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Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) - A Simple Source of DoD Acquisition Knowledge for the Aerospace Industry. Health Physics Instrumentation Museum Directory. The purpose of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Health Physics Historical Instrumentation Museum Collection is to chronicle the scientific and commercial history of radioactivity and radiation. It has been deemed the official repository for historical radiological instruments by the Health Physics Society, and the Society has been generous in its financial support for the purchase of items. The collection is the property of the not-for-profit ORAU Foundation, and it is located at the Professional Training Programs (PTP) training facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Unless noted otherwise, this website only features items actually in the collection. If you have any technical or historically-related questions about the collection, or if you are interested in making a donation, contact Dr. Radiation - Environment and Workplace Health. Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through material or space. Every day, Canadians come in contact with radiation in both their living and work environments. Radiation can be classified as ionizing or non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules.

The loss of an electron results in the formation of a charged atom, called an ion. The damaging effects of ionizing radiation result from this ability to change the chemical composition of matter with which it interacts. Radiation that has enough energy to move or vibrate atoms, but not enough to remove electrons, is called non-ionizing radiation. The Electromagnetic Spectrum Sources of naturally occurring radiation include radioactive material found in rocks and soils cosmic radiation ultraviolet radiation from the sun Radiation can also be generated by artificial sources, including Health Canada's Role: What Information is Available?

Radiation Measurement - Environmental and Workplace Health. Health Canada Home > Environmental & Workplace Health > Radiation Ionizing radiation is a part of Canada's environment. It can occur as electromagnetic rays (i.e., X-rays and gamma rays) or particles (i.e., alpha and beta particles) and originates from either natural (e.g. from the radioactive decay of natural radioactive substances such as radon gas and its decay products) or artificial sources. Health Canada has several measurement programs in place to protect the health of Canadians by continually monitoring radiation levels nationwide. Stay Connected with Health Canada's Social Media Tools! Mtt1. Cybernator - Cybernetic Feedback Device. The Cybernator A "scientifically designed device based on sound cybernetic feedback principles. " This ad for the "Cybernator" was plucked off a bulletin board on the campus of Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA in 1976 or 1977.

Over the years, it had been folded and has faded some, so a bit of effort was made to "clean up" this electronic reproduction. For your convenience, the text on the original ad has been reproduced below: Cybernator Cybernetic Communicator The Cybernator is a scientifically designed device based on sound cybernetic feedback principles.

It is intended for use by: Aspiring politicians Incumbent politicians Backseat drivers Classic in-laws Egomaniacs Lonely hearts Spiritualists Weird children Normal adults Supervisors Executives Weird adults Normal children Geniuses To order YOUR Cybernator send $7.95 plus $2.00 for postage and handling to:Cybernator, HOP.O. Suffice it to say, being several decades later, it is not likely that this offer is still valid. Five Available Harassment Technologies. There are five older technologies capable of extreme destruction of the ability to earn a living, and the quality of life of a target, listed below. None of these technologies require implants, and all can be transmitted silently, through walls, and leave no trace evidence.

Since few targets will aquire the correct detection equipment, destruction of a target's life even using these older technologies is a perfect crime under today's justice system. Today's justice system denies that any effective through wall harassment technologies exist, probably because they tacitly approve of the activities of the "anti crime" vigilante groups who sometimes use this equipment. Here is the list: A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house.

James P. O'Loughlin. Waveguide. Electric field inside an x-band hollow metal waveguide. A waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves or sound waves. There are different types of waveguides for each type of wave. The original and most common[1] meaning is a hollow conductive metal pipe used to carry high frequency radio waves, particularly microwaves. The geometry of a waveguide reflects its function. Some naturally occurring structures can also act as waveguides. Principle of operation[edit] Example of waveguides and a diplexer in an air traffic control radar History[edit] The first structure for guiding waves was proposed by J.

The study of dielectric waveguides (such as optical fibers, see below) began as early as the 1920s, by several people, most famous of which are Rayleigh, Sommerfeld and Debye.[5] Optical fiber began to receive special attention in the 1960s due to its importance to the communications industry. Uses[edit] Specific examples: A sketch of the theoretical analysis[edit] and. What are electromagnetic fields? Welcome to API Technologies | API Technologies. IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.