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Tolkien, Hobbit & Lord of the Rings

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JRR Tolkien Reads The One Ring Poem. J.R.R. Tolkien reciting "Namárië" J.R.R. Tolkien recites 'The Mewlips' Lewis and Tolkien: Scholars and Friends. Tolkien Interview. Simon Tolkien: "I don't think JRR would have enjoyed watching the films" Sir Christopher Lee sings Treebeard´s Song. Hobbit Production Blogs 1-9 All | Making Of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" Movie. BBC Archival Footage-In Their Own Words British Authors J.R.R. Tolkien Part 1. BBC Archival Footage-In Their Own Words British Authors J.R.R. Tolkien Part 2. Lewis and Tolkien Debate Myths and Lies. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 1 Documentary. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 2 Documentary. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 3 Documentary. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 4 Documentary. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 5 Documentary. J.R.R.Tolkien Master Of Middle Earth pt 6 Documentary. Interview with JRR Tolkien in 1968 and Adam Tolkien in 2007.

The Journey Continues J.R.R. Tolkien - Origins of Middle-Earth Documentary. J.R.R. Tolkien - The Legacy of Middle-Earth Documentary. "The Hobbit" Kick-Off - Sword & Laser December Book Club. Tolkien Collector - The Collectible Hobbit. Online Hobbit and Lord of the Rings store where your trip to Middle-earth starts.

JRR Tolkien letter reveals poor sales of The Hobbit. 16 October 2012Last updated at 10:45 ET Tolkien spent much of his time at Leeds translating Old Icelandic texts A letter from JRR Tolkien to Swallows and Amazons writer Arthur Ransome has revealed the author's concerns about sales of The Hobbit. Tolkien said he would send a revised edition to Ransome "if there is a reprint", adding "sales are not very great". The letter forms part of a collection of Tolkien's writing held at the University of Leeds - where he taught. Despite his concerns, The Hobbit went on to sell 100 million copies. The letter also revealed Ransome had suggested editing parts of The Hobbit and Tolkien was happy to oblige.

He consented to making some minor changes regarding the use of the word "man" and agreed the wizard Gandalf's use of the word "boys" as an insult "was rather silly and not quite up to form". Tolkien's letter is held in Leeds's Brotherton Library "He is slipping into a kind of fantasy as if he's writing about a real world, as he loves doing. Film premiere. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended Edition on Blu-ray June 28th. Sign up to play “The Lord of the Rings Online”™ for Free! Please enter your existing account information Error: You must agree to the License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy to continue. Error: You must agree to the License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy to continue. Error: You must agree to the License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy to continue. Error: You must agree to the License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy to continue.

Error: You must agree to the License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy to continue. Erreur: Vous devez accepter l'accord de licence, les conditions d'utilisation et la Politique de traitement des données personnelles pour continuer. Tolkien computer games. J.R.R. Tolkien worked for an entire lifetime in creating his amazing fantasy world, Middle-earth. This world of elves, dwarves, hobbits and other creatures became the setting for his bestselling novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In time, these novels became one of the main sources of inspiration for the growing role-playing hobby, which in turn came to inspire many of the pioneer computer game programmers during the seventies.

These pages, created as a homage to Tolkien and to the many devoted people who brought Middle-earth to new life with their computers, are designed to be a source of reference for the computer-gaming Tolkien fan. All in all, there are more than 100 games known to me and you can search for the ones you are interested in by means of several different criteria. Please click one of the buttons below. In addition to the games pages themselves, I have created a number of support pages, as per below. How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended. Lord of the Rings Fanatics Site - For & By Tolkien Fanatics. The Tolkien Trust - Home page. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (3.5e Campaign Setting. Nimrodel - Original Costumes Index. Here in cyber space we invite you to move through the portal of Elysium Gates Web Hosting.

The gates, guarded by the Greek sphinxes, represents our web hosting portal that transports you from the hectic pace of the 21st century into a timeless era where the ideals of a gracious life of learning and socializing can be pursued. This is an opportunity to dwell in a cyber paradise, converse with others of a like spirit and create the web home of your dreams.Elysium Gates Web Hosting is committed to individualized and caring helpful support for all members (whether a business or personal hosted web site) and to promote individual growth and potential.

We believe it is not enough to be "good"... one must be "good for something"; therefore, as a web space provider, we also are committing part of our profits into activities that can make the world a better place. Elysium Gates Web Hosting Members help us choose, by their votes, how the money is distributed. The Tolkien Music List. ۞ | Jef Murray Studios. The Two Towers - A J. R. R. Tolkien Museum Trail. Mount Doom by Alan Chapman The Two Towers is the second filmic instalment of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy book trilogy, The Lord of the Rings. In 2001 our first Tolkien Trail transported us on a perilous journey through Tolkien's Middle Earth. A world of hobbits, wizards, evil sorcerers, orcs, elves, goblins, and many other weird and wonderful inhabitants. After numerous hardships, heart-stopping retreats from Black Riders, not to forget a particularly nasty episode inside the Mines of Moria - we were finally able to return to the peace and tranquillity of the Shire.

However, alarming news has recently reached Hobbiton that the forces of darkness are regrouping. The terrifying whisper sweeping through hobbit holes is that the Dark Lord Sauron has risen again and is preparing his vast armies for the greatest battle of them all. And so it is that the 24 Hour Museum finds itself embarking once more on the Tolkien Trail. Ben Stack. Minas Tirith at Dawn, Ted Nasmith © Ted Nasmith. Stonyhurst College. JRR Tolkien. John Howe | CHRONICLES of an illustrator. Kim Benson -Tolkien Art .net - Hobbit art, Lord of the Rings, elven art, mystical fantasy & ferret art. John Garth: writer, editor and researcher. Birmingham Features - The Lord Of The Rings - JRR Tolkien. - The Home of An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography. Mythopoeic Society - a non-profit organization devoted to the study of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, the Inklings, and the genres of myth and fantasy.

"Tolkien opened up in me a dormant love of lost and misty times, myth and legend..." | Ted Nasmith - Tolkien Illustrator - Renderer - Musician. The Prevalence of Hobbits. The Grey Havens - The Ultimate J.R.R. Tolkien Resource Web Page. Lord of the Rings Wiki. Seeing Tolkien's Middle Earth through the eyes of his illustrators. Over the years, many illustrators have talken a crack at the sweeping vistas and well-furnished hobbit holes of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. With The Hobbit finally in theaters, io9 gives us a look at the work of many such artists, ranging from Tolkien himself, to Where the Wild Things Are’s Maurice Sendak, to the Crown Princess of Denmark, Margrethe II.

Not all of the work found favor with Tolkien, though. The author opened fire on Barbara Remington’s bizarre cover illustration for The Hobbit (in her defense, she hadn't read the book), saying: "I think the cover is ugly; but I recognize that a main object of a paperback cover is to attract purchasers, and I suppose that you are better judges of what is attractive in USA than I am. Tolkien. The American Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien. Hobbit Houses: Dwellings Right at Home in Tolkien's Middle Earth. While you have to go to the theater to see "The Hobbit," some people experience J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth every day. The books that inspired the new movie and the "Lord of the Rings" film trilogy have also inspired home design for years.

Among the most recent dwellings is one built for a diehard Tolkien fan in Chester County, Pa.: a 600-square-foot guesthouse with a cartoonishly curved roof and a 54-inch circular cedar door. Inside are wood arches, a "butterfly window," a stucco fireplace -- and walls of shelves where its owner displays a vast collection of Tolkien memorabilia acquired over 30 years. "This isn't something that you can re-create on a suburban cul-de-sac," Peter Archer, the architect behind the fantastical house, told The Associated Press. This hobbit's dream joins several similar homes that we've featured before.

More on AOL Real Estate: Find out how to calculate mortgage payments. The Encyclopedia of Arda. The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is evolving into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples. It already contains about four thousand entries, and we're constantly adding new entries and expanding existing ones. Inside the encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of Arda contains thousands of articles covering topics from J.R.R. Tolkien's world, some brief, some lengthy and some containing detailed essays and discussions. You'll also find a selection of interactive tools, including a chronicle to help you explore Tolkien's fictional history, and calendar to translate dates and events, a lexicon of names, a glossary of old and rare words, and much more. Context and approach The content of the Encyclopedia is written in the same context as Tolkien himself used; he presented himself simply as a translator, rather than originator of the tales.

About the name Arda Special thanks. Hobbit Movie News and Information, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien - - Forged by the Fans of J.R.R. Tolkien. Happy Hobbit: Chicks (Easter Special) – Episode 39 April 16, 2014 at 7:07 pm - When Kili is excluded from Fili’s Easter party, she visits a friend to pick up a little revenge… in the form of a chick! Join the mischief and learn the basics of how to care for baby chickens. Also, while it took us a while… we finally got our Blu-ray copy of The Hobbit: The… Continue Reading Wondercon starts on Friday in Anaheim April 16, 2014 at 4:06 am - Convention season is upon us, and the first big shindig on the Calendar is Wondercon in Anaheim.

Just how do you make the One Ring? April 15, 2014 at 2:44 pm - Sauron created the One Ring in secrecy, so little is known of how he created it. Show us your passion for Smaug – contest WINNERS April 14, 2014 at 8:04 pm - Smaug the Magnificent indeed! EXCLUSIVE – Richard Armitage chats with April 14, 2014 at 11:40 am - Warner Brothers clarifies ‘Desolation of Smaug’ Bonus Feature confusion April 13, 2014 at 7:19 pm - April 13, 2014 at 2:11 pm - Virtual Tour of JRR Tolkien's Oxford. One Ring to rule them all ... 'New' JRR Tolkien epic due out next year. It's the story of a dark world, of knights and princesses, swords and sorcery, quests and betrayals, and it's from the pen of JRR Tolkien.

But this is not Middle-earth, it's ancient Britain, and this previously unpublished work from the Lord of the Rings author stars not Aragorn, Gandalf and Frodo, but King Arthur. HarperCollins has announced the acquisition of Tolkien's never-before-published poem The Fall of Arthur, which will be released for the first time next May. Running to more than 200 pages, Tolkien's story was inspired by Geoffrey of Monmouth and Thomas Malory's tales of King Arthur, and is told in narrative verse. Set in the last days of Arthur's reign, the poem sees Tolkien tackling the old king's battle to save his country from Mordred the usurper, opening as Arthur and Gawain go to war. Tolkien began writing The Fall of Arthur a few years before he wrote The Hobbit. These are the "new" poem's opening lines: Take the J.R.R. Tolkien quiz. Now that Peter Jackson's first installment in his planned "Hobbit" trilogy - "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" - has opened in theaters, it's time to test your knowledge about J.R.R.

Tolkien's tale, and about the author himself. Fret not, the questions are multiple choice. 1. What do the initials in J.R.R. Tolkien's name stand for? A. B. C. D. E. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. E. 5. 6. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D. 13. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D. E. 15. A. B. C. D. 16. A. B. C. D. 17. A. B. C. D. 18. A. B. C. D. E. 19. A. B. C. 20. A. B. C. D. Bonus question: What has it got in its pocketses? A. B. C. D. Answers: 1. J.R.R. Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien - Biography. Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth. O n January 3, 2003, J. R. R. Tolkien would have celebrated his eleventy-first birthday, a most momentous occasion, the same birthday on which Bilbo departed the Shire for Rivendell.

What would this venerable Oxford don have thought about his position in Western culture at the age of 111, almost a half-century after he initially published his trilogy? He would have seen reason enough for distress, chilling marks of the modern secular-scientific ideal. "The spirit of wickedness in high places is now so powerful and so many-headed in its incarnations," Tolkien wrote in 1969, "that there seems nothing more to do than personally to refuse to worship any of the hydra's heads. " Yet, this most devout Christian would also see signs of immense hope, knowing well that St. On Tolkien's 111th birthday, he would also be especially surprised to note that for 50 years, his myth—a myth he felt he had recorded rather than invented—had dramatically affected and shaped people all over the world.

'Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit': A Reminder To Tolkien Fans Of Their First Love. Seventy-five years ago, J.R.R Tolkien wrote a book for his children called The Hobbit. It isn't just a landmark piece of fantasy literature; it's a movement — a work that's inspired everyone from director Peter Jackson to the band Led Zeppelin to Leonard Nimoy (who recorded his own homage to the book in the late 1960s — "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins").

Yet though it's widely celebrated, The Hobbit's always kind of existed in the shadow of Tolkien's other great work, The Lord of the Rings. Corey Olsen, self-described "Tolkien professor," tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered, that Tolkien fans tend to fall in love with The Hobbit as children, then move on to The Lord of the Rings and never come back. That's a great shame, Olsen says, so he's written his own book, Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Interview Highlights The Hobbit as a child's, not childish, book hide captionCorey Olsen is an English professor at Washington College in Maryland. BBC Radio 4 - Tolkien in Love. Welcome | Cambridge Tolkien Society. Peter Jackson's Violent Betrayal of Tolkien - Noah Berlatsky. The Hobbit's gory battles don't just pad out its run-time. They contradict the story's message about mercy. 20th Century Fox "True courage is knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one," Gandalf tells Bilbo in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Gandalf's homily doesn't appear in Tokien's original novel The Hobbit. Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and went stiff himself. Bilbo then (in both film and book) leaps over Gollum's head, leaving the creature despairing but unharmed. If Jackson meant for Gandalf's comment to highlight Tolkien's nonviolent ethic, though, the rest of his film undercuts it—and, indeed, almost parodies it.

The goblin battle is hardly an aberration in the film. Given this vision of dwarves-as-ninjas, it's not entirely clear why the expedition needed Bilbo along in the first place. Gandalf says that it is not great power but rather the everyday deeds of ordinary folk that defeat evil. JRR Tolkien's daughter sues producers of The Hobbit. The lawsuit alleges that the film companies only have the right to "tangible" merchandise like costumes and figurines, but had "engaged in a continuing and escalating pattern of usurping rights" by making digital products.

The last straw came when one of the Tolkien estate's lawyers received a spam email promoting an online slot machine game based on the Fellowship of the Ring, the first book in the famous series. Over the course of the 26-page lawsuit, published by the Hollywood Reporter, the plaintiffs claimed that the proliferation of Tolkien merchandise had created "confusion and consternation" among fans of the series. One devotee called the merchandising a "nasty, greedy, ugly act" while another complained: “If this isn’t prostituting art, I don’t know what is".

Miss Tolkien is taking action on behalf of the Tolkien Trust, a charity created shortly after her father's death in 1973, and is joined by George Allen & Unwin, the publishers who first brought out The Hobbit in 1937. University of Wisconsin Tolkien Society. Home Page - The Tolkien Society. Planet Tolkien. Tolkien Books, Rare Book Shop, Tolkien Store. The Tolkien Professor | Lectures. Tolkien Gateway.

Tolkien Home | Official Tolkien Book Shop. J.R.R. Tolkien Quotes (Author of The Hobbit) The Tolkien Estate - Home. Out With Tennis Injury, Tolkien Writes 'Hobbit' Unpublished Tolkien book to be released in 2013. Studies on the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien and the OED. Mithlond. Unquendor | Tolkien Genootschap Unquendor.

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