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23 Brilliant Baby Products You Need In Your Life. My Kitchen is Perfect. Find unique products and stores you've never heard of. Low Price. Irresistíveis | USB Porca e porquinhos. O que vimos até aqui de USB divertido não ta no gibi (essa é velha). Mas uma vez aqui estou para apresentar o brinquedinho do estudio We Play God, de Londres. O Pig Buddies, como é chamado, é uma proposta para deixar o ambiente de trabalho um pouco mais cool, com um conjunto de 3 drives USB bem pequenos e 1 Hub – que no caso é a mãe – para os três porquinhos. Jak pak tent jacket. As a regular reader of, you know that we keep sharp about developments in hobotech: From hobo-conventions for techies to rolling hobo shelters. So it's with great excitement that we bring you the JakPak, a jacket that converts into a tent.

Previously, we'd only seen student concepts of this sort of idea. But the JakPak--pardon the egregious, vaguely pornographic name--will be available for $250 this spring. It's loaded with features, suited to three seasons of camping (spring, summer, and fall). The jacket itself is breathable and waterproof--it even has a routing system for iPod cords. Inside, extra fabric in the lining can be unfurled, to create a sleeping bag.

Granted, the confined space might take some getting used to, but this is pretty genius for overnight hikes where packing tent poles and the like seems excessive. Low cost gifts. Me Wanty! The page of Wants. Gifts for the Geek Home. A home should be an expression of who you are. Sure, when you're young and broke, your room or apartment might be an expression of who your parents or the people who donate to Goodwill are, but gradually you collect items that express your personality, whether you receive them as gifts or purchase them yourself. If you are a technologically oriented geek, there are plenty of manufacturers and vendors catering to your tastes in home decor.

Interactive LED Dining Table Windell Oksay of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories built a dining room table with 448 LEDs inside. Motherboard Picture Frame Recycling is not only environmentally-friendly, it can make a statement. Geek Clock This geeky clock was posted all over as "the clock only geeks can read. " A Clock that Spells Here's a clock that is easy for anyone to read, but the mechanism that displays it is something else. Watch how the clock face changes here. Galactic Hitchhiker's Towel Never be caught without your towel! CRT Light Fixture Icon Pillows. Unique products you have never heard of. Mystery t'shirts gifts.

Cool & weird inventions.