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Douglas Crockford's Javascript. JavaScript: The Good Parts (9780596517748): Douglas Crockford. Doug Crockford: JavaScript: The Good Parts. By Steve Souders, Member of Technical Staff Doug Crockford, from "The Yahoo! " (his words), gave a talk at "The Google" (again, his words) last week. The talk is based on his recent book of the same name, JavaScript: The Good Parts. Doug is a, perhaps the, JavaScript guru who has undertaken responsibility for helping the world's web developers embrace JavaScript and use it successfully to build clean, fast web applications. He is the creator of JSLint, JSMin, and JSON.

Doug was hitting on all cylinders. He begins with the observation that JavaScript is one of today's most used languages, so it obviously has gotten something right. In JavaScript, all three of these statements return true. He delivers a clear, concise tutorial on object-oriented JavaScript and closures. Tune in to the video below, and follow along with the presentation. JavaScript: The Good Parts. Syntaxe JavaScript. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La syntaxe JavaScript est un ensemble de règles qui définissent ce qui constitue un programme valide en langage JavaScript. Origine[modifier | modifier le code] Variables[modifier | modifier le code] Voici un exemple de déclaration de variables et de valeurs globales : Types de données de base[modifier | modifier le code] Nombres[modifier | modifier le code] Les nombres en JavaScript sont représentés en binaire comme des IEEE-754 Doubles, ce qui permet une précision de 14 à 15 chiffres significatifs JavaScript FAQ 4.2 (en).

Ceci pose problème quand on formate des nombres pour les afficher car JavaScript n'a pas de méthode native pour le faire. Alert(0.94 - 0.01); // affiche 0.9299999999999999 En conséquence, l'arrondi devrait être utilisé dès qu'un nombre est formaté pour l'affichage (en). Les nombres peuvent être spécifiés dans l'une de ces notations : var colorful = new Color( '_root.shapes' ); colorful.setRGB( 0x003366 ); Opérateurs binaires. Doug Crockford interviewed at Web2.0 Expo 2010. Caja - Project Hosting on Google Code. (This site is for programmers actively working on Caja, rather than using it for their own projects.) The Caja Compiler is a tool for making third party HTML, CSS and JavaScript safe to embed in your website. It enables rich interaction between the embedding page and the embedded applications.

Caja uses an object-capability security model to allow for a wide range of flexible security policies, so that your website can effectively control what embedded third party code can do with user data. Contacting us Discussions Our discussion group is the best place to contact us. Reporting Bugs & Security Issues Please report potential vulnerabilities using the private issue tracker, and bugs and feature requests via the public issue tracker. Contributing The Caja team includes people from a number of different companies and some private individuals.

News Talks. ADsafe. FBJS (Facebook JavaScript) - Développeurs Facebook. All Docs Web SDKs Docs/Web SDKs/JavaScript SDK/ On This Page Facebook SDK for JavaScript A rich set of client-side functionality for adding Social Plugins, Facebook Login and Graph API calls. Guides Frameworks Termination of SHA-1 Support. Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language. This is a set of coding conventions and rules for use in JavaScript programming. The long-term value of software to an organization is in direct proportion to the quality of the codebase. Over its lifetime, a program will be handled by many pairs of hands and eyes. If a program is able to clearly communicate its structure and characteristics, it is less likely that it will break when modified in the never-too-distant future. Code conventions can help in reducing the brittleness of programs. All of our JavaScript code is sent directly to the public. It should always be of publication quality.

Neatness counts. JavaScript Files JavaScript programs should be stored in and delivered as .js files. JavaScript code should not be embedded in HTML files unless the code is specific to a single session. Whitespace Where possible, these rules are consistent with centuries of good practice with literary style. Blank lines improve readability by setting off sections of code that are logically related. Names.

Tutoriel Javascript

Introduction au langage ECMAScript. JavaScript est un langage de programmation utilisé principalement sur le Web, développé par Netscape et repris par Microsoft sous le nom de JScript. ECMAScript est une tentative de normalisation du noyau du langage : sa syntaxe, ses mots-clés et ses composants natifs. La troisième édition du standard ECMA-262 a été publiée en décembre 1999. Avant d'aborder la syntaxe du langage, voyons où nous pourrons l'enfreindre à loisir… Les commentaires vous permettent en effet de loger votre prose presque n'importe où dans un script, sans en modifier le comportement lors de l'exécution. Il existe deux types de commentaires en ECMAScript ; dans le premier cas, le commentaire commence par les caractères // et se termine à la fin de la ligne ; dans le second, il débute avec les caractères /*, peut se prolonger sur plusieurs lignes et s'achève dès que les caractères */ sont rencontrés par l'interpréteur.

Les variables var réponse; Mots réservés par ECMAScript : var bonne_réponse = true; Les expressions 6. 39: Programming - the real basics! - Opera Developer Community. By Christian Heilmann 11th October 2012: Material moved to The Opera web standards curriculum has now been moved to the docs section of the W3C site. Go there to find updated versions of these docs, and much more besides! 12th April 2012: This article is obsolete The web standards curriculum has been donated to the W3C web education community group, to become part of a much bigger educational resource.

It is constantly being updated so that it remains current with modern web design practices and technologies. Introduction As an experienced developer you’ll sooner or later have to face people that are just not technical and will consider whatever you do as black magic. It will also help novice web developers to take on board some generic programming principles that are essential to understand before you start learning how to code JavaScript. This article is structured as follows: Order, I will have order! Variables 3 + x = 8 x = 8 - 3 -> x = 5 x + y = 8 x = 4y = 4 or. 40: What can you do with JavaScript? - Opera Developer Community. By Christian Heilmann 11th October 2012: Material moved to The Opera web standards curriculum has now been moved to the docs section of the W3C site.

Go there to find updated versions of these docs, and much more besides! 12th April 2012: This article is obsolete The web standards curriculum has been donated to the W3C web education community group, to become part of a much bigger educational resource. Introduction Now I’ve taken you through the core essential concepts of programming, it’s time to take a step back from the details and take a high level look at what you can actually do with JavaScript — why would you want to take the time to learn such a complicated subject, and use it on your web pages? This is an interesting time for me, as the usage of JavaScript has moved away from a fringe knowledge matter to a mainstream web development skill over the last few years. Let’s push on — the structure of this article is as follows: How I came to like JavaScript. Résultats de la recherche : javascript - Alsacréations. Comment bien coder en Javascript ? - Alsacréations. Cet article vous montre, au travers de bonnes pratiques, comment obtenir un code Javascript non intrusif, évolutif, accessible, facilitant la maintenance et minimisant les risques d'interaction.

Ce document regroupe diverses notions de base et d'autres plus avancées telles que les tests de fonctions, les variables globales, la séparation de la structure, de la présentation, du comportement voire des données, le modèle objet, les littéraux, une introduction à JSON ou encore la gestion des événements. Tutoriel par koala64 (Développeur Front Office Senior, Expert AccessiWeb en évaluation) Une bonne page web doit être consultable et entièrement fonctionnelle sans Javascript. Ce langage est optionnel du fait que tout le monde n'en dispose pas. Aussi, Javascript est principalement utile lorsqu'il s'agit d'améliorer et d'étendre le comportement de vos pages.

Cela veut donc dire que vous ne disposez pas forcément de toutes les fonctionnalités de votre page si ce langage est indisponible. Imprimer. Underscore.js commented - Mark Needham. I’ve been spending a bit of time reading through the source code of underscore.js, a JavaScript library that provides lots of functional programming support which my colleague Dave Yeung pointed out to me after reading my post about building a small application with node.js. I’m still getting used to the way that JavaScript libraries are written but these were some of the interesting things that I got from reading the code: There are a couple of places in the code where the author has some code which runs conditionally and this is achieved by including that expression on the right hand side of an ‘&&’.

For example on line 129 in the ‘filter’ function:I would probably have used an if statement to check the result from calling ‘iterator’ but this way is more concise and pretty neat.The same type of thing is done on line 150 in the ‘every’ function:The result is collected and the loop will also exit if the value of ‘result’ is ever false which is again a cool way to organise code. Références javascript - Tout Javascript.


Javascript servers. Node.js. Javascript IDE.