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Login Dialog. Poster sur son mur. Se loguer. Pour authentifier un utilisateur, nous allons devoir utiliser le contrôle WebBrowser afin de naviguer sur la page d’authentification de Facebook. Mais où se situe cette fameuse page ? Pour le savoir, nous allons utiliser le SDK, mais avant ça nous avons besoin de rajouter un WebBrowser dans notre page XAML : 1 x:Name="wb" Visibility="Collapsed" Navigated="wb_Navigated" Celui-ci est masqué au chargement de la page (Visibility à Collapsed). Nous avons également associé une méthode à l’événement de navigation terminé. Puis nous allons créer une variable privée dans notre page, du type FacebookClient : 1private FacebookClient client; et enfin, nous allons naviguer sur l’url obtenue grâce au SDK. 1Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); 2parameters["response_type"] = "token"; 3parameters["display"] = "touch"; 4parameters["scope"] = "user_about_me, friends_about_me, user_birthday, friends_birthday, publish_stream"; 6parameters["client_id"] = "votre appid"; Citation.

Facebook Scrumptious tutorial for Windows Phone. Introduction This multipart tutorial walks you through integrating Facebook into a C#/XAML based Windows Phone app. You'll create a timeline app that lets people post about meals they ate. This sample app is based on the Scrumptious sample app provided by Facebook for other mobile platforms. The completed sample is present at Once you clone the repository, open the project Facebook.Scrumptious.Windows-Phone.sln This is how the completed sample should look like. Facebook Login page Scrumptious Landing Page Posted event on your timeline To complete the tutorial, you'll need some familiarity with Windows Phone development.

Setting up your Facebook Application Before you can get started with the Windows Phone Application, you have to create a Facebook Application and obtain a Facebook AppId on the Facebook developer portal. Once you have created the app, you need to edit the app and change a few settings. Authenticate. Disc'o World. Custom Stories.