur de La révolution Google est quant à lui l’un des spécialistes des moteurs de recherche. Ils ont commis, à l’entrée de l’été, un texte important, essayant de définir, 5 ans après l’apparition de la notion de Web 2.0, l’émergence d’un nouveau paradigme, entre le Web 2.0 (celui des plates-formes sociales) et le Web 3.0 (le web sémantique), comme l’explique très bien Frédéric Cavazza.

Il y a cinq ans, nous lancions une conférence sur une idée simple, qui est devenue un mouvement. Dans notre programme initial, nous nous demandions pourquoi certaines entreprises avaient survécu à cette bulle, tandis que d’autres avaient échoué si lamentablement. Appel à exemples ! 53035.pdf (application/pdf-object) Web2boekje - home. L’Après Web, les premières contributions « Marketing & Innov.