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Explore. Build with Chrome = Lego + Google maps | Blog de iDidactic. Books by Maurizio Codogno (Author of Anelli nell'Io) Kiva - Loans that change lives. Rube Goldberg Projects - STEM Curriculum Resources by Dr. Wesley Fryer. Here are items on our "Rube Goldberg wish list. " If you have these items laying around in your garage AND your parents don't want them / say it's OK to donate them to school, we'd love to have them: clear plastic tubes (with large enough diameter for a marble to roll down it)wooden train trackHot Wheels / Matchbox car plastic track1 inline skatePool balls (for billiards - not for a swimming pool)small steel balls (marble size)Funnels (large enough for a marble or small steel ball to roll through if possible)Wooden sawhorsesBowling BallSmall pailsTennis ballsMetal guttering (CLEAN - something we can use as a 'track' for a rolling ball) These are clever video examples of Rube Goldberg Projects.

YouTube. Scratch con Kinect. BioBlitz, Species Inventory Information, Facts -- National Geographic.

Actividades siglo21

Reggio Children | Centro Internazionale per la difesa e la promozione dei diritti e delle potenzialità dei bambini e delle bambine. Study Groups on Education and the Reggio Emilia Approach UPDATED NOVEMBER 2014 A study opportunity for deeper investigation into the concepts, contents, and values ​​of the Reggio Emilia Approach to Education.

If you come from Singapore, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Norway, Japan, you can register in a Study Group with other educators from your own country. Please visit this page and contact Reggio Children International Network members. 10 short stories There are 100 or more ways of spending time with your sons and daughters, and all other children. The stories to be told are some of the possible proposals; they all come from an educational background, from the preschools and infant toddler centres in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. Participation is an invitation – DVD The children’s reflections represent a special occasion to re-launch, also in other contexts, the themes of welcome, borders, and democracy, and to elicit, we hope, new stories and new opportunities for listening.

Para entender el mundo

GeekDad - Los padres, los niños y las cosas que obsesionarse. Contenidos. Proyecto Noah. 360 grados Panorama aérea | Visitas virtuales 3D en el mundo | fotos de los lugares más interesantes de la Tierra |