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Spirituality (General)

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Morningstar Totem Animal Medicines. Fox Medicine. Fox is the keeper of the power of invisibility and camouflage, of knowing how to move between the light and the dark, from this world to other realms of existence.

Fox Medicine

Its ability to remain in plain sight and yet unseen, is its greatest power however: No other creature is able to blend in with its surroundings quite as well as Fox can. People who are strong in Fox medicine yet who are unaware they have this ability may find themselves to be ignored or unseen by others. More than once I have heard such individuals complain " people walk right into me, it's as though I am not there at all!

" Those in business who have Fox as a primary totem too frequently find that their marketing methods, no matter how diligent one is with them, bears little fruit. People pass them over even when the person's business is in plain sight! This ability also gives those who carry this energy spectacular abilities in regards to detective type work. Fox people often do feel hunted or preyed upon by others. Ravenari's animal guide and animal energy dictionary. Ravenari's Animal Energy / Animal Guide Dictionary Total Number of Animal Energies Represented: 290 Use Ctrl+F (or a similar search function) to search for animals you are looking for.

Ravenari's animal guide and animal energy dictionary

Animals are listed by their name (i.e. Steller's Jay, Blue Jay, Western Scrub Jay), and also consider searching for simplifications like 'cat' or 'eagle.' 5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy. Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the “vibe” we give off.

5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy

We register these with intuition. Some people feel good to be around; they improve your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you instinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Indigenous cultures honour this energy as life force. Emotional energy is contagious. When reading emotions, realize that what others say or how they appear frequently don‘t match their energy. Here, the surrender to focus on is saying “yes” to the messages your body sends. How to decalcify the Pineal Gland? Decalcify Pineal Gland - Decalcifying, Detoxifying & Activating Pineal Glands (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra) How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra)?

How to decalcify the Pineal Gland? Decalcify Pineal Gland - Decalcifying, Detoxifying & Activating Pineal Glands (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra)

Section Contents: How to cleanse your pineal gland? How to activate your pineal gland (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra)? STEP 1 – Stop further calcification of your Pineal Gland1. Halides (Fluoride, Chlorine and Bromide)2. The Spiritual Eye: How to Decalcify & Activate Your Pineal Gland. Christina Sarich, ContributorWaking Times This article will presume you have a basic knowledge of the pineal gland, an important endocrine gland that is said to be the seat of enlightenment.

The Spiritual Eye: How to Decalcify & Activate Your Pineal Gland

If you need to back up a little and inform yourself more about what the pineal gland is, you can start here before reading further. Activating your pineal gland, or spiritual ‘eye’ and detoxing it are two different things. In essence, the detoxification allows you to remove the crystallized deposits, which keep the gland as a caged bird, or a princess jailed in her own ivory tower. Once the pineal gland is decalcified, you can start to practice things which will help to ‘turn it on’ and amp up natural production of your body’s own psychedelic drug DMT. In his book, and documentary The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strasssman talks about how the chemical DMT allows a deeper understanding of ‘reality’ as we know it. Stop the calcification of the gland by reducing halides.

Enhancing the Inner Light.


Angels. Pyramid Texts Online - Language Tools. The Lemurian Connection. December message from the Ascended Masters Channeled by Jennie Philapponnat of Telos Finland The Fire of Truth Beloved Child of God, Let me embrace you in my Everlasting Light.

The Lemurian Connection

Let me evoke within you the most precious of desires to come, through the Gate of Love into the everlasting and glorious Being that You Are. Come infront of my feet with only one desire, to burn in the fire of Truth, to purify all there is that you have been accustomed to as you. Enter into my Arms and let the Grace of Life touch every cell of your body. Beloved, how can there be anything else than Love in You? Let Life unfold into the very source of You, into the True heart of Yours, the untouched, the unseen. This is your chance. I Am Presence. Read More. How to Remember Your Dreams in 30 Seconds – Without Having to Write! I don't have time to write in the morning.

How to Remember Your Dreams in 30 Seconds – Without Having to Write!

I have to get up to feed my animals. But I can remember my dreams without having to write. I learned how to remember my dreams from my family doctor 30 years ago. My family doctor told me that he learned to remember his dreams from his grandfather and that his grandfather learned it from his father. My family doctor also told me that his ancestors used dreams to solve problems on the farm and even predict future events. These are the 3 steps that he taught me: Step 1: Don't open your eyes! The first ten seconds are the most important ones if you want to remember your dream.

Between being asleep and being awake there is a transition time, a few seconds of 'in between'. How To Remember Your Dreams. [From NIGHTLIGHT 1(1), 1989, Copyright, The Lucidity Institute.]

How To Remember Your Dreams

Do As One. P E R C E I V I N G R E A L I T Y. The Gods That We Are. For Enlightening Minds. What New Agers Believe. The free five minute personality test!