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Open Sim. WindLight Settings  WindLight is a revolutionary atmospheric lighting and rendering system within Second Life that can assist photographers of all skill levels to create stunning visuals.

WindLight Settings 

What does that all mean? You have a powerful mood-setting tool at your disposal. Take advantage of it! Tutorials  Second Life Tutorials. Snapshot tips and tricks! So a lot of the questions I get asked have something to do with my photos, and since I just hit 500 followers on Tumblr (yay!)

Snapshot tips and tricks!

I thought I’d try and answer all your questions in one helpful post! So I’ll show you how I edit my photos for all of my posts as well as include some info on how you can get better quality snapshots and I’ve even made 4 photoshop actions you can download and have a play around with for your own snapshots! Second Life Fashion. Second Life News and Opinions. Second Life Building and Making Stuff. Second Life Art. Second Life Basic Stuff. Second Life Photography. Inworldz. Other Uses of Second Life. Second Life Shopping. Other Virtual Worlds. Second Life Exploration. Second Life. Serious Games. Virtual Worlds. Metaverse. Virtual Worlds. 3D Social Worlds. Avatare / Avatars. Avatar.


Downloads · diva/d2. OpenSim. OSgrid - OpenSimulator Metaverse. Second Life. Second Life. Virtual Worlds. Immersive Internet. The New World Grid. Virtual Worlds.