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Common Craft. MENSUAL Fluidez EDIFICIO POEMAS PAQUETE. This huge bundle is full of poetry goodness!


There are over 120 original poems and a handful of acrostic poem templates so your budding poets can create their own! Each month contains 10-12 poems. Poems are thematic for each month and topics include holidays, animals, seasons and tons MORE! Poems have been sized so that, once cut around the border, they will fit in a spiral notebook. My 3rd grade students have a poetry notebook and each week we add a poem or two to it. PBS LearningMedia. Objetos Educativos. «Viaje al espacio» es la temática que trabajaremos durante el mes de junio.

Objetos Educativos

Todos los alumnos desarrollarán distintas actividades que girarán en torno al universo, las estrellas, los planetas, el telescopio, los astronautas, etc. Los alumnos de Educac... Los planetas. Los alumnos dibujarán un mural con los planetas, estrellas, naves espaciales, astronautas. Tras finalizarlo, crearán la maqueta de cada elemento a través de plastilina. Portada. Material educativo.