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Un somptueux ballet aquatique en apnée dédié aux femmes - Journaleuse. Un film resplendissant, où tout s’assemble avec harmonie : la chorégraphie, la musique, le tempo, l’ambiance… La réalisatrice présente son film ainsi : “Ama est un film sans parole qui raconte une histoire que chacun peut interpréter à sa manière, selon son propre vécu, tout est suggéré, rien n’est imposé.J’ai voulu mettre dans ce film ma plus grande douleur en ce monde.

Un somptueux ballet aquatique en apnée dédié aux femmes - Journaleuse

Pour qu’elle ne soit pas trop crue je l’ai enrobée de grâce. Pour qu’elle ne soit pas trop lourde je l’ai plongée dans l’eau.Je dédie ce film à toutes les femmes du monde.” Julie Crédits : Choreographer : Ophélie Longuet Music : « Rain in your black eyes », Ezio Bosso. Yehudadevir. Photos of Total Strangers Pretending to Be in Serious Relationships. Limited Edition Sk8 - Art contemporain : des idées atypiques pour donner une nouvelle vie à vos objets.

Ben BASSO 's sketchblog. 20 Magical Tattoos for 20 Years of Harry Potter. Haunting Relics of a Country That No Longer Exists. This large winged sculpture in Podgarić, Croatia, holds a crypt with the remains of hundreds of Partisan soldiers who died while being treated at nearby hospitals.

Haunting Relics of a Country That No Longer Exists

Photograph by Sylvain Heraud The Serbian uprising against the Ustaše militia on Petrova Gora mountain in Croatia is honored by a monument that's 12 stories tall.Photograph by Sylvain Heraud Three fists represent the Serbian, Jewish, and Roma victims killed at this site near Niš, Serbia, by Nazi occupiers from early 1942 to late 1944.Photograph by Sylvain Heraud. Para combatir la homofobia, famosos heterosexuales posan como parejas gays. - Porque no se me ocurrió antes. Olivier Ciappa es un fotógrafo francés y director de cine.

Para combatir la homofobia, famosos heterosexuales posan como parejas gays. - Porque no se me ocurrió antes

Trouvailles artistiques de la semaine #1 — madmoiZelle. Mes salutations !

Trouvailles artistiques de la semaine #1 — madmoiZelle

Vous savez ce que Nietzsche disait ? Yaoyao Ma Van As. Mais quel est ton but: Beach Body Ready. Beach Body Ready.

Mais quel est ton but: Beach Body Ready

La Belle Époque – Plus de 200 posters vintage en téléchargement libre. Vergetures arc-en-ciel : quand une artiste prône l'amour de soi. Les vergetures et les règles sont souvent cachées, voir répugnées.

Vergetures arc-en-ciel : quand une artiste prône l'amour de soi

Korean Illustrator Captures Love And Intimacy So Well That You Can Almost Feel It. Korean Illustrator Captures Love And Intimacy So Well That You Can Almost Feel It. Illustrator Reimagines Fast Food Mascots As Anime Characters And Now Everyone Wants To Read Their Manga. Game Of Thrones Characters Like You Haven’t Seen Before In A Psychedelic Photoshoot. World renowned photographer Miles Aldridge has captured Cersei Lannister, Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, and other Game of Thrones characters in his own way, and it looks as surreal as it looks glamorous.

Game Of Thrones Characters Like You Haven’t Seen Before In A Psychedelic Photoshoot

Show Full Text “When thinking of how to photograph each individual I wanted to acknowledge influences of themes in the show while capturing the traits of their own unique characters,” said the photographer. Aldridge’s distinctive over-saturated style is reminiscent of Hollywood sets from 1940s-1960s: it’s full of intense color, light, and drama. “The vivid color narrative in each [photo] brings the viewers into the world I have created for these actors while the careful placement and selection of each prop brings to life the mystical, dark world of The Game of Thrones.” Everything was photographed with a Rolleiflex 6001 camera and a 120/180mm lens, set at f.16, and using Kodak Ektar 100 film. More info: (h/t: time, broncolor) Image credits: Miles Aldridge. Anish Kapoor Banned Again, Now From Color-Changing Rainbow Paints - Creators. Disney Illustrator Imagines A Life With A Pet Octopus, And It’s Just Too Adorable (10+ Pics)

By day, Brian Kesinger is a story artist at Walt Disney Animation Studios and by night he's an author and illustrator of Walking Your Octopus.

Disney Illustrator Imagines A Life With A Pet Octopus, And It’s Just Too Adorable (10+ Pics)

Kesinger masterfully blends the Disney world with the steampunk universe and imagines exciting adventures of a very unlikely friendship. Show Full Text The main characters of these wonderful adventures are Victoria and her per octopus, Otto. "Everyone can relate to having a pet," Kesinger says. Paris autrefois : les photos extraordinaires de l'agence Roger-Viollet. Free High-Resolution Photos. 7 Playboy Bunnies Recreate Their Iconic Covers 30 Years Later - Creators. Celebrate Pride: Your Art, Our Pride Flag by danlev on DeviantArt. Free High-Resolution Photos. 'Samurai Jack' Is Probably the Most Beautiful, Inventive Cartoon Ever - VICE. Toutes ces fois où des gens ont pris de bêtes objets pour de l’art - Creators. Celebrate Pride: Your Art, Our Pride Flag by danlev on DeviantArt. Jade Elements. Projets - DZAKA. 8 Literary Shower Curtains to Make Your Bathroom Look Like a Library.

I have, in my head, a dream bathroom.

8 Literary Shower Curtains to Make Your Bathroom Look Like a Library

There’s a giant tub in it, lots of fluffy towels, good lighting (but not so good that I can see every single one of my pores), waterproof shelves near the tub so I can read in the bath, speakers for my iPhone so I can listen to audiobooks, and… that’s where my vision stops short, because I want bookshelves in this dream bathroom, but I know keeping books in a bathroom is a terrible idea. But what if you could keep your books in an appropriately dry room while seeming to have a library in your bathroom? The Internet has the answer: shower curtains. Bookshelves, piles of books, close-ups of spines; there are so many options to make your bathroom bookish without endangering your actual books. (Or your health, because mold is no joke.) Homme ou femme ? Ce mannequin androgyne bouscule les stéréotypes de genre en posant nu (entre autres)

Rain Dove est un mannequin androgyne.

Homme ou femme ? Ce mannequin androgyne bouscule les stéréotypes de genre en posant nu (entre autres)

Ni tout à fait masculin, ni tout à fait féminin. Mais Rain explique elle-même ne jamais s'être vue comme telle. 50,000 Lights Turn a Giant Japanese Forest into a Glowing Wonderland - Creators. Henry Rollins/Glenn Danzig Fan Fiction Made Me Believe in Love Again - Creators. Meet the Woman Behind America's Most Legendary Pinup Art - Creators. Italy Is Giving Away Old Castles For Free, And Here’s How You Can Get One. If you’ve ever dreamed of having your own castle, now’s your chance. Italy is giving away 103 run-down properties, including villas, inns, and castles for free. That means anyone can start building their personal versions of Winterfell, Casterly Rock, or The Pyke.

Show Full Text However, there’s just one catch. Le film Zombillénium se dévoile à travers un extrait de deux minutes. Par Strafeur. Tweets with replies by Nao (@egdr) 10+ Handsome Guys Who’ll Redefine Your Concept Of Older Men. Download 67,000 Historic Maps (in High Resolution) from the Wonderful David Rumsey Map Collection. Stanford University’s been in the news lately, what with expanding its tuition waiver last year and now facing renewed scrutiny over its ultra-low admissions rate. These stories have perhaps overshadowed other Stanford news of a more academic nature: the arrival of the David Rumsey Map Center, which celebrated its grand opening yesterday and continues the festivities today and tomorrow.

While these kinds of university improvements are rarely of much interest to the general public, this one highlights a collection worth giving full attention. Well, for those of us, that is, who love maps. Explorez une toile de Dali en Réalité Augmentée - Creators. Magnifique : une association lance une campagne avec des illusions d'optiques pour faire adopter ses animaux abandonnés... World for All est une association de protection animale indienne, située à Bombay. Elle a lancé dernièrement une très jolie campagne pour aider les animaux abandonnés à se faire adopter.

Pour promouvoir l'adoption de ces animaux, elle a choisi de réaliser des photos sur lesquelles apparaissent des illusions d'optique. Portrait- und Haustierfotografie. DZAKA - Accueil. Toth-M - Accueil. Dzaka - Home. AppleBloom. The unseen, forgotten side of Europe – Made in Shoreditch Magazine. Peeling wallpaper, ashen ceilings, and crumbling walls are generally not what comes to mind when one thinks of travel photographs, especially those of Europe.

But for Romain Veillon, these abandoned places became a way of documenting his travels through Europe. A CGI Master Made a New Artwork Every Day for 10 Years. Here Are The Results - Creators. Rendre les musées très drôles avec Snapchat. Sans titre. ‘Queer Feelings’ Displays Diversity Along the Gender Spectrum. Images courtesy of the artist. He developed a fascination in nudes when his photo zine, Number 1 Must Have, based on the lives of queer people in Seattle, began to wrap up. Says Adrien Leavitt, "I became interested in portraits because self-portraiture is an important way to view myself and I didn't see a lot of images of non-binary trans people that looked like me within representations of trans-masculine people. " The realization prompted the new and ongoing photo series, Queer Feelings. Queer Feelings combats this visibility problem with nude portraits centering out queer and trans people with marginalized identities, taking extra care to include a variety of body types, shapes, and races.

Leavitt is a Washington-based lawyer by trade, but in the past few years, his photography has blossomed into a prolific body of work that has seen him orchestrate 40 intimate nudes to represent what being trans looks like today. Queer Feelings, a series of nude portraits exhibited salon-style. Tomer Hanuka’s World Of Anime Heroes and Everyday Moments - Creators. Coming of age up in a tumultuous period in Israel, a now-established comic artist fell into the Marvel universe.

Wielding a sketch pen and a tenacity to succeed to the highest echelon of artistic illustration, Tomer Hanuka imbues each of his drawings with a dreamy quality that transcends a typical depiction of the heroic figure. "I grew up in a country that was born out of conflict. Where the prevalent 'hero' in culture was a soldier. Naturally, I looked for an escape and ended up consuming a different kind of macho fantasy that led me [to my current artwork].

" Full of cinematic splendor, his works often take on cinema itself. AnimaCase. Tweets avec des réponses de Nao□通販開始 (@egdr) Game of Thrones, capotes et peinture - Culture Pub. Voici le chat le plus badass de l'espace et d'Instagram - Creators. Le parcours pérenne. The Machines of the Isle of Nantes: A combination of the imaginative world of Jules Verne and the mechanical universe of Leonardo da Vinci. Born from the imaginations of two French artists, Francois Delarozière and Pierre Orefice, and inspired by the industrial history of Nantes, as well as from the creations and worlds of Jules Verne and Leonardo Da Vinci, the Machines of the Isle of Nantes is an artistic project like no other. Located in the city’s former shipyard, it is a whole park of steam-powered machinery, ranging from a giant elephant trough flying herons, a mechanical dragon, a carousel revolving with deep sea creatures to two-meter long centipede crawling on a rail track.

Learn About Japan's "Third Gender" in a Fascinating Historical Art Exhibition - Creators. Whether you oppose the gender binary or don't, there is increasingly insurmountable evidence that gender is a social construct. Throughout history, different societies in divergent cultural periods have explored gender and sexuality in ways that deviate from the standardized idea of male and female as sole gender roles and heterosexuality as the only acceptable form of sexual behavior. A Third Gender, an ongoing exhibition at the Japan Society in New York, explores how Edo period Japan, an era that began over 500 years ago, presented an alternative, "third gender" of sorts that was widely accepted and embraced by the society of the time.

The Young Man's Dream, Kitagawa Utamaro, ca. 1801-1802 First displayed at The Royal Ontario Museum before making its way to New York, A Third Gender revolves around wakashu, a term that describes a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood for Japanese boys during the Edo period. A Third Gender Installation View, 2017 Related: Au Mexique, Idalia Candelas dessine les plaisirs de la solitude féminine. Une femme déterminée et aimante de sa liberté, tel est Idalia Candelas illustratrice mexicaine, la quarantaine, femme coquette au regard direct en contraste avec la souplesse de sa main, qui dirige le trait curviligne glissant sur une feuille de papier pour raconter des histoires, et pas n’importe laquelle : une histoire de femmes épanouies, libres et légères dans leur solitude.

La solitude féminine n’est pas une mauvaise affaire et elle est très courante malgré les apparencesIdalia Candelas, illustratrice Ses dessins fins et sensuels nous montrent des femmes dans la cuisine, en train de se dénuder, une cigarette à la bouche ou à la main, assises sur le canapé le regard perdu dans le vide ou déambulant en sous-vêtements dans leurs maison ; les femmes de Idalia, seules toujours seules ! Security Check Required. Kisuny Park. Theteenwitch. Comment Apollinaire et Picasso furent accusés du vol de La Joconde - Creators. Mystical Bridges to Another World – Veri Art. If you happen to have pictures of beautiful old bridges like these, it’s better if you could share them, since there are many people interested in knowing more about the old bridges.

Such ancient bridges can be fully covered with moss and fungus but they are certainly becoming the perfect complement to any rural or river scene. A landscape if decorated with these kind of bridges could appear more enchanting especially if those bridges belong to the old and mysterious arched ones which may depict mankind’s way of traversing landscapes that are otherwise decidedly wild. When such arch is kept in position by its own weight, it makes it more amazing as the stones supporting the arch normally couldn’t possibly stay in their posts without the stones above them weighing them down.

So, it can be concluded that their building process was complicated in order that they were thought to be very effective and sturdy. Watching Candy Melt in Reverse to Classical Music Is the Best - Creators. Under-Cats: I Photograph Cats From Underneath (Part 2) Underlook project is getting bigger everyday. More and more people all around the world began supporting our projects. This is so interesting for us, that we even decided to go full time into it. Show Full Text. HP Lovecraft Comes to the World of Anime! - Creators. Guy Becomes Best Friends With Celebrities By Photoshopping Himself Into Their Pics. Guy Becomes Best Friends With Celebrities By Photoshopping Himself Into Their Pics.

[NSFW] Dans le futur, les humains baiseront comme des méduses et c'est aussi dégueulasse que ce que vous imaginez - Creators. Printables. If You Could Photograph Your Dreams, It Would Look Something Like This Turkish Artist’s Images. A Panda? An Office Building? A Galaxy? You Can Become Literally Anything in this F*cking Incredible Video Game - Creators. Artist Draws An Alphabet Inspired By Edgar Allan Poe – Veri Art. Quand Dali et Disney faisaient un film - Creators. ScarletButterflies. Alice X. Zhang. DeviantArt muro. 80 Female Artists Rally Against Trump's Sexist, Discriminatory Rhetoric - Creators.

Bunnywoman – Down, down, down the Rabbit-Hole. Laureen Rooryck. Mais quel est ton but. [NSFW] French Comic Book Artist Ouinesh Revives the Erotic Art of the Pinup - Creators. Frank Gehry’s Swimming Koi Lamps are Reflective of His Artistic Arc - Creators. [NFSW] Erotic GIFs Celebrate Psychedelics, Sci-Fi, and Sex - Creators. Architect Turns Old Cement Factory Into His Home, And The Interior Will Take Your Breath Away. Interconnected World Captured in Watercolor Paintings – Moscardon Art. Colombian Artist Illustrates Private Lives Of Iconic Superheroes – Moscardon Art. Billelis's Wall Art Shop on Curioos. L'art parisien du voyeurisme - Creators. Artist Uses Recycled Tyres to Create Incredible Animal Sculptures - BlazePress.

Les poèmes de Paul Eluard, racontés en images à travers 13 courts-métrages. Les poèmes de Paul Eluard, racontés en images à travers 13 courts-métrages. Une exposition met à l'honneur des femmes lisant dans le métro. Un vêtement intelligent au croisement entre le paon et le caméléon - Creators. Les univers du Studio Ghibli sont encore plus beaux en estampes traditionnelles - Creators.

Photographer Travels Across New Zealand With Gandalf Costume, And His Photos Are Epic.