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Power of Drones :Totally Cool Uses for Drones. Flite Test - Tricopter vs Quadcopter - Viewer Response. Forum - AeroQuad - The Open Source Multicopter. The AeroQuad is an open source hardware and software project dedicated to the construction of remote controlled four-rotor helicopters, also known as quadcopters or quadrocopters. The latest software also support additional multicopter configurations! Buy AeroQuad Parts HereDownload the AeroQuad Software AeroQuad hardware typically consists of the fully-featured STM32-based AeroQuad32 flight controller board or an Arduino microcontroller (Mega 2560 or Uno) as the flight controller board, and an AeroQuad shield with various sensors, such as an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer (heading), barometer (altitude hold) ultrasonic sensors and GPS.

Below you'll find an overview of the features AeroQuad offers you: Multiple flight configurations are supported: Development: For information on the development of AeroQuad, see the AeroQuad GitHub Repository, the AeroQuad Developers Guide and our Wiki. Costruzione quadcopter basato su AeroQuad (Arduino): qualche aiuto e consiglio. Ciao a tutti Vorrei cimentarmi nella costruzione di un quadcopter che utilizzi Arduino come microprocessore (vi ho programmato molto e lo conosco bene, quindi potrei facilmente apportare modifiche e altro ) Girando un po su internet ho visto la board basata su AeroQuad, che prevede: - Arduino Mega come micro - Ha una sensor board chiamata "9 Degrees of Freedom" che include i seguenti sensori ADXL345 accelerometer HMC5883L magnetometer ITG-3200 gyro - altre features interessanti come il mantenimento dell'altezza automatico, gps, ecc...

Volevo chiedervi però un po di cose, prima di iniziare eventualmente le valutazioni su prezzo, componenti, ecc e poi procedere con gli acquisti vari 1) Mi piacerebbe costruire un frame a X, ovvero avere il muso e la coda ciascuno tra due eliche (spero di essermi spiegato xD... la cosa più simile che mi viene in mente è l'AR Drone). Cosa cambia in questo caso? Ringrazio tutti quelli che vorranno aiutarmi nella costruzione con info e suggerimenti. Project Ideas for Arduino Quadcopter. Wireless quadcopters have become a popular toy for tech enthusiasts, with the most prominent example being the Parrot AR Drone, a mobile phone powered helicopter that comes fully assembled. But many tech hobbyists have been using the power of the Arduino platform to create quadcopter projects of their own. An Arduino quadcopter is not a project for beginners; it combines a large amount of sensory and user input, and a fairly sophisticated coordination of outputs in order to provide the quadcopter with stability and keep it aloft.

Fortunately there are a number of open source projects that provide an accessible introduction to this world. If you are ready for a more challenging Arduino project, check out these open-source quadcopters. AeroQuad AeroQuad is one of the oldest and most active communities for open-source quadcopter development. Arducopter The Arducopter is another popular open source copter project, and makes provisions for both quadrotor and hexarotor form factors.

Scout UAV. DIY Drones.