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Tutoriel : Consommer avec Google Maps un flux KML exposé par OGDI - Open Data France. Au cours de ce billet, nous allons voir comment nous pouvons simplement consommer un flux KML (Keyhole Markup Language) exposé par une instance du kit de démarrage OGDI (Open Government Data Initiative) et l’afficher sur une carte Google Maps cette fois-ci. Pour cela, nous reprenons le jeu de données utilisé avec le tutoriel Consommer le service de données OGDI avec jQuery et qui contient la liste des équipements publics de la ville de Bordeaux, tous géo-localisés. Cet ensemble de données provient du portail Open Data de la Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux (CUB) à partir duquel on peut télécharger des ensembles de données très diverses et dans des formats très variés.

Malheureusement, aucune API ne permet de consommer directement ces données. Pour remédier à cette situation, nous avons hébergé cet ensemble de données sur l’instance de test OGDI mise à disposition par Microsoft France dans le Cloud Windows Azure : Spatialreference. Online KML converter – batch geocoder | MapsData. Our free online converters let you batch geocode ZIP codes and UK postcodes, and we also offer a range of individual converters.

We developed the technologies behind these converters for our own products and decided to share them for others to use freely. Converter limits The Batch Converter is limited to 50,000 rows, and the KML converter approximately 32Mb. Batch Geocoder & Converter Geocode and Convert Spatial Data Convert to lat-lon by dragging and dropping your file. Convert US ZIP codes, British postal codes, as well as degrees minutes and seconds, UTM, MGRS and BNG into decimal latitude & longitude. KML Converter Convert your files to KML Convert Excel to KML, CSV to KML, SHP to KML, GPX to KML, KMZ to KML or DXF to KML by dragging and dropping your file. Drag and drop your file for quick KML conversion. Individual converters You can also use the drag and drop boxes below to geocode or convert your data.

To geocode or convert a single entry click here. Convert ZIP codes to lat-lon. Galdos KML Validator. Galdos KML Validator. Mapshaper. Shape Escape. Tool for Google Maps v3 (version 3) This application is also available with Large map. This is a drawing tool for polyline, polygon, polygon with holes, rectangle, circle, marker(icon), direction(route, path). This application uses the Google Maps API Version 3 (V3). It has all the features of Google Maps MyMaps and has direct access to the code for the shapes (overlays) you create. It should be a full-fledged alternative. You draw and create a map with the shapes you want. KML or Javascript code is presented in the textarea. Code will be presented in the textarea. The OpenStreetMap map type has been added to the Google Maps map types. The feature 'polygon with hole' ('donut') is built-in in V3. The V2 feature enableEditing now exists for V3.

If a coastline is part of the shape you want to create, you may use templates and build on themBuild Google maps polylines and polygons from templates If you need to learn how to use KML, this is where you start KML Other useful links: Free on-line GIS data format and coordinates converter. KML Viewer. Map Style Editor | MapStylr. Google Maps Mania. Map Icons Collection - 1000+ free & customizable icons for maps.

Snazzy Maps - Free Styles for Google Maps. Maps JavaScript API v3.