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Moroccan harira & chicken soup. Aegean Fish Stew Recipe. Creamy Tomato Soup. Black bean pumpkin soup. I know this sounds like the tiniest of triumphs in a world of people who have respectable accomplishments to be proud of, but nonetheless, it brings me great pleasure to announce that I have found a pumpkin soup that meets my approval. Yes, I know, who talks about pumpkin soup in November? It seems like strictly an October affair. Pumpkins crowd the markets, and the people gather round with an evil glint in their eyes, eager to carve them up and roast their innards, mwa-ha-ha. You can barely turn your head without finding another half dozen pumpkin recipes, and oh, I know, I’ve spread my share around. Alex and I bought three smallish pumpkins to carve this year, but the weeks leading up to Halloween were chaotic and we never got to them. Nonetheless, I have cups and cups of puree, and I decided it time to find a pumpkin soup I can actually get along with.

But this is about to change. Accompaniment: Elise’s brined and baked pumpkin seeds, which will be my new go-to recipe Yield: 9 cups. Lively Up Yourself Lentil Soup Recipe. I propose we kick off the year with one of my very favorite soup recipes from last. I eat lentil soup three, four, maybe five times a week (wish I was kidding), and come back to this lentil soup over and over for a few reasons. It's hearty yet healthy - which in my mind translates to a soup that is filling, tasty, adaptable, and also delivers plenty of good stuff to my body. I can get much of what I need from a meal nutritionally from just one bowl. It gives me energy without weighing me down, and delivers layer after layer of flavor. The tang of the tomatoes plays off the earthiness of the lentils, and the fragrant bolt of saffron yogurt brightens each bowl. I've been trying hard over the past six months to construct thoughtful, nutritionally balanced meals for myself.

Please feel free to think of this soup in broad strokes. Can the gluten-free-ers out there confirm that it's gluten-free? Serves 6 to 8. Print Recipe.