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Self-publishing. The Incident in The Car. Le Web Main Stage on USTREAM: The real time web is taking the wo. Danah boyd, danah boyd, Researcher at Microsoft Research New Eng. Fireside Chat with Gary Vaynerchuk, Host, Wine Library TV, Autho. Share photos on Twitter. Are any of these the Web's next big thing? Take-aways from LeWeb09. Spent two days at LeWeb09 in Paris and I thought a list of my thoughts would be a sufficient summary: 1.

Take-aways from LeWeb09

The mood was tired and downtrodden. People weren't necessarily in a bad mood but I've never heard more "I'm tired's" than I did this year. 2. Generally people were upbeat about the start-up industry. 2010 seemed to offer good prospects when listening to people talk about their plans. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Leweb, netzwerke, paris, show, social, soziale. Nach 2 intensiven Tagen an der LeWeb in Paris hier einige meiner Eindrücke in Form einer Best of Liste!

leweb, netzwerke, paris, show, social, soziale

Vorneweg, die ganze Konferenz war äusserst professionell. Im Gegensatz zur letztjährigen Pannenserie mit WiFi- und Heizproblemen konnte man sicher nichts bemängeln. Es gab genug zu Essen und es war warm genug. Best Emotions: La Poste, Avenue de Flandre, Paris Mein Besuch in der obengenannten Poststelle war Highlight und mein Aufsteller der 2 Tage. Eine Poststelle in der sich 3 Damen um meinen Einkauf von 12 Briefmarken kümmern und mir erst noch helfen meine Briefmarken zu kleben, dass muss man erst einmal finden.

Alle Vorträge, Interviews und Podiumsdiskussionen der LeWeb kann man bei kostenlos ansehen. Fazit: Loic LeMeur schafft es wirklich die GROSSEN aus den Staaten nach Europa zu holen. Im Endeffekt muss man wohl Loic mit Claude Nobs vergleichen der in etwa dasselbe mit seinem Jazz Festival in Montreux seit Jahren macht. Twitter creator reveals Square mobile-pay device. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, right, with LeWeb host Loic Le Meur, at the unveiling of "Square.

Twitter creator reveals Square mobile-pay device

" Small cellphone plug-in allows users to swipe and pay by credit card Dorsey: Financial crisis now gives us a clean slate to work with Twitter boss: Ninety percent of U.S. has credit cards, still difficult to accept them Dorsey says developers still working to ensure the device is fraud proof Paris, France (CNN) -- Twitter creator Jack Dorsey Wednesday gave the first public demonstration of his hotly-anticipated latest venture -- a device to allow credit card payments by cell phone -- and revealed it would be given away for free. Details of "Square" -- a card reader which plugs into the headphone socket of most mobile devices -- have been circulating on the Internet since it was announced earlier this month, but little has been known about how it works or who it was aimed at. Customers then use their finger on the phone's touch-recognition screen to sign their name to the transaction. LeWeb09 : un album. The cool and not-so-cool of LeWeb.

This week I traveled to Paris with a consortium of fellow bloggers, the Traveling Geeks.

The cool and not-so-cool of LeWeb

We’ve been meeting with tech companies and French entrepreneurs all week. The tour ended with attendance at LeWeb, a two day tech conference produced by tech entrepreneur and Seesmic founder, Loic Le Meur. Here’s my summary of the best and the worst of the event, plus I included some other stuff experienced from the Traveling Geeks tour and Paris in general. For a summary, make sure you watch my end of day show reports from LeWeb (day 1, day 2) and my other end of day report from the Traveling Geeks tour. Cool – Accordions, Accordions, Accordions – There are plenty of street performers in Paris. Not-so-cool – The first day, the conference wasn’t about real-time web – The theme of LeWeb was heavily advertised as being about real-time web. Cool/Not-so-cool – Moderators not agreeing with the topic – Andrew Keen, Author of Cult of the Amateur, led the panel entitled “Content vs. Leweb09.

Assimilation vs integration