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Rosicrucianism. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel. Chapter XVI Future Development and Initiation The Seven Days of Creation The Rosicrucian speaks of the Earth Period as Mars-Mercury. The great creative Day of Manifestation is embodied in the names of the days of the week, for our week-days have been named after the evolutionary stages through which the virgin spirits pass in their pilgrimage through matter.

TheVulcan Period is the last Period of our scheme of evolution. The claim of astrologers that the days of the week are ruled by the particular planet for which they are named, is well-founded. Thursday, or "Thorsdag," is named for "Thor," the Norse god of thunder, and is called "Dies Jovis" by the Latins, after the thunder god, "Jove" or "Jupiter. " Friday is named for the Norse goddess of beauty, "Freya," and for similar reasons, the Latins call it "Dies Veneris," or Day of Venus. Occult science teaches that there are 777 incarnations, but that does not mean that the Earth undergoes 777 metamorphoses. Spirals within Spirals. Fractals - Rosicrucianism - 2012. I know most of you do not think fractals have anything to do with 2012 but I hope I can help you understand what it is exactly your trying to protect your Self from and why fractals are literally your answer.

Humanity at large is a multi-dimensional being. Meaning, there are highly dense beings and humans of a finer substance. The highly dense 2012 potential is one of destruction and utter chaos. One potential I do not Relate to, nor do I try and perceive what it might be like. A Scattering is occurring and will continue to occur as humanity is split into spatial planes and time continuum's of our choosing. Free-Will is the propellant or fuel of this Scattering, however the lowest density minds will Willfully find a hellish 2012 to suit their liking. There is Higher Potential plane of existence that is just as available to you as a low potential outcome.

The Centuries old Rose Cross is as multi-dimensional in it's meaning as you are. Yes, shape and design do matter. San Antonio, TX. Rosicrucian Kabbalah. The Real History of the Rosicrucians Index. Sacred Texts Sub Rosa Buy this Book at Contents Start Reading Page Index Text [Zipped] This is Arthur Edward Waite's study of the elusive Rosicrucians, a secret society of which the first public notice was in early 17th century Germany.

Was this an actual organization, or just a fantasy? Waite presents complete translations of all of the texts which defined the Rosicrucians, including the Fama Fraternitatis, the Confessio Fraternitatis, and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz. The Real History stands in stark contrast to Hargrave Jennings' The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries, which Waite (justifiably) criticizes throughout. All in all, this serves both as a survey of the literature about Rosicrucians and an invaluable anthology of that literature. Title PageAnalysis of ContentsPrefaceIntroductionChapter I. Chapter V. IntroductionThe First DayThe Second DayThe Third DayThe Fourth DayThe Fifth DayThe Sixth DayThe Seventh Day Chapter VI. Chapter XIII. In the Hands of Alchemy: Black Madonna. Alchemical Vessel / Ritual Art Piece by Marilyn Strong The image on the front of the piece when it is closed is a depiction of the Rose Cross taken from Summum bonum, by Robert Fludd, 1629.

Fludd was a Paracelsian physician and alchemist. The phrase in Latin says, "The rose gives honey to the bee. " What is stamped on the inside left panel when the piece is open is a stanza from one of my favorite Antonio Machado poems, called "Last Night as I Lay Sleeping:" Last night as I was sleeping, I dreamt-marvelous error! There is a secret compartment in the heart box on the right panel when the piece is open (on which is written "Mysterium Coniunctionis") that holds the ashes from a personal burning ritual. This piece was created in response to a painful experience that I have been invoking healing around for the past two years. I do not normally create physical art like this, but have found it's creation to be very healing. The Rose in Alchemy. The Rose in Alchemy The cross stands wound densely round with roses.

Who has put roses on the cross?... And from the middle springs a holy life Of threefold rays from a single point. — Goethe, Die Geheimnisse (1784-1786) In alchemy, the white and the red rose are well-known symbols for the lunar and the solar tincture, from which the "precious rose-coloured blood" of Christ-Lapis flows. And the Shehina, the brilliance of celestial wisdom on earth, is understood in the image of the rose, and "the collection of honey" stands for the common inheritance of theosophical knowledge. “Thus the whole parable of the Song of Solomon finally refers to the object of our rose-cross: 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the field'”

. — R. Alexander Roob, Alchemy & Mysticism Taschen, Köln, Germany, 1996, p. 690 Symbolism of the Rose A highly complex symbol; it is ambivalent as both heavenly perfection and earthly passion; the flower is both Time and Eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity.