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Energy Quest Room. Chemical Equation Balancer. Worksheets involving equations. Digestive System. Science Classroom. Lessons Case #1225: Christmas Cookie Mystery (Worksheet provided) Christmas Chromatography - Deck the Halls With Science (Worksheet provided) Adopt-An-Element - Internet project (Sites from the Kid Zone) (Worksheets provided) Atoms Family (Worksheets provided) Element Trading Cards - Internet project (Sites from the Kid Zone) (Worksheets provided) Periodic Table Basics (Worksheets provided) Bonding Basics (Worksheets provided) Bond with a Classmate (Worksheets provided) Balancing Act - Balancing Equations (Worksheets provided) Chemical Reactions (Worksheets provided) Playing with Polymers (Worksheets provided) Amazing Marshmallows - Boyle's Law (Worksheet provided) Bursting Balloons - Charles' Law (Worksheet provided) Tasty Solution (Worksheet provided) Messing With Mixtures (Worksheets provided)

Science Classroom

General Chemistry Worksheets. Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students. By Drs.

Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students

Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty, University of Pennsylvania The expression "hands-on, minds-on" summarizes the philosophy we have incorporated in these activities - namely, that students will learn best if they are actively engaged and if their activities are closely linked to understanding important biological concepts. Many of our activities are explicitly aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, as indicated by (NGSS) in the descriptions below and the links to the right.

Additional information is provided in Summary Tables and in the Teacher Preparation Notes for these activities. To accommodate limited budgets, most of our activities can be carried out with minimum equipment and expense for supplies. Additional resources for teaching biology are available at More Minds on Activities for Teaching Biology. Virtual Cell Animation Collection. SIMPLE MACHINES. Tug_of_War. Ideas for Teaching Chemistry.

Homemade Science Lab « The Kitchen Pantry Scientist. Homemade science kits are fantastic, inexpensive holiday or birthday gifts.

Homemade Science Lab « The Kitchen Pantry Scientist

In addition, they’re great places to store loose science items you might already have around the house, like magnets or magnifying glasses. I’ll list how much some of the ingredients/stuff cost me at Target. In a single shopping trip, it’s easy to fill a plastic bin with enough supplies to do a number of science experiments (with a few last-minute additions from around the kitchen, like dish soap and milk.) The other morning, I talked about making your own science kit on Kare11 Sunrise. Pair your kit up with KidScience app for iPhones and iPods, and watch your kid turn your kitchen table into a science lab!

I’ll list some “ingredients” for science kits and link directly to the experiments in blue (just click on the experiment name.) Safety goggles, petri dishes,magnets, plastic test tubes, eyedroppers, magnifying glasses, plastic beakers and graduated cylinders are great additions to any kit! Birds / Fishing. 10 Surprising Ancestral Origins Revealed by DNA Testing. How sure are you of your origins?

10 Surprising Ancestral Origins Revealed by DNA Testing

Here are 10 examples where DNA testing has thrown up some unexpected results. 1. African DNA found in Yorkshireman In 2007 the Daily Mail ran a report on John Revis, a Yorkshireman who was so blond and blue-eyed when he was younger that he thought he was directly descended from Viking or Anglo-Saxon stock. However, when his DNA was analysed as part of a wider study linking the male Y-chromosome to northern surnames, he was found to be haplogroup A1.

A1 is very rare and highly specific to west Africa. It is possible that John Revis descends directly from the north African clans that comprised a small part of the armies of Roman Britain from 43 – 410 AD, but the Roman occupation left only a tiny genetic footprint on the modern English population and it is thought more likely that the source of his African DNA is a slave from West Africa. DEEP BLUE HOME: PSYCHEDELIC DIATOMS. Diatom /ˈdaɪətɑːm/ From Greek diatomos = cut in two.


Named because they typically appear to be cut in half. Diatoms are microscopic algae composed of separate halves, with delicate siliceous cell walls. They're usually single-celled organisms, though some live colonially. Physics / Newton's 3 Laws, with a bicycle - Joshua Manley. Physics and Astronomy Reference.

Flying Circus of Physics Reports. Aussie Educator. Institute of Physics - For physics. Inclined Plane. Required understanding Changing the angle of the incline, theta Let's take a closer look at the angle of the incline, and how changing it effects the sizes and directions of the weight components.

Inclined Plane

In the demonstration below you can change the angle of the incline using the number adjuster labeled T. (T stands for 'theta'.) The incline and the vectors will be redrawn at the selected angle. Mr. Gortney's 8th Grade Science Class / Class Notes. 12-14 Activation Energy- the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction.

Mr. Gortney's 8th Grade Science Class / Class Notes

Similar to an avalanche, it takes a little bit of energy to start the avalanche. SILENT T - The Creative Portfolio of Margot Trudell. With this project I wanted to communicate to people what we've managed to accomplish in space exploration in simple terms; I found that many people don't know much about the subject because of how it's typically communicated, with scientific and technical jargon.

SILENT T - The Creative Portfolio of Margot Trudell

Through the use of infographics that simply and clearly illustrated a lot of information, people could easily take a brief look at one infographic and even without looking closer grasp that we've managed to send a lot of things and people to the moon for example, and looking closer they could see that China has plans for a manned lunar mission within the next few years, for example. This simple and easy to understand approach is meant to encourage people to look into the field more, and the OMG SPACE name is meant to encourage excitement about space exploration, especially amongst younger people. There is also a website associated with this project, OMG SPACE comes in two parts: infographics and a website. Some Fundamentals of Mineralogy and Geochemistry.

This website makes available some one-page explanations of fundamental ideas in mineralogy and geochemistry.

Some Fundamentals of Mineralogy and Geochemistry

The individual documents are designed as stand-alone explanations or illustrations, and they can be used as course handouts or as Powerpoint illustrations. Virtually all of the individual documents provided here involve graphic presentations or explanations of ideas that are intended to make concepts more accessible to students. The principle driving this work is that things are best understood when seen in their broadest possible context.

Visual Elements Periodic Table. SULAIR: Swain Library: General Guide: Toolbox. - National Science Digital Library. Weird, Rare Clouds and the Physics Behind Them. In August, we posted a photograph of some odd, rare clouds known as Morning Glory clouds without providing an explanation for how they form.

Weird, Rare Clouds and the Physics Behind Them

In response to reader interest, we followed up with meteorologist Roger Smith of the University of Munich, who has studied their formation. “Over the years we’ve developed a good understanding of them,” Smith said. “It’s no longer a mystery, but still very spectacular.” The Morning Glory phenomenon is the result of the particular configuration of the land and sea on the Cape York Peninsula, in a remote part of Australia. The peninsula tapers off from about 350 miles wide to 60 miles as it extends north between the Gulf of Carpentaria to the west and the Coral Sea to the east.

As moist sea air is lifted to the crest of the waves, it cools and condensation forms a cloud. Dan Russell's Acoustics and Vibration Animations. Today is Thursday, March 8, 2018. The contents (and links) on this page were last updated on February 18, 2014. I am in the process of attempting to bring all of the pages on this site into compliance with current HTML5, CSS3, and W3C Web Accessibility standards. The bullet symbols used in the lists below identify pages as (open circle) still needs to be updated (filled disc) updated to HTML5 and CSS3.

As far as I can tell most of the updated pages work correctly with Firefox v.41, Safari v8 (but NOT with Safari 9.0), Google Chrome v24, Maxthon 4, and Explorer v10. Biology Labs, Activities, Videos, and Study Guides About Cells (Photosynthesis, Mitosis, Cell Organelles, and More) Science news, comment and analysis.