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Penelope Oliver-Sharp

I am a teacher-librarian working in south-west Sydney.

John A.C. Hattie Quotes (Author of Visible Learning for Teachers) “The aim is to get the students actively involved in seeking this evidence: their role is not simply to do tasks as decided by teachers, but to actively manage and understand their learning gains.

John A.C. Hattie Quotes (Author of Visible Learning for Teachers)

This includes evaluating their own progress, being more responsible for their learning, and being involved with peers in learning together about gains in learning. If students are to become active evaluators of their own progress, teachers must provide the students with appropriate feedback so that they can engage in this task. Van den Bergh, Ros, and Beijaard (2010: 3) describe the task thus: Fostering active learning seems a very challenging and demanding task for teachers, requiring knowledge of students’ learning processes, skills in providing guidance and feedback and classroom management. The need is to engage students in this same challenging and demanding task.


Books for beginning independent readers. Digital StoryTelling. Free Images. Growth Mindset. KEY LEARNING AREAS. Library Learning Games - media center. STEAM. TEACHER LIBRARIAN TOOLS. Visual Literacy. Web Design. Youtube.