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The Conversation Prism – (Brian Solis + JESS3) Top 200 Tools for Learning 2017. CollabTech 2017. 4th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies. 4th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies Indicative topics/keywords of the broad spectrum of issues to be addressed:

4th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies

The development of a mediation artifact for representing teaching pra… Para além do GPS…agora é hora de testar BLE. Estou participando da 19th International Conference on Human-Computer ( em Vancouver/Canadá.

Para além do GPS…agora é hora de testar BLE

Assisti a apresentação de 2 trabalhos que utilizam uma tecnologia que não é super novidade, mas para mim é: BLE ou Bluetooth Low Energy. De forma bem resumida, entendi assim: existe um dispositivo de hardware que é colocado em determinado lugar, pode ser externo ou interno (em uma sala, por exemplo). Quando uma pessoa, com o seu dispositivo móvel com um app específico instalado chega perto, o dispositivo é acionado via o sinal de bluetooth. Não há envio de dados, apenas a percepção de presença. As fotos abaixo são do hardware BLE beacons. Também tem uma versão solar: No exemplo do trabalho apresentado, quando o sujeito (no caso o aluno, pois foi uma trilha de aprendizagem) chega próximo ao hardware, abre a tela abaixo: Conforme os apresentadores, o BLE beacons custa entre $10 e $15.

10 Collaborative Technology Projects Your Students Will Love! If your classroom is far from a 1:1 environment (more like 1:32), it can be hard to find great technology projects that really work.

10 Collaborative Technology Projects Your Students Will Love!

Here are some simple tech tools students can use to create awesome projects. Students can work together in cooperative learning groups or independently depending on your access to technology in your school district. Bonus: They’re all free! 1. Inkle Inkle is a fun digital storytelling tool for students. 2. With Story Bird, kids can choose images and invent their very own unique story to go along with the pictures. Cooperative learning idea: Have students share a computer and agree on an image. 3. Students can create free comic strips on Bubblr using flickr creative common images. Cooperative learning idea: Students can collaborate and create a science comic strip, such as: the life cycle of a butterfly or frog, the journey of a raindrop or the transformation of matter. 4. 5.

8 Free Collaboration Tools for Educators. Collaboration | Feature 8 Free Collaboration Tools for Educators By Bridget McCrea06/05/13 Ready to bring collaboration into your classroom?

8 Free Collaboration Tools for Educators

Here are eight free apps and tools you can use to get students working -- and learning -- together, in and out of the classroom. (Note that while some of the app developments may charge for "premium" versions of these products, all of the following apps are free to use at a basic level). Flowboard. About the Author Bridget McCrea is a business and technology writer in Clearwater, FL. 20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration. The 2014 Gates Foundation report, Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools, indicates that teachers want tools “supporting student collaboration and providing interactive experiences”.

20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration

This doesn’t come as a big surprise since these types of tools are fun and engaging. They also support 21st century skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity. You know what else teachers like? Good quality tools that are free! And why not? This week on EmergingEdTech, we’ve put together a listing of 20 top notch free tools that are being used in schools and classrooms to collaborate and interact on assignments, projects, and other active learning efforts. These tools deliver a wide array of functionality, from communication to collaborative document editing, whiteboards, and gaming, to full Learning Management System capabilities. 1. Twiddle provides a really easy to use collaborative online whiteboard. 2. 3.

Ensinar e aprender em/na rede: diferentes abordagens teórico-práticas do conceito de ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem. Ensinar e aprender em/na rede: diferentes abordagens teórico-práticas do conceito de ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem Patrícia B.

Ensinar e aprender em/na rede: diferentes abordagens teórico-práticas do conceito de ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem

Scherer Bassani, Jose da Silva Nunes Resumo Estudos atuais na área de tecnologias digitais na educação apontam para as possibilidades de fomentar processos educativos baseados no conceito de ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem (ou PLE - Personal Learning Environment). Este minicurso tem como objetivo apresentar o conceito de PLE e sua aplicação em contextos educativos na perspectiva da formação de professores e no contexto da educação básica. International Society for Presence Research. Presence.