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Lifting File Systems into the Linked Data Cloud with TripFS. BibTeX @MISC{Schandl_liftingfile, author = {Bernhard Schandl and Niko Popitsch}, title = {Lifting File Systems into the Linked Data Cloud with TripFS}, year = {}} Bookmark OpenURL Abstract A major fraction of digital information is stored in file systems.

Lifting File Systems into the Linked Data Cloud with TripFS

SPARQL 1.1 Query Language. This section defines the correct behavior for evaluation of graph patterns and solution modifiers, given a query string and an RDF dataset.

SPARQL 1.1 Query Language

It does not imply a SPARQL implementation must use the process defined here. The outcome of executing a SPARQL query is defined by a series of steps, starting from the SPARQL query as a string, turning that string into an abstract syntax form, then turning the abstract syntax into a SPARQL abstract query comprising operators from the SPARQL algebra. This abstract query is then evaluated on an RDF dataset. 18.2 Translation to the SPARQL Algebra. The D2RQ Platform – Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs.
