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Memorizing Stuff

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How to Memorize Things Quickly. People like to joke that the only thing you really “learn” in school is how to memorize.

How to Memorize Things Quickly

As it turns out, that’s not even the case for most of us. If you go around the room and ask a handful of people how to memorize things quickly, most of them will probably tell you repetition. That is so far from the truth, it’s running for office. If you want to memorize something quickly and thoroughly, repetition won’t cut it; however, recalling something will. How to Memorize Things Quickly. How to Memorize - Learn to memorize and increase memory.

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How to Memorize - Learn to memorize and increase memory

Thanks! Memorizing does not have to be as hard as most people make it. The problem is that most people only know how to memorize by reading the same thing over and over again. You have to learn to memorize. In this post we are going to look at how the brain remembers and then show how to use that knowledge to come up with a method for memorizing verbatim text.