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5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy

5 Strategies to Read People’s Emotional Energy
Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the “vibe” we give off. We register these with intuition. Some people feel good to be around; they improve your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you instinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Emotional energy is contagious. When reading emotions, realize that what others say or how they appear frequently don‘t match their energy. Here, the surrender to focus on is saying “yes” to the messages your body sends. Strategies to read emotional energy Sense people’s presence - This is the overall energy we emit, not necessarily congruent with words or behaviour. As you read people notice: does their overall energy feel warm? Watch people’s eyes – We can make love or hate with our eyes. Take time to observe people‘s eyes. Notice the feel of a handshake, hug and touch – We share emotional energy through physical contact much like an electrical current.

6 Characteristics of Self-Actualized People What exactly is self-actualization? Located at the peak of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy, he described this high-level need in the following way: “What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization…It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” While the theory is generally portrayed as a fairly rigid hierarchy, Maslow noted that the order in which these needs are fulfilled does not always follow this standard progression. Characteristics of Self-Actualized People In addition to describing what is meant by self-actualization in his theory, Maslow also identified some of the key characteristics of self-actualized people: Source: About Psychology

Watts Alan - El Libro Del Tabu Pdf BIOGRAFIA: (11354) Alan Wilson Watts 6 de enero de 1915 – 16 de noviembre de 1973 Filósofo británico. Editor, sacerdote anglicano, locutor, decano, escritor, conferenciante y experto en religión. Se le conoce sobre todo por su labor como intérprete y popularizador de las filosofías asiáticas para la audiencia occidental. Escribió más de veinticinco libros y numerosos artículos sobre temas como la identidad personal, la verdadera naturaleza de la realidad, la elevación de la conciencia y la búsqueda de la felicidad, relacionando su experiencia con el conocimiento científico y con la enseñanza de las religiones y filosofías orientales y occidentales (budismo Zen, taoísmo, cristianismo, hinduismo, etc.) Alan Watts fue un conocido autodidacta.

Perceiving Reality 6 Ways To Become Incredibly Sexy Want to know the biggest secret about your authentic sex appeal? It's determined by you. That's right. But when you don't feel sexy, well … I hate to say it … then others won't see you that way, either. One of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships is that we expect another person to make us feel how we don't feel on our own. For example, you want a man to make you feel sexy (because you don't feel sexy), or you want a woman to make you feel hot (because you don't feel hot). Until you feel sexy, attractive and appealing as you are, then it's impossible for another person to make you feel this way for an extended period of time. While there's nothing wrong with wanting to be desired by another person — in fact, it's completely normal and beautiful to feel this way — it's important to understand that how others experience you is 100% related to how you experience yourself. With that, here are six simple ways for you to connect to your natural, sensual, sexy self. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free By: Marc Chernoff All education is self-education. Period. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a college classroom or a coffee shop. We don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn. Those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world. If you’re interested in learning something new, this article is for you. Note that some of the sources overlap between various subjects of education. Science and Health MIT OpenCourseWare – MIT OpenCourseWare is a free web-based publication of MIT course materials that reflects almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT.Tufts OpenCourseWare – Tufts OpenCourseWare is part of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free access to course content for everyone online. Business and Money History and World Culture Law Duke Law Center for the Public Domain – Duke University is counted amongst the best schools in the South.

The Public Intellectual Within the last few decades, the emergence of public intellectuals as important cultural and social critics has raised fundamental questions not only about the social function of academics, but also about the connection between higher education and public life, between academic work and the major issues shaping the broader society. Truthout's Public Intellectual Project will provide progressive academics with an opportunity to address a number of important social issues in a language that is both rigorous and accessible. All too often, academics produce work that is either too abstract for a generally informed public, or they separate their scholarship from the myriad of issues and contemporary problems that shape everyday life in the United States and abroad. Articles by Henry A. Giroux Articles by (or About) Other Authors in the Public Intellectual Project Seth Adler Ian Angus Stanley Aronowitz Salvatore Babones Zygmunt Bauman Carol Becker Dr. Megan Boler Noam Chomsky David L. Simon Dawes

Things You Can Do To Get Smarter You might be under the impression that intelligence is a fixed quantity set when you are young and unchanging thereafter. But research shows that you're wrong. How we approach situations and the things we do to feed our brains can significantly improve our mental horsepower. That could mean going back to school or filling your bookshelves (or e-reader) with thick tomes on deep subjects, but getting smarter doesn't necessarily mean a huge commitment of time and energy, according to a recent thread on question-and-answer site Quora. When a questioner keen on self-improvement asked the community, "What would you do to be a little smarter every single day?" 1. Every online break doesn't have to be about checking social networks and fulfilling your daily ration of cute animal pics. 2. It doesn't have to be pretty or long, but taking a few minutes each day to reflect in writing about what you learned is sure to boost your brainpower. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

[Tome] | How To Heal Unbalanced Chakras After awakening, initiates may have discovered that during their sleep, their chakras have become unbalanced. Bringing balance to the energy centers in the body known as chakras will necessitate devotion to spiritual, mental and physical practice. Integration of the knowledge within this tome will provide initiates with the exercises needed to tune the body's vibration into harmony with the chakras. Being in sync with these wheels and the aura will cause initiates to be filled with energy, organizational efficiency, and happiness. Balancing the spiritual, chemical and hormonal components of the body is commonly referred to as homeostasis, and chakra healing is the primary part of that process. The key chakras are located throughout the body, beginning at the base of the spine with the root chakra or Muladhara, which is represented with the color red. Meditation has always been one of the most revered methods of chakra balancing. Author | Arche, Xian Sources Bhajan. (2007).

Core Secrets: NSA Saboteurs in China and Germany The National Security Agency has had agents in China, Germany, and South Korea working on programs that use “physical subversion” to infiltrate and compromise networks and devices, according to documents obtained by The Intercept. The documents, leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, also indicate that the agency has used “under cover” operatives to gain access to sensitive data and systems in the global communications industry, and that these secret agents may have even dealt with American firms. The documents describe a range of clandestine field activities that are among the agency’s “core secrets” when it comes to computer network attacks, details of which are apparently shared with only a small number of officials outside the NSA. “It’s something that many people have been wondering about for a long time,” said Chris Soghoian, principal technologist for the American Civil Liberties Union, after reviewing the documents. Sentry Eagle “Under Cover” Agents Corporate Partners

The Powerful Practice Of Eye Gazing The very first time I experienced eye gazing I was floored by what I felt and saw. The connection you feel with another human being, the visualizations of past lives, future potentials and more, all can become very real while engaging in this exercise. Of course, there are many different intentions you can set before a session of eye gazing that can bring out an array of outcomes, but let’s jump into a rundown of how to go about an eye gazing session and from there we can explore what the benefits of such a practice might be. “When eye contact between two people is initiated and maintained, an invisible energetic circuit is established between the two participants, dissolving the barriers that ordinarily separate them from each other, drawing them ever closer into a shared awareness of union.” Right off the top it’s possible that some of us might think this is some “new-agey” or spiritual practice. Intention If Gazing Alone Open your eyes after clearing your mind with the process above.

Manifiesto de la Guerrilla por el Acceso Abierto « Guerilla Open Access Manifesto La información es poder. Pero como todo poder, hay quienes quieren quedarse con él. Todo el patrimonio cultural y científico del mundo, publicado durante siglos en libros y diarios, continúa siendo digitalizado y guardado por un puñado de corporaciones privadas. ¿Quieres leer publicaciones acerca de los más famosos resultados de la ciencia? Necesitarás enviar grandes cantidades a editoriales como Reed Elsevier. Traducción: pijamsurf and improved by Eduardo Bejar Like this: Like Loading... Change Your Life in 60 Seconds With This Breathing Exercise Ever feel blocked? When we get hooked into our to-do lists and daily duties, we lose track of life flow. A big block is fear. Then fear leads us to overthink and start future tripping about negative outcomes. One of the greatest ways to bust through emotional blocks fast is through a breathing technique frequently used in Kundalini yoga called breath of fire. Breath of fire is a rhythmic breath in and out the nose. On the inhale, your diaphragm extends. Breath of fire newbies often emphasize the exhale. It's also common for the newcomer to feel shortness of breath. Remember that on the inhale, your diaphragm extends and on the exhale, it contracts. As you practice breath of fire, you'll release the tension in your diaphragm and in effect release yourself from many emotional blocks. It's said that with one minute of breath of fire, you can achieve the same benefits you’d experience in one hour of the same pose with a normal breath. For more guidance watch this video:
