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Business. Ugc. Twitter. World » : What is Civic Media? Hype Cycle for Social Software, 2009. 11 Guidelines to Social Media Success [SearchEngineWatch] I return today from spending the last 2 days in NY at SMX Social Media.

11 Guidelines to Social Media Success [SearchEngineWatch]

A lot of great speakers were present, and this post will summarize a set of 11 guidelines for putting together a successful social media strategy: Know your audience / Pick the right social media site to target - This is first for a reason. You need to know what type of audience uses a given social media site. If you are interested in marketing to seniors it may not make sense to spend too much time on MySpace for example.Discover their needs - Study the site and learn what type of content prospers in their environment.

Digitalyouth-WhitePaper.pdf (application/pdf-object) What Social Media Does Best. If you’re still looking for the best ways to explain to senior management or your team or your coworkers or your spouse what it is that social media does, why it’s different than the old way people used to use computers and the web, why people are giving two hoots about it, here are some thoughts to start out the conversation.

What Social Media Does Best

I look at this mostly from a business perspective, but I suspect you’ll find these apply to nonprofits and other organizations as well. Further, as I’m fond of saying, social media isn’t relegated to the marketing and PR teams. It’s a bunch of tools that can be used throughout businesses, in different forms. About Us.