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Liv & Emy's diary. Montessori … mais pas que ! – Pédagogie, instruction en famille, éducation … Every Star Is Different. This kindergarten life. Inspiring Montessori Blogs. Well, we're in Georgia now and having a great time with grandparents, but I haven't had regular internet access, so the posting is a going a little slower.

Inspiring Montessori Blogs

Here's something I wrote last week. Hope you enjoy it! If you click on "Godly Play" in my overhead bar, you can see my favorite blogs about Montessori-based religious education. But you may not know that I follow A LOT of other blogs as well! Over the summer I'd like to toot some other people's horns and share some favorite blogs on various topics. Living Montessori Now Deb Chitwood is a certified Montessori teacher, who in turn homeschooled her own children using Montessori principles. It's funny, I don't actually know this blogger-mom's real name, but her kids (Michelle, DJ and Ken) are part of my daily life, because I read about their homeschool adventures each day.

What DID we do all day? The Hands-On Homeschooler (formerly Montessori Tidbits) Leann and I "met" through Karen Tyler's on-line Montessori course. Top Montessori Blogs to Guide & to Inspire. Writing in Outer Space. My Space Unit is really huge with the usual Montessori matching cards, etc.

Writing in Outer Space

Here I am mainly showing writing/drawing lessons that correspond to the unit. These writing pages will make a moon landing booklet when done. The simple masters I drew from the corresponding book I made with photos from National Geographic about the actual first moon landing.The children then copy my simple master and end up with a pretty cool book. This kid's rocket is better than mine! This next booklet is about the sun. "Rocket Man" County Fair Ribbon Winner! This booklet is about the History of Flight which corresponds to cards, books, and a View Master of ancient flight. Last is a page about the moon having no air, water, or life. How we montessori. I want to share these two Montessori activities with you because they are super easy to set up, they use items found around the house, they explore scientific concepts and they are fun!

how we montessori

Both of these could be used with toddlers (be careful with small items) right through to preschoolers. Otis loves both of these. To begin with I look around the house for useful items - here I have collected; pinecones, sponge, feathers, wood piece, button, branch, metal screw, bull clip, small padlock, rock, mini wooden peg, paper clips, shell and a glass gem. I put all of these items into a basket. The first activity is a Montessori Sink Float Activity. For an older child like Otis (4 years) you can first ask them to predict (or hypothesize) if the item will sink or float and then allow them to test it. As many children love water play, this is often a very popular activity. The second activity is a Montessori Magnetic Non-Magnetic Activity.

Both of these activities are really fun and simple. Ecole et Cabrioles. Petit à petit... Montessori. Le Jardin de Kiran – Ressources pour une Nouvelle Education – Ressources pour une Nouvelle Education. Montessori avec les 6-12 ans. La petite vie d'Ilhan et Mélia (ou la vie sans école) Le journal de Liv et Émy.