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Mehr Partnerschaft für den europäischen Tourismus. Aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für das Wachstum und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen spielt die Tourismusindustrie im Rahmen der Lissabon-Strategie eine zentrale Rolle. Als Folge der Globalisierung, des demografischen Wandels und der verkehrstechnischen Entwicklungen erlebt dieser Wirtschaftszweig ein rasantes Wachstum. Er schafft mehr Arbeitsplätze als der Durchschnitt der übrigen Branchen, und das Erscheinungsbild dieser Arbeitsplätze ist sehr vielfältig; häufig sind es Teilzeitstellen, und sie sind vor allem mit Frauen, jungen und weniger qualifizierten Arbeitskräften besetzt.

Gleichzeitig ist ein nachhaltiger Tourismus ein entscheidender Faktor für die Bewahrung und Aufwertung des Kultur- und Naturerbes, und in immer mehr benachteiligten Regionen kommt er der lokalen Entwicklung zugute. Außerdem leistet er einen Beitrag zur Völkerverständigung. Eine neue europäische Tourismuspolitik Querschnittsmaßnahmen Eine erste Reihe von Maßnahmen dient einer besseren Rechtsetzung. Hintergrund. European policies for tourism - Tourism - Enterprise and Industry. Europe is the world's no. 1 tourist destination, with the highest density and diversity of tourist attractions. As a result, the tourist industry has become a key sector of the European economy, generating over 10% of EU GDP (directly or indirectly) and employing 9.7m citizens in 1.8m businesses. Tourism contributes to: employment and regional development sustainable development an enhanced natural and cultural heritage shaping of a European identity.

Tourism is also an important means of promoting Europe's image in the world, projecting our values and promoting the European model – which is the result of centuries of cultural exchanges, linguistic diversity and creativity. EU policy aims to promote tourism so as to maintain Europe's standing as a leading destination, and maximize the industry's contribution to growth and employment. Policy objectives and implementation Four priorities for action have been identified in the 2010 communication on tourism Other EU policies impacting tourism.

Tourismusförderung. Allgemeine Tourismusförderung und EU-Kofinanzierung. ÖHT - Österreichische Hotel und Tourismusbank. 097DBS_nachbericht_ct_tourismusfoerd. Hier gelangen Sie zur Information rund um die Tourismusförderung. Projektliste Tourismus. Projects. Culture - Funding opportunities 2011: Strand 1.3.6. European cultural festivals.

Reference documents Useful documents: Deadline for applications The application must be sent at the latest by 12:00 Brussels time on 16/11/2011. For more information about the agenda of the procedure, please consult the Calendar 2008-2013. Application procedure The Executive Agency has developed an on-line submission tool. Please read the instructions on how to apply with the electronic form (referred to as the "eForm" below). You will find hereunder all relevant documents for the Strand 1.3.6. Please, note that the strand 1.3.6. is now concerned by the Online submission with an electronic eForm accompanied by a paper submission sent by post. Step 1 - Download the electronic form ("eForm") Download the eForm: Please download the relevant eForm for the Culture Programme.

You need to have the Adobe Reader version 8.1.5 or higher installed on your computer in order to able to download and complete the eForm. You will also find on this page all technical issues related to the eForm: Further assistance. Calypso (social tourism) - Tourism - Enterprise and Industry. Cooperation in tourism - Tourism - Enterprise and Industry. Cooperation in tourism - Tourism - Enterprise and Industry. Promoting tourism sustainability and competitiveness - Tourism - Enterprise and Industry. Austria - Destinations of Excellence. Kaunertal Valley The Kaunertal valley is full of continuous contrasts that follow the turning of the seasons: luscious green, eternal ice, babbling brooks, sweet-smelling pastures, snow-covered forests – all of it also made accessible to guests with reduced mobility to experience a wonderful time.

Nature and culture, past and present – in Kaunertal everything is interweaved in daily life, creating an authenticity. People with physical disabilities can enjoy their holiday here fully integrated: there is an offer for wheelchair users, mobility impaired individuals and families with small children and strollers... The barrier-free cars and lifts on the Kaunertal glacier offer a complete range of activities for this target group, both in summer and in winter. Support tourism projects through EU funds - Destinations of Excellence. Regional Policy Inforegio - Atlas - Österreich - Vorarlberg.