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The Musical Time Machine. WW2Facts : The interior of the #Reichstag... PHOTO : Les 33 plus beaux lieux abandonnés dans le monde. 9 May 2014 Bien des endroits à travers la Terre ont, autrefois connu la civilisation. Si l’homme s’est emparé du monde, il a aussi abandonné des milliers de lieux qui recèlent bien des mystères à l’heure d’aujourd’hui.

Dame Nature ayant reprise ses droits, elle leur a donné une seconde vie. Ouvrez grands les yeux… 1. Le Christ des abysses à San Fruttuoso en Italie 2. Kolmanskop dans le désert de Namib 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. . + de news Evasion. Historical Disney Princesses by shoomlah on deviantART.


Duel féminin dénudé. Filosofighters. PHOTOS: Haunting Underwater Art Gallery. Renowned Austrian photographer Andreas Franke has transformed a sunken ship into his very own Rococo art gallery. Several of the artist’s haunting underwater photos are displayed over 100 feet under the sea inside the SS Stavronikita, a Greek freighter located off the coast of Barbados. "With my photographs of sunken shipwrecks, I want to pull the spectators into unreal and strange worlds.

Mystified scenes of the past play within a fictional space. Dream worlds you can get lost in or that you can identify with," Franke said in a written statement. "This creates a new and unexpected atmosphere. " The “Stavronikita Project” opened in December 2012 and is currently a popular tourist diving spot.

Franke's previous underwater exhibition, the "Vandenberg Project,” opened in the USS General Hoyt S. He claims his underwater works are open to multiple interpretations. MORE ON WEATHER.COM: The World's Most Unreal Places. Les albums de Céline E. Il y a 100 ans, les premières photos d’Halloween. Une collection de clichés anonymes dont les plus anciens datent de 1875. Le livre Haunted Air d’Ossian Brown préfacé par David Lynch datant de 2010 nous plonge dans l’ambiance des déguisements de la fête d’Halloween entre 1875 et 1955.

Certaines photographies font encore frémir. Joyeux Halloween à toutes & tous. Anonymous Halloween photographs from c.1875–1955. Truly haunting Americana, with a foreword by David Lynch The photographs in Haunted Air provide an extraordinary glimpse into the traditions of this macabre festival from ages past, and form an important document of photographic history. Pour commander ce livre : ou sur Amazon 23 euros.