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8 maneras efectivas de medir UX. Críticas de diseño: establecer algunas reglas básicas. Rule #1: Communicate the Ground Rules To set the right tone at the very outset of a feedback session, diplomatically, but authoritatively communicate the ground rules before delving into your presentation.

Críticas de diseño: establecer algunas reglas básicas

Dedicate the first slide of your presentation to spelling out the ground rules. They should be succinct, scannable, and easy to understand at a glance. You can be creative, visual, or even witty in presenting them. As shown in Figure 1, the first slide could potentially include the four R’s of critiqueground rules for providing feedback If any stakeholders are new to the team, the project is just kicking off, or this is a preliminary design-review session, you might want to quickly explain the ground rules. Rule #2: Set Expectations Early Before jumping into presenting wireframes or prototypes, set some expectations, as follows: Let people know when and how you want to receive feedback—for example, at the end of the session or as you go along. Rule #3: Recreate the Context In Conclusion.

El valor de los mapas de viaje del cliente: el viaje personal de un diseñador de UX. Effective Customer Journey Maps So what makes an effective customer journey map?

El valor de los mapas de viaje del cliente: el viaje personal de un diseñador de UX

What made me a believer? The best practices that follow can greatly improve your chances of delivering effective journey maps. Based on Real Research Journey maps succeed when they’re based on ethnographic research and contextual inquiry that allows researchers to experience a day in the life of a customer. Based on Behavior To breathe life into journey maps, you must base your personas on actual customer behavior and clearly communicate the core tasks that customers perform. Before our project with Boeing began, Boeing already had a set of detailed personas in place, which were based on job roles such as Crew Chief or Structural Engineer.

Not Always the Optimal Experience During the early stages of the project, the majority of Boeing stakeholders agreed that the company had room to improve on the customer experience, but most couldn’t articulate the extent of the issues. The Results. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevará tener un inicio exitoso? Launching a startup can happen really quickly.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevará tener un inicio exitoso?

Making it a real business — Now, that takes a lot of time. But how much time does it take to make a successful startup? I get asked this question a lot. The short answer is it takes at least 4 years just to get pointed toward a real business, and I’d argue it takes 7-10 years to make your startup truly the success that you had in mind when that idea came to you. Having been part of the journey of thousands of startup founders and having started lots of companies myself, I’ve noticed a very consistent pattern in how those formative years come together which I’d like to share with you. Growth Hacking Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide. Growth hacking is the buzzword for startups. Forget “pivoting” and “iterating.” It’s all about growth hacking. That’s the thing. It’s almost annoying for those who have heard about it thousands of times, and it’s confusing for those who don’t know what it is.

Growth hacking: Introducción y ejemplos. Helping teams unlock their company’s full growth potential through a combination of software, services and community. 6 métricas de marketing inútiles para evitar a toda costa. El número que necesitas para crecer. Reprint: R0312C Companies spend lots of time and money on complex tools to assess customer satisfaction. But they’re measuring the wrong thing. The best predictor of top-line growth can usually be captured in a single survey question: Would you... The CEOs in the room knew all about the power of loyalty. They had already transformed their companies into industry leaders, largely by building intensely loyal relationships with customers and employees. Now the chief executives—from Vanguard, Chick-fil-A, State Farm, and a half-dozen other leading companies—had gathered at a daylong forum to swap insights that would help them further enhance their loyalty efforts.

Taylor and his senior team had figured out a way to measure and manage customer loyalty without the complexity of traditional customer surveys. The survey was different in another important way. Enterprise’s approach surprised me, too. Loyalty and Growth Consequently, customer loyalty is about much more than repeat purchases. ¿Qué es el Growth Hacking? ¿Qué es el growth hacking? Uno de los términos más usados en el marketing online y en el mundo de las startups hoy en día es el de growth hacking.

¿Qué es el growth hacking?

Todavía no está muy asentado en España, pero en Estados Unidos ya se ha convertido en una profesión con una alta demanda y en un tema del que se habla a diario. Si todavía no sabes lo que es, estás perdiendo usuarios en tu startup y dejando de usar numerosas técnicas que harían aumentar notablemente el crecimiento de tu empresa. ¿Qué es el hacking de crecimiento? - La guía definitiva para hackear el crecimiento. Bienvenidos a Growth Hacking - Comunidad LATAM. Cómo implementar una estrategia de Growth Hacking. Growth Hacking: qué es y 7 técnicas para aplicar a tu negocio. Bit By Bit - Asking questions - 3.5.3 Gamification.

Gamification Standard surveys are boring for participants, but that can and must change.

Bit By Bit - Asking questions - 3.5.3 Gamification

So far, I’ve told you about new approaches to asking that are facilitated by computer-administered interviews. However, one downside of computer-administered interviews is that there is no human interviewer to help induce participation. This is a problem because surveys are both time-consuming and boring. Therefore, in the future, survey designers are going to have to design around their participants and make the process of answering questions more enjoyable and game-like.

Product Tactics for Getting Visitors – The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking. El hacking de crecimiento hecho simple: una guía paso a paso. Find Your Copy with Amazon Review Mining. You shouldn’t write copy. You shouldn’t look inside your head for the messages that will convince your prospects. You’re not your prospect. So how the hell could you know what they need to hear?

It’s vanity to think you could. Instead of writing your message, steal it. I’ve given that piece of copywriting advice about a million times – including here, here and here – but never explicitly on this ‘ere Copy Hackers blog, strangely. How Do You Find Your Message (And Stickier Copy) in the User Reviews on Amazon, TripAdvisor and Other Sites? First, here’s the idea. The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking. Growth Hacking Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide. Growth hacking is the buzzword for startups.

Growth Hacking Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

Forget “pivoting” and “iterating.” It’s all about growth hacking. That’s the thing. El hacking de crecimiento hecho simple: una guía paso a paso.