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The Data That Turned the World Upside Down. This article was originally published January 28, 2017. Update: March 17, 2018: Facebook lawyer Paul Grewal announced in a blog post Friday that the company has suspended Strategic Communication Laboratories and its data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, from the platform. According to Facebook, Aleksandr Kogan lied about deleting data that he obtained from a Facebook personality test and improperly passed it to third parties. As we and others have reported, Cambridge Analytica ultimately partnered with the Donald Trump campaign to leverage the data of millions of Facebook users to target them with advertisements and campaign material.

The original investigation into Cambridge Analytica, published on Motherboard in January 2017 and in German in Das Magazin in December 2016, follows below. On November 9 at around 8.30 AM., Michal Kosinski woke up in the Hotel Sunnehus in Zurich. For a long time, Kosinski watched the Trump victory celebrations and the results coming in from each state. ⌘ BACKPACK Éditions ⌘ Des livres pour apprendre à entreprendre.


THIS IS WHAT INSPIRES US. TriplePundit: Reporting on the Triple Bottom Line & Sustainable Business News. Wikitribune – Evidence-based journalism. The Intercept. Actualités France et Monde, vidéos, infographies. Timeline - The Atlantic. Selon l'ONU, le monde connaît sa "pire crise humanitaire depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale" Le Yémen, le Nigeria, la Somalie et le Soudan du Sud sont particulièrement menacés par des phénomènes de malnutrition et de famine. (© Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties/Flickr/CC) Vingt millions.

Selon l'ONU, le monde connaît sa "pire crise humanitaire depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale"

C'est le nombre de personnes qui risquent de connaître la famine et la malnutrition au Yémen, en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et au Nigeria si une aide d'urgence ne leur est pas rapidement fournie. C'est en tout cas le constat accablant qu'a fait vendredi 10 mars le secrétaire général adjoint aux affaires humanitaires des Nations unies Stephen O'Brien, devant le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU.

En Somalie, le risque de famine est le résultat de la sécheresse, mais pour les trois autres pays, cette crise a été "causée par l'homme" puisqu'elle est due à des conflits armés. Stephen O'Brien réclame donc 4,4 milliards de dollars (4,12 milliards d'euros) à la communauté internationale d'ici juillet prochain pour "éviter une catastrophe". Des crises humanitaires causées par l'Homme. Brain Magazine. Panama Papers: John Doe's Manifesto. Income inequality is one of the defining issues of our time.

Panama Papers: John Doe's Manifesto

It affects all of us, the world over. The debate over its sudden acceleration has raged for years, with politicians, academics and activists alike helpless to stop its steady growth despite countless speeches, statistical analyses, a few meagre protests, and the occasional documentary. Still, questions remain: why? And why now? The Panama Papers provide a compelling answer to these questions: massive, pervasive corruption. Shell companies are often associated with the crime of tax evasion, but the Panama Papers show beyond a shadow of a doubt that although shell companies are not illegal by definition, they are used to carry out a wide array of serious crimes that go beyond evading taxes. In the meantime, a new global debate has started, which is encouraging. In that regard, I have a few thoughts.

For the record, I do not work for any government or intelligence agency, directly or as a contractor, and I never have. Infos, débats et alternatives. NEON. We Demain, une revue pour changer d'époque.