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The Ray Harryhausen Creature List. The Cameraman's Revenge (1912) Władysław Starewicz. The Insects' Christmas (1913) "Rozhdestvo obitateley lesa" (Wladyslaw Starewicz) Russian Stop-Motion. Kitty. - N.Konstantinov. Treasures of the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive 02. Будет ласковый дождь. A Long Drawn Out Trip. Tastee freez. KOYAANISQATSI - Godfrey Reggio - making off (français) Beads and Buttons- A Stop Motion Movie. Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) - official video. Closed Mondays. Richard Hammond presents Bloody Omaha (The Graphics) ORIGAMI ANIMATION. They Came From Within: B-Movie Title Design of the 1940s & 1950s. SHOCKING! THRILLING! TOTALLY NUDE! The Golden Age of the American B-Movie Title Sequence B films are the wild west of the American movie landscape.

While mainstream and even independent films are often beholden to censors, critics, and the public, the B industry blazes its own trail, as far to the left of its siblings as possible without losing direct sight. Earning its title from the long-abandoned practice of attaching risky low-budget films to first-run — or “A” — features on a double bill, B films favor no particular genre or era; any Hollywood production is subject to its own B treatment, provided that its profit potential has been established. Unable to rely on substance alone, B productions have mastered the art of marketplace recognition through bold slogans and type design, shocking imagery and loud colors.

While following a similar trajectory to mainstream title design, B-movie titles’ nonexistent budgets often invited novice designers and craftsmen from other trades. Related. B E A U T Y - dir. Rino Stefano Tagliafierro. William Kentridge's Stereoscope. Automatic Writing - William Kentridge. William Kentridge on his process. BLU - New -big bang big boom - ( beginning & evolution of life..) A History of Evil. Hit Me On My iPhone. Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Language. Black20 Trailer Park: 300 - PG Version.

You Suck at Photoshop - Covering Your Mistakes - You Suck at Photoshop. Werner Herzog Reads Curious George. Look around you Brain. HOWL (For Lindsay Lohan) Steam Trek: The Moving Picture (Star Trek Parody) DJ Ted Stevens Techno Remix: "A Series of Tubes" 802 Music Video. Girl Talk - Bounce That (Best Fan Video Ever) The Art of Glitch | Off Book | PBS. Radio Soulwax Presents: As Heard On Radio Soulwax pt. 2. Walking On Eggshells: Borrowing Culture in the Remix Age (PART 1/3)

The Man With The Golden Arm.